Chapter 25
Back At The Hotel...
Justin Comes Out The Shower In His Robe.
"Phew, That Shower Is Just What I Needed"
Justin Said.
"Yeahhh Yeah And All I Needed Was Some Confidence From My Father!"
Silas Said.
"Silas, You Couldn't Come With Me! It Could've Been Dangerous"
Justin Said.
"You Were Dressed As A Room Servant Dropping Off Cartoon Characters From DreamWorks.....Yeah VERYYYYY DANGEROUS"
Silas Rolled His Eyes.
Justin Looked Around.
"Where's The Trolls?"
"On The Balcony"
Silas Answered.
Justin Looked Over At The Balcony.
".....But Their Not On The Balcony"
On The Roof...
Sergei Ties Up The Trolls.
"There, Now Ya Can't Escape This Time"
Sergei Said.
"But This Makes No Sense! How Can You Be Here?! Me And My Brother Saw You.....Well....Disappear?"
Frond Said.
Sergei Nods.
"Very True, But I Came BACK! >:D"
Cooper Gasps.
Sergei Facepalms.
"No You Idiot! I Mean I Came Back IN Time"
"Ohhh So Your Past Sergei?"
Smidge Said.
Sergei Replied.
"But How?! And Why?"
Frond Said.
Sergei Smirks.
"Wellll It Was Like This..."
~~~~~~~Sergei's Explanation~~~~~~
Sergei Sits On His Throne.
The Anti-Trolls Cheer.
"The Trolls Are Gone! Branch Is Locked Up! WE RULE THE FOREST!"
Sergei Said.
The Anti-Trolls Say.
"And Unicorns Will Poop Glitter Dumplings! :D"
Mikey Grinned.
Sergei Pushed Mikey Away.
"No You Dimwit! They Poop Rainbows -.-"
"Ohhhhhh.....Rainbow Glitter Dumplings! 😁"
Mikey Corrected.
Sergei Facepalms.
Gigi And Drex Walk Up To Sergei.
"Master, Do You Wish Us To Destroy The Time Machine Wormhole?"
Gigi Asked.
Sergei Answered.
Drex Raised His Eyebrow.
"You Sure? Cause We Don't Really Need It"
"I Said No! Maybe I'll Use It For Modeling As A Muscle Flexer"
Sergei Said.
Gigi And Drex Shiver.
"That Sounds Unnecessarily Stupid! :D"
Mikey Smiled.
Bring Me The Machine!"
Sergei Demanded.
Gigi And Drex Bring Over The Time Machine.
Sergei Walks Up To It.
Sergei Thinks.
"What Are You Gonna Do?"
Gigi Asked.
"Dance In A Bikini While Chugging Dog Food? :D"
Mikey Said.
Drex Punched Mikey In The Face.
"No! I'm Gonna Check The Future"
Sergei Said.
"The Future? For What?"
Gigi Asked.
"To See How My Evil Empire Evolves In The Future! Drex, Set The Machine 12 Years In The Future"
Sergei Orders.
Drex Nods And Sets The Machine For 12 Years In The Future.
"I'll Be Back, Make Sure Mikey Doesn't Chew On My Crown Of Evil"
Sergei Said.
Sergei Hops In The Wormhole.
Gigi And Drex Turn Around To Mikey Eating Sergei's Crown.
Both Shout.
"Awe...But It Tastes Like Boob Milk :("
Mikey Frowns.
Sergei Lands In The Beach Of Miami.
Sergei Looked Around.
Sergei Said.
Sergei Then Noticed The Snackpack At The 'Beach Blanket Bean Go' Performance.
Cooeper Shouts.
"Cooper Shush!"
Smidge Said.
Sergei Blinked.
"B-But How Can They Still Be Here?! MY EMPIRE WAS SUPPOSED TO RULE!"
Sergei Then Realizes.
".......Oh 😡"
~~~End Of Sergei's Explanation~~~
Sergei Looks Back At The Snackpack.
"So Now That I Know My Evil Isn't Here In The Future, I Must Destroy This Timeline So That My Past Timeline Has Evil To Rule"
The Snackpack Blinks Confused.
DJ Said.
Sergei Groans.
They Finally Understood.
"Why Didn't You Just Say That?"
Legsly Said.
Sergei Stared.
"And How Are You Gonna Destroy Us?"
Biggie Asked.
"Glad You Asked. You See, I Hear You Trolls Have Or Grow Gems?"
Sergei Said.
The Twins Said.
"Yeahhhh It's Not Like We Grow Them When We Get Joyful HAHAHA!"
Guy Laughs.
"It's Exactly What We Do! HAHA"
Cooper Exposed.
"COOPER! -.-"
Everyone Glared.
Frond Scoffs.
"Pff- So What?"
"Sooo Imma Eat Your Gems"
Sergei Said.
They Say.
"You Sick Prick"
Legsly Said.
"Actually, It's A Quite Full Proof Plan...You See..."
Sergei Starts Explaining.
Step 1: Travel To The Future
Step 2: Capture The Trolls
Step 3: Steal Their Gems
Step 4: Eat/Absorb Their Gems And Grow Huge
Step 5: As A Giant, Destroy The Future
Step 6: Retrieve Back To My Timeline And Let Evil Roam Free!
Frond Glared.
"You Evil Evil Little Elf -.-"
"All This Just Because Your Office Supplies Movie Wasn't Successful"
Smidge Said.
Sergei Said.
"Would It Thoooo...I Mean The Emoji Movie Would've Done Better....And That's REALLLY Saying Something"
DJ Said.
"HUSH! Time To Execute My Genius Plan!"
Sergei Said.
"We Have To Feel Joy To Grow Jems, And We'll Never Be Joyful For You!"
Guy Said.
"Veryyyyy True, Which Is Why I Have THIS!"
Sergei Held Up A Speedo.
The Trolls Blink.
".....your gonna lap dance in that?"
Satin Asked.
Sergei Looked At The Speedo.
"Ugh, I Meant THIS!"
Sergei Held Up A Tablet.
"Are We Supposed To Know What That Is?"
Frond Said.
"It's A Tablet! And It's Gonna Display The Most Greatest Thing To A Troll! And If There's One Thing I Know....Trolls LOVEEEE RAINBOWS!"
Sergei Turned The Tablet On.
The Tablet Showed A Rainbow.
The Trolls Instantly Felt Joy.
"🌈 Oh My God! RAINBOWS!!!🌈"
Frond Squeals.
Legsly Grinned.
Smidge Shouted.
Dinkles Meeped.
The Trolls Grew Out Their Gems.
Sergei Collected Them All.
"Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, And Thank You"
The Tablet Shuts Off.
"Dangit .___."
Frond Said.
Sergei Examined The Gems.
"You Can't Eat Those! Their Rock Solid!"
Biggie Said.
"Very True"
Sergei Nodded.
Sergei Took Out A Random Blender.
"Where Did You Get That?"
Chenille Asked.
Sergei Shrugs.
"I Don't Know, Ebay?"
Sergei Pours Water In The Blender And Dumps All The Gems In The Blender.
And Starts Mashing The Gems Together Making A Rainbow Drink.
"Time For Destruction"
Sergei Smirked.
The Trolls Yell.
Sergei Drinks The Gem Drink.
And Finishes.
"Okay, That Actually Tasted Sweet"
Sergei Put Down The Cup.
Sergei's Arm Suddenly Grew Large.
Sergei Said.
Then His Leg Grew Large.
And So Did His Other Arm And Leg.
Soon Later, Sergei Grew Huge, Like Godzilla.
Frond Gasps.
DJ Continues.
Guy Continues.
"Monkey Milk-"
Cooper Finished.
Sergei Evily Cackled.
The Timberlakes Looked Out Their Window.
Justin Said.
"Enjoy The Show Trolls!"
Sergei Told Me.
They Shout.
Sergei Stomped Around Miami.
The People Scream And Run.
Sergei Yelled.
Poppy, Branch And Twig Stop Their Hug And Look Up.
"What In The World?!"
Poppy Said.
Branch Looked Closely.
"Is That The Mean Guy Who Tried To Get Rid Of You?"
Twig Asked.
"Yeah! How Can He Be Back Branch?! You And Frond Got Rid Of Him Years Ago!"
Poppy Said.
"We Did! That Must Be Sergei From That Past!"
Branch Said.
Sergei Started Wrecking Parks And Scaring People.
Poppy Turned To Branch.
"Branch- We Know What We Have To Do"
Branch Nods.
Both Shout.
The Two Did Their Hairball Motion.
Twig Was Amazed.
Both Shoot The Hairballs At Sergei.
Sergei Turned Around And Spotted Them.
"Well Lookie Lookie Here, You Two Again! And Little Boyyyy. This Will Be Fun >:)"
Sergei Grinned Evily.
Sergei Formed A Fist.
Poppy Yelled.
Sergei Slammed His Fist On The Ground Where The Three Were.
Before Sergei Did, The 3 Ran Behind A Fire Hydrant.
"Okay Clearly Our Hairjitzu Won't Be Enough For Him"
Branch Said.
"What Do We Do?!"
Twig Said.
💡 Ding!💡
Poppy Got An Idea.
"Branch, Give Me Your Wormhole Zapper"
Poppy Said.
"What?! But It's Destroyed! I Told You"
Branch Replied.
"I Know You Have A Backup -.-"
Poppy Glared.
Branch Laughed.
Twig And Poppy Yelled.
"FINE Fine!"
Branch Took Out The Wormhole Zapper Backup.
Poppy Boops Branch.
Branch Giggled.
Poppy Turned It On.
The Wormhole Zapper Shot Out A Mini Wormhole.
"Mom, What Are You Doing?!"
Twig Asked.
"We Can't Stop Sergei With Just Our Hairjitzu, We Need More Help!"
Poppy Replied.
"But Poppy!"
Branch Said.
Poppy Turned To Him.
"If We're Gonna Stop Him Branch.....We Need Warriors!"
Poppy Jumped In The Wormhole.
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