🦄 Chapter 10 🐈
I'm pretty sure you all are making theories about that cliffhanger, huh? Well, I hope this answers your questions
There was silence in the room. Everybody was staring with disbelief. The silence lasts for another minute until...
Uni: WHY am I pink?
And just like that, Lilac and Aika started freaking out as well
Lilac: WHAT HAPPEN TO US!!!???
Yup, it was total chaos
Uni was about to panic, but she remembered something, or rather maybe someone, who might know the answer
Eventually, Lilac and Aika stopped freaking out and, along with the others, looked towards Dahlia
Dahlia: *lifted her eyes from the book she's reading* Hm?
Uni: *shows her pink hand* Is this supposed to happen? 🤨
Dahlia: Well... *flies down* Sometimes. Red diamonds have another power
Uni: Besides sucking up my talents, my colors, and my voice?
Dahlia: M-hm. When it shatters, it can reveal family secrets. Now, assuming the fact that you girls have pink skin, it can only mean 1 thing: the 5 of you are sisters
Uni: Sisters!?
Lilac, Aika, Viva, and Poppy: SAY WHAT!?
Brozone: 😱😱😱😱😱
Poppy: YAYYYY *hugs Uni*
Uni: WOOHOO YEAH! *returns Poppy's hug*
Lilac: YIPPEEEEE *starts jumping like crazy until her blue ribbon falls off her hair*
Aika: YAAAAAAAS!!! *getting hyper*
The girls started screaming, jumping, and running around, happy and excited to discover that they're sisters
While Brozone...
They're still shocked and a little confused that the girls quickly hit it off
But Aika, who has a question stuck inside her head, stopped running
Aika: Wait, why were we separated?
Viva: Well, Poppy and I got separated because of the Bergen attack, but I don't remember the 3 of you there 🤔
Lilac: *putting back her ribbon* What's a Bergen?
Poppy: You don't know what a Bergen is?
Uni: Uhh... no
Dahlia: Well, want me to tell you the whole story?
The girls: Yes, please 🤩🙏🤩🙏🤩🙏🤩🙏🤩🙏
Dahlia: Okay, it started 23 years ago. *points at Poppy* and you're not born yet
Poppy: Oh, okay...
Dahlia: That time, your parents had a big fight and decided to get a divorce. But, they didn't tell any of you, *points at Lilac and Aika* not even you 2, even though you're the oldest and the ones that will probably understand the most
Viva: Then what?
Dahlia: Your mother made an excuse to leave by saying that she had to go abroad for work. *points at Viva* leaving you and your unborn sister. But, they did more than that
Aika: Really?
Lilac: What did they do?
Dahlia: Well... *whispers into their ears*
The girls: 😱😱😱😱😱
Dahlia: Right after, your mom changed your skin and hair colors
Uni: Why?
Dahlia: So that... *whispers again*
The girls: WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!???
Branch: Uh, I hate to interrupt, but you do remember that we're in here as well, right?
Floyd: Yeah, why the whispers?
Lilac: Fine, so technically, our parents... *whispers to the boys*
Brozone: THEY WHAT!? 😱😱😱😱😱
Lilac: Yes, they did. Unfortunately...
JD: Hey, wait a minute, don't you think that's a bit mean? 😠
Bruce: Uh-huh, that's so not good! 😠
Clay: *slammed his hand* Yeah, you girls deserve to know the truth, and what your parents did was not good at all! 😠
Poppy: Ugh, I always knew that dad would be hiding MORE secrets from me. First, the other tribes, and then about Viva, AND NOW THIS!? 😠
Viva: I know, right? What's their deal anyway? 😠
Aika: King and Queen of Secrets, those two 😠
Uni: So unbelievable! 😠
Lilac: LITERALLY!!! 😠
Unfortunately, the discovery didn't last long because...
???: Well, well, well...
Poppy and Branch gasped, recognizing the voice. They turn around and find the 1 person they wish to never see again
Poppy and Branch: CREEK!? 😱😱
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