🦄 Chapter 1 🐈
~6 months after the events of TBT~
The Brozone Bros were chilling in Branch's bunker. They're waiting for Branch to come back
John Dory and Clay are reading books. Bruce is looking in the mirror, admiring his beauty (as usual 😒)
And Floyd?
He's calling his girlfriend
Floyd: *talking on the phone* Don't worry, I'm coming home tomorrow. Aww, I miss you too, sweetie. I can't wait to hug you and give you butterfly kisses when I get there
Clay: *whispers to JD* Hey, look at Floyd. He's being all lovey-dovey
JD: Yeah, he's talking to his girl
Bruce: Guys, take this as a reminder that love is very beautiful 💕
JD: *sighs* All my little bros had their soulmates, and here I am, still single 😔
Clay: *puts his hand on JD's shoulder* Don't worry, bro, you'll find love one day
Bruce: Yeah, love will find you
Suddenly, the sound of the elevator was heard. In a few minutes, the elevator reached the ground, with Branch, Poppy, and Viva on it
Branch: Hey guys
Viva: CLAYYYYYY 😄 *runs to Clay, grabs his book, threw it away, and gives him a big hug*
Clay: Oof– Hey, my book!
Poppy: *noticed Floyd and walked up to him* Floyd?
Floyd: *startled* W-Wha–!? Oh, hey, you three
Branch: Uh, you okay, bro? 🤨
Clay: Hey Flo, you said you would go home tomorrow. Go home where? This IS your home
Floyd: Power Village
JD: What?
Floyd: It's where I grew up after leaving Brozone 20 years ago
Bruce: Oohh, what's that place like?
Floyd: Amazing, filled with extraordinary things. And my extraordinary love 💘💘💘
Viva: Aww, you love your girl so much, huh?
Floyd: Of course. Uni is everything I ever wanted in a woman. Kindness, sweetness, a big heart, deep empathy towards others, and most importantly, she's so feisty that she can protect me from bad guys. She's not just my girlfriend, but she's also my guardian angel...
Floyd kind of zoned out for a bit when he imagined his "lovely girl"
Poppy: Aww, I wanna meet her
JD: Me too. I'm sure she's amazing
Branch: Can we meet her? Please? 🥺🙏
Everybody: Please, Floyd? 🥺🙏🥺🙏🥺🙏🥺🙏🥺🙏
Seeing 6 pairs of cutie eyes looking at him, Floyd couldn't say no
Floyd: Okay. I'll tell Uni that you guys are coming, too
JD, Bruce, Clay, Branch, Poppy, and Viva: YAYYYY!!! 😄😄😄😄😄😄
A few minutes later...
Poppy: So Floyd, can we come?
Floyd: Oh, Uni just replied to me. See it yourselves
Floyd gave his phone to Branch and the others, who looked at his chat with Uni
Brozone (except Floyd): WE CAN GO!!!??? YEAHHHHH 😆😆😆😆
Poppy and Viva: YAYYYY 😆😆
Floyd: Okay, hold the excitement. We got packing to do
Bruce: Huh? Why are we packing?
Floyd: Cause I promised Uni that I'll be there for a few weeks
Branch: What are we waiting for? LET'S PACK!!!
Everybody: YEAH!!!
Floyd: *thinking* Just wait, Uni. You're gonna love the 6 of them
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