Back together
Meanwhile Boom and his friends were looking around the Danceverse
Bush: wow Bailey would like it here
Florian: the to be the fair she the looks up the up to the you Bush
Bush: true
Trunk: doesn't it feel weird that we're humans here guys
Dario: I dunno 🤷♂️
Boom: you'll get used to it
Moss: yeah I don't care what form we're in as long as we can have a adventure together nothing can stop us
Then someone grabs Moss
Bush, Dario and Florian: 😱😱😱
Trunk: Moss: 😱
Bush: come on guys thank goodness I still have my keen sight in this world
Then they headed off to save Moss
With Moss
Moss: what the hell are you doing jerk
Guy: I'm sorry for this
Moss: so what do you want from me 🙄
Guy: wait how did you
Moss: this isn't my first time being kidnapped just no even if I brought my treasure into this world you're not having it
Guy: well I'm Rasputin and I actually wanted to ask for some advice
Moss: well I'm Moss and you probably could have just talked to me like a normal person instead of kidnapping me
Rasputin: my bad I haven't been thinking rationally lately
Then they see the rest of the Flower Guard
Trunk: let our friend go
Florian: the yeah 😠
Moss: I'm fine guys
Boom: I figured you'd be able to fight him
Moss: no there was no fighting required
Dario: huh 🤨
Rasputin: hey guys
Florian: the who are the you
Rasputin: 🤨
Moss: that's how my friend Florian talks
Trunk: what do you want
Rasputin: I was hoping to get some relationship advice
Florian: the why
Rasputin: it's about Brie my ex fiancée
Bush: what went wrong
Rasputin: well I was having my bachelor party when I heard about a bunch of people being kidnapped by Lydia
Dario: uh who's Lydia
Boom: she was a woman who tried to take over the Danceverse along with taking over our world
Rasputin: you guys are from another world
Dario: yep in our world almost everyone is a troll
Rasputin: ok anyway and I decided to help in a rescue mission to save all of them and I lost track of time and when I got to the wedding nobody was there then I saw Brie was furious and she said that we were done
Dario: did you tell her what happened
Rasputin: I tried but she was furious
Trunk: and had you tried after she calmed down
Rasputin: no
Boom: well we're near a phone
Then Rasputin went and called Brie
Later they went to where Brie was and the two ended up getting married and invited both groups to attend
Boom: wait Rose, Lexie
Lexie: hey cuz
Trunk: what are you guys doing here
Bluebell: it's a long story
Moss: Blu 😧
Bluebell: hey Mossy
Moss: you look really beautiful
Moss and Bluebell kiss while Bush and Primrose kiss and both groups enjoy the day before returning home
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