300 years later
On Halloween in the year 1993 in a history class a teacher was telling the story of the witches
Mrs.Jack: that night the witches were hanged by the Salem Folk and it's said that on Halloween night a black cat still guards the old house warning off any who might make the witches come back to life *throws a fake snake at a student*
Girl: 😱
Students: 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
John Dory: give me a break 🙄
Mrs. Jack: it seems we have a skeptic in our mist Mr. Wells can you share us your laidback Californian point of view
John Dory: ok granted you guys here in Salem are into these black cats and witches and stuff but everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies
Mrs. Jack: 😧
John Dory: it's a conspiracy
Skylar: it just happens that Halloween was based on the ancient fest known as All Hallows Eve and it's the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to earth
Classmates: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Mrs. Jack: well said Skylar
John Dory: 🙄
Later John Dory sees Isla a girl he has a crush on and the younger sister of Skylar
John Dory: 😍
Random boy: fat chance
Later he tries to talk to Isla only to be turned down
Spruce: so she rejected you
John Dory: yes the only one who makes me feel glad about moving with grandma
Spruce: we can call Jade and see how she and the others are doing back home with Dew
John Dory: I'm going to try and take a shortcut wanna come
Spruce: no thanks
John Dory: ok your loss
Then John Dory finds a shortcut by a old graveyard where he encounters a pair of bullies who steal his shoes
Rosiepuff: hey John Dory how was school today
John Dory: I want to be alone
Rosiepuff: *thinking* where are his shoes
John Dory then heads to his room and decides to think about Isla
John Dory: oh Isla 🥰
Clay, Floyd and Branch: *pop out of the closet* BOO 😄😄😄
John Dory: what the 😨
Clay: 😆 I scared you I scared you 😆
Branch: 😄
John Dory: come on grandma told you three to stay out of my room 😠
Clay: don't be such a crab guess what you and Spruce are taking us out trick or treating
John Dory: no we're not in the mood
Clay: but Grandma told us you have to
John Dory: then why doesn't she take you guys
Clay: grandma is already taking Gadget and Coal out before playing cards with her friends
Floyd: and aunt Gemma and uncle Jet are going to a party in town hall
John Dory: well you're 8 and Clay's 11 so go by yourself
Clay: no way 😠
Floyd: one of us could get lost
Clay: plus it's a full moon what if we encounter weirdos
Floyd: please JD
Branch: pretty please 🥺
Clay: yeah can you forget about being a teenager once
Floyd: please we used to have fun it will be like old times
John Dory: the old days are dead
Clay: you're taking us 😠
John Dory: wanna bet 😠 *goes to another part of his room
Clay: ok fine we are going to have to use our secret weapon
And Rosiepuff told John Dory and Spruce to take their younger brothers plus Prism out trick or treating whether they like it or not and that they will be grounded for a couple weeks if they refuse
John Dory and Spruce: 😒😒
Clay, Floyd and Branch: *happily in their costumes* 😄😄😄
Jet: Prism you promise to be good for your cousin
Prism: yes daddy 😄
Gemma: Gadget, Coal I want you two to be good for grandma ok
Gadget and Coal: ok mommy 😄😄
(Gadget and Coal are three years old)
Gemma: thanks for giving the kids this chance mom
Rosiepuff: it's no problem Gemma
Jet: what are you supposed to be JD
JD: a street person 😒
And later the kids left to go trick or treating
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