When Clay left he went to a golf course that was not far from Dorian's house and when he is there he experiences a few flashbacks of his dad before he left
Flashback 1
A egg hatches to reveal a baby troll boy with light blue skin, yellow hair and blue eyes
Lapis: hello there little baby I am your mother and the troll next to me is your father who is going to give you your name 🥹
Dorian: hello I am your father and I think I am going to name you Clay and there are a couple of trolls your mother and I want you to meet
Then a six year old boy with teal hair and a three year old boy with purple hair enters the room
Dorian: Clay these are your big brothers John Dory and Spruce
Spruce(age three): 🤨 what is that
Dorian: boys this is your new baby brother Clay
John Dory(age six): hi Clay I am your bigger brother and I can't wait for the three of us to play together and sing songs and I am going to teach you everything
The newly born Clay giggles at John Dory
Spruce(age three): mommy I want to hold him
Lapis: ok Spruce, Dorian can you please help him out with holding Clay
Dorian then takes Spruce to the couch with Clay and he sits Spruce on the couch and places Clay into his arms
Dorian: ok Spruce make sure you support his head
Then he sits down with Spruce while Lapis and John Dory join them and grandma Rosiepuff takes a picture of the whole family
Flashback 2
John Dory, Spruce and Clay were playing tag around the pod until the one year old Clay trips and scraps his knee and starts to cry and while Lapis was scolding John Dory and Spruce , Dorian goes to comfort Clay
Dorian: Clay *starts to sing*🎵you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey and let me tell you that you are my sunshine and please don't take your sunshine away 🎵
Clay stops crying and looks up to his dad
Clay(age one): I love you daddy
Dorian: I love you too Clay
The two went to have a hug
Flashback three
The family has recently been making adjustments in the pod in preparation for the arrival of the new baby and Dorian notices Clay was very grumpy
Dorian: Clay what's wrong
Clay(age three): I don't want a baby brother 😠 *he glares at the blue and magenta egg*
Dorian: why don't you want a baby brother Clay
Clay(age three): because you and mommy are going to love the new baby more than me when he hatches
Dorian: you know Clay that was how your brother Spruce was when you were a egg
Clay(age three): no way me and Spruce are best friends
Dorian: yes way and do you want to know what I told Spruce
Clay(age three): what
Dorian: I told him that even when the baby comes I will still love him and JD and will tell you this too Clay that me and your mother will always love you and your brothers even when the baby comes
Then Clay grabbed the egg and he hugged his dad and the egg
In the present day Clay looks back on those memories and pulls out a picture from his hair of the day of Branch's egg shower a month before his mom died and he starts regretting his outburst and while he was crying wishing for his father's comfort a mysterious troll knocked him unconscious and took him away dropping the picture in the process
Meanwhile Poppy and Viva had just fallen into the dining room Branch immediately runs to Poppy to make sure she was alright and she calms him down with a kiss on the cheek
Branch: Poppy what are you and Viva doing here
Poppy: we saw Waldo abduct you, Bruce and Floyd and we were just trying to rescue you but what is going on and why am I seeing two Floyds *points to Dorian*
Branch: oh Poppy this is my dad, his wife Amethyst and my little sister Pearl
Dorian: so your Poppy Branch has told me about you and I am excited to have you as a future daughter in law
Viva: I normally don't like to interrupt introductions but where is Clay
Dorian: it's my fault I was trying to hard to have a second chance with my sons that I neglected to think about who you guys are now and worse of all I didn't even acknowledge about how much my absence has harmed Clay I need to find him so I can apologize
Viva: does this place have a golf course
Pearl: yes there is only one golf course here I hang out there with my friend Clove why do you ask
Viva: because I think I have a idea of where Clay ran off too
And soon everybody hopped into Rhonda to make there way to find Clay but little do they know Striker abducted him
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