Princess Viva
Trickee: I can't believe it you're alive 😨
Boom: are you a ghost
Viva: no I'm very much alive
Poppy: I'm so happy to see you again Veevs
Trickee: how did you end up here
Boom: and how come you never came back to the kingdom to marry Prince Sync
Viva: well it all started when Poppy and Peppermint hatched and dad threw a grand celebration
20 years ago
The kingdom celebrated the birth of Princess Poppy and Prince Peppermint
Viva: they look so cute 🥰
Maple Leaf: I know right 🥰
Trent: I can't wait to play with them
Poppy and Peppermint: 😄😄
Viva: during the celebration a king and queen were interested in making an alliance so they decided that the best way to do that was if I married their elder son and I only met him a week later
Maple Leaf: I heard there's a visitor coming
Viva: do you know who it is
Maple Leaf: no but I really hope it's Prince Cloud
Viva: why
Maple Leaf: he's very sweet and I think he's kinda cute 🥰
Viva: aww 🥰
King Peppy: there you are Viva the visitor came to see you
Viva: ok
Then Viva entered the throne room and greeted the king and queen who had also brought along a boy who was about 4 years older than Viva
Snobby king: this is our son Prince Desync
Viva: what's going on dad
King Peppy: Prince Desync is going to be your future husband 😄
Viva: what 😨 but I'm too young to marry and I don't know him
King Peppy: you'll marry him after your 21st birthday and I'm sure you'll like him by then
Trickee: is it awful to say that he deserved to be killed by that dragon
Clay: actually it's not he had it coming
Boom: so it freed you from the engagement
Viva: well after Desync's death his parents told my dad that they had a backup plan in the form of their younger son Sync but he didn't want this wedding as much as me so I left
5 years ago
Viva: I wish there was a way for me to get away from being forced to marry Sync
Then Viva heard a critter in pain and when she went to see the critter she saw a blue dragon with a mix of yellow and green scales
Viva: 😨
Dragon: 😣
Viva: what is hurting you
Dragon: *lifts his front foot* 🥺
Viva: there's a thorn in your foot
Dragon: *nods* 🥺
Viva: let me help you *pulls out the thorn*
Dragon: 😣
Viva: does it feel better
Dragon: 😄 *licks Viva*
Viva: I'm glad you're better
Dragon: *enters his troll form* thank you
Viva: 😧
Troll: I don't mean you any harm I'm Clay
Viva: I'm Princess Viva
Clay: that's a pretty name
Viva: thank you 😊 are you always this charming or I'm I just lucky
Clay: maybe both
Viva: can you take me to your home
Clay: what about your kingdom
Viva: no I don't want to end up in a loveless marriage
Clay: ok Viva
Then Clay went into his dragon form and took Viva to the village
Viva: and I had lived here ever since
Boom: wow
Trickee: I can't believe that happened
Poppy: there's so much you missed out on
Then after breakfast Poppy went with Viva and told about what happened and how she got here
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