Question #7: Movies & TV Shows
John Dory: Oooooo, somebody's got a lover!!
Floyd: What? Who?
Clay & Bruce: *gives each other looks and grins*
Branch: It's for you, Floyd.
Floyd: Me?
John Dory: Yeah, somebody here is a Floyd fan!
Floyd: Can I read it?
Bruce: Go on!
Floyd: Oh! *blushes* Yeah, this person must be a fan of me. It's from MaryGipson5.
Branch: READ IT!!
John Dory, Clay, Bruce, Branch: Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Floyd: *blushes* Awww, thank youuu!
Bruce: Oh, do you just LOVE getting fan mail?
Clay: You know I do.
Floyd: *smiles real hard* I can't stop smiling. This is so nice.
Branch: Awww, you really made him smile.
John Dory: Aww, you have a very nice smile, bro.
Floyd: Thanks. Now I can't stop.
Clay: Really?
Floyd: Yeah, this is kind of starting to hurt.
Branch: Well, let's go on and answer the question. Favorite movie, bros?
Clay: Uhhhhhh....
John Dory: Ooo, ooo! I LOVE Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark!
Bruce: Oooo, never seen that one.
John Dory: WHAAAAT!?! You guys got to see that one.
Floyd: That sounds cool. I would like to see it.
John Dory: Literally, that movie inspired me to start exploring when I was a kid.
Clay: Wait, you watched that movie when you were a kid?
John Dory: Yeah...seen it at age 10, and then throughout my teen years.
Branch: Oh yeah, I remember a bit about when you talk about that.
Bruce: Oh. For a moment I thought you were talking about Minnesota Cuke.
Clay: Minnesota who?
Bruce: Bros. You don't remember Minnesota Cuke?
Clay: No.
Branch: Not me.
Floyd: Is that Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales?
Bruce: Exactly!
Clay & Branch: Ooooohhhhh!!!
John Dory: You know that they used Indiana Jones as a reference for that.
Bruce: Do you guys remember the game?
Floyd: Oh, yeah. We used to play that game a lot.
Bruce: And John Dory always hogged the computer.
John Dory: No, I don't!
Bruce: Yes, you do.
John Dory: I DON'T!!
Bruce: YES, YOU DO!!
Clay: What's the game called?
John Dory: Minnesota Cuke and the......Coconut Apes?
Bruce: Yeah, that one!
John Dory: You know what? I'm going to look up the game. We got to see a video.
Clay: Ooo, I want to see.
Floyd: Umm, guys, should we...
Bruce: Oh my gosh, you found it.
John Dory: I wonder if our fans know this game. Any of you guys?
Bruce: Or, at least the VeggieTales show Minnesota Cuke and the Search of Samson's Hairbrush. I We grew up watching that one. My kids even know that one too.
Clay: Yup, Bruce has spent so many years with his kids.
Branch: *sighs*
Branch: I'm sorry, everyone. We had a little detour and ended up watching 20 minutes of this game!!!
John Dory: What? It was funny!
Bruce: Ah, come on, bro, it was only a few minutes.
Clay: Actually 20 minutes.
Floyd: So, can we go back to the question now?
Bruce: Good idea.
Floyd: My favorite movie is...ummm.....well...
Bruce: Mine is The Incredibles. I just love a family of superheroes. I wish I had powers.
Branch: What kind of superpower.
Bruce: The ability to control water.
John Dory: Whaaaat!?! I thought you want like....long hair.
Bruce: Eh. I like to have the ability to move water with my hands.
Floyd: Like Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Bruce: Yeah.
John Dory: Ooo, and Moana.
Bruce: Moana doesn't have that power, but that would've been cool though.
John Dory: Aww, man.
Bruce: Wait...I like Moana though...yeah, Moana is my fave.
Clay: Ooo, I know my favorite movie! Mine is Sonic the Hedgehog 3!
Branch: Oh, that's a good movie.
John Dory: Oh my gosh, when we seen it at the movies, that was epic.
Floyd: I love Shadow and Maria.
Clay: Man, why did it go that way?
Branch: BROS! We got to be careful. No spoilers.
Clay: Oh, right.
Floyd: My favorite movie is Inside Out.
Bruce: Aww, that's a nice movie.
Branch: I also like that movie, but my favorite one is Kung Fu Panda 2.
Floyd: Awwww, man. I like that one.
John Dory: Aww, man, wow! I love the 2nd one for some reason.
Bruce: We grew up watching that one a lot.
Clay: I so love that movie.
Branch: Okay, guys, favorite show.
Bruce: Family Feud. I LOVE laughing at the host.
Branch: We watch that one a lot.
Floyd: I like Bluey.
Bruce: Awwww, I love that show.
John Dory: Bandit is my favorite character.
Clay: Same.
Branch: I like Avatar: The Last Airbender the 2005 original series.
Clay: Wheel of Fortune is my favorite.
John Dory: You're sooo old!
Clay: Not true. I just love that show.
Bruce: Yeah. Me and my wife watched it sometimes.
John Dory: Oh.
Floyd: What show is your favorite, John?
John Dory: Hmmmm....Avatar: The Last Airbender, the 2005 series. Like what Branch said.
Branch: Yeah, that's a good one.
Bruce: Aww, man, I forgot that I also like Dance Moms and Supernanny.
Floyd: Wait, you watch Dance Moms?
Bruce: With my wife. It's filled with drama, especially when it comes to the Moms. You guys should watch one.
Floyd: Maybe we can watch it after this.
Clay: Good idea.
John Dory: Drama, huh?
Branch: Ummmm....okay, sounds good.
Floyd: Well, I hope that answers your question MaryGipson5!! Thanks for the question!
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