A/N: One that I wanted to write... I can only imagine how Trolls who were trained their whole life to protect themselves from Bergens would react when these two barge into their town uninvited XD
Bridget and Gristle uttered the word at the same time, in awe of the spooky-looking neon sign that flashed before them.
"'Hole N' Fun Mini-Golf,'" Gristle read out loud. "Huh. That's strange. I didn't see this on the map." He peered down at the brochure that was in his hands, "But I guess we can see if it's open."
Bridget agreed, and climbed off the motorcycle she'd been driving them on, with Gristle right behind her.
"Hello?" she called out at the front desk. "Hellooo?" She got no reply. The lights were dark, and there was nobody coming out.
"Hmm... maybe they're on break?" Gristle suggested.
Bridget shrugged. "Maybe. I'm sure they won't mind if we check it out, right?" She began to walk in, looking at all the structures that were there, and at all the sand and water traps. Bridget seemed fascinated, but Gristle was starting to feel unnerved. He was getting a sense of foreboding, and for some weird reason it felt like someone was watching them.
"You know, babe, it kinda looks like nobody's been here for years," he said, noting the some of the dust and more crumbling edifices. "Maybe we should just go?"
Bridget glanced over at him and had to agree. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
They were just heading off, when the clown structure they were passing by suddenly came to life, bursting with flames and resounding with a loud BOOM!
"AHHH!" both Bergens yelped with surprise. Gristle clung onto Bridget's arm, when down the red pathway that came out of the clown structure's mouth rolled out several colorful-looking hairballs.
Bridget cocked her head in wonder when two or three became a dozen or more. "Are those... golf balls?" she asked, not really quite sure. Before Gristle could muster an answer, the 'golf balls' unrolled, revealing Trolls!
"Oh!" Bridget sighed in relief. "Good, they're just Trolls." She bent down so she could speak to them. "Hey you guys, are you the ones who run this place?" She gestured to herself and Gristle. "I'm Bridget, and this is Grizzy, and we're the king and queen of - "
"BERGENS!" one of the Putt Putt Trolls shouted.
Bridget was taken aback. "Um, yes, we're Bergens but we're just passing b - "
"ATTACK!" Bridget was cut off again.
"Attack?" Gristle asked, surprised. "What do they mean by thaaAAAAAHH!"
From all sides, he and Bridget were suddenly assaulted. Ropes flew at them, straddling the creatures in tight bonds and holding them steadfast. In a flash they were knocked off their feet and onto the ground in a very rough manner, sucking the air out of their lungs.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Gristle called out. "We're not gonna hurt you!"
"Spare us your lies, Bergens," one of the Trolls said. "We know that all you want is to have us in your bellies, isn't that right, Putt Putters?"
"Putt Putt, Putt Putt!" the Trolls cried in agreement, lighting up torches and raising pitchforks.
Bridget startled at the sight of it and squeaked a fearful yelp. "Whoa, wait a sec! Grizzy's telling the truth! Trolls and Bergens are friends now! We sear it! We would never eat you guys!"
"Yeah right! But you can't do it now, even if you wanted to!" the first Troll who'd spoke up said in response. With a snap of his fingers, Bridget and Gristle suddenly felt themselves being dragged along. It was a slow procession, but it was still happening. They struggled, but were unable to break free.
"Putt Putters, let's set up the bonfire!" another Troll called out.
The smell of smoke suddenly filled the air, and blazing flames crackled behind them, the heat intense.
And Bridget and Gristle were being taken right to it!
"No! Stop! Please don't! We're begging you!"
"Don't do this, guys! We're nice! We're not the way that Bergens used to be! None of us are!"
But both of their pleas fell deaf on the Putt Putt Trolls' ears. They both shouted until their voices were sore, but still nothing was done. In defeat, Gristle and Bridget turned to one another and sighed.
"Babe, I don't think there's any getting out of this," he said sadly.
"I know," Bridget replied, feeling herself tear up.
"I'm sorry our honeymoon didn't go the way you wanted," the Bergen king apologized.
"It's all right, Grizzy," Bridget said, batting her eyes at him. "I still love you."
Gristle smiled. "And I love you, too." Then, they leaned in and kissed. If this would be their last moments, at least they could appreciate that they were together.
But then, as if their prayers were answered, a voice barked out, "STOP!"
The Putt Putters instantly quit, the dragging of the Bergens coming to a halt. A new Troll approached the pair, with golden hair and a green cape. She had familiar fuschia eyes and pink skin that made Bridget confused.
"P-Poppy?" she asked, tentatively. "Is that you? Did you get a makeover, or something?"
The Troll's eyebrows raised. "Poppy? Wait, you know my sister?"
Bridget gasped. "Your sister?" She shook her head, not understanding. "Wait a minute, who are you?"
"My name is Viva," the Troll said, "and I am the leader of the Putt Putt Trolls, a haven where we stay secluded from the dangers of the Bergens. No Bergen has found us yet... until now." Viva narrowed her eyes. "I ask again, do you actually know my sister Poppy?"
"The Queen of Pop Village?" Bridget said, nodding. "Yeah, we know her. I'm her best friend!"
"Please miss Viva... your highness... ma'am," Gristle rambled nervously, "We're not trying to cause any trouble. We just came here because we're trying to find spots to hit for our honeymoon to make up for the wedding. Y'know, this guy's brother came and kinda interrupted it because they're trying to find the other dudes to save this one guy who's trapped in a diamond, and -"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Viva put her hands up. The fierceness from her face had left, and had softened into something friendlier. "You do know my sis!" she said, remembering how Poppy had told her when John Dory had put a halt to the marriage. "She told me all about you guys." Viva then turned to the others. "Putt Putt Trolls, it's all okay. You can release them!"
"But Viva, they're Bergens!" one of the Putt Putters said.
"I know," Viva said, "but I promise you we can trust them."
The Putt Putters still looked a bit uncertain - this was what they'd been training for their whole lives! - but they still listened to their queen. Bridget and Gristle were released.
"Oh, thank you so much," Bridget said gratefully.
"No problem!" Viva chirped. "Any friend of Poppy's, is a friend of mine. Sorry for the misunderstanding!"
Bridget giggled. "Hey, I get it. Any idea if she was able to finish with the mission yet?"
"No," Viva admitted, glancing worriedly out beyond the forest. "I'm really worried about her, though..." She swallowed and pressed her hands together.
"Do you know where they were going?" Gristle asked.
"Some place called Mount Rageous," Viva replied.
"Mount Rageous," Bridget echoed, looking at the brochure. Indeed, there was a little spot on the map marked as such, and the image on it seemed to depict a diamond-studded city. "You know... we can take you there if you want!"
"What?" Viva gasped. The thought of leaving Putt Putt Village was making her stomach churn. "I mean, I don't know, I, um... I don't know if I can..."
"Sure you can," Bridget encouraged. "We've got a motorcycle that can get us there in a jiffy!"
"It's not that, I'm just, I..." She trailed off and looked down, feeling ashamed for her fears.
But then she thought of her sister. About how she'd said she would jump into that danger head on for the sake of family. Viva supposed she could do the same. Couldn't she?
"I..." she started again, and then more confidently said, "I'm in!"
The Putt Putt Trolls gasped. One of them grabbed her arm. "But my queen! You're not really - "
"Look, I know it's risky," Viva said sternly, "But my sister is worth that risk. I can't just leave her." She stood up and spoke loud enough for all to hear. "I promise that I will be back!"
The Putt Putters didn't quite like the idea of their queen leaving, worried over her safety, but they supported her decision, bidding her a chipper farewell.
Viva followed Bridget and Gristle, mounting onto the handlebars of the motorcycle while the Bergen Queen revved it up.
"So, how are exactly are you Poppy's sister?" Bridget asked curiously.
Viva laughed. "Oh! It's a long story..."
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