A Broppy Wedding
A/N: What better way to celebrate Broppy Day than to write out the Broppy wedding!💕 I've been wanting to write this for a little while now, but finally made myself go through with it after it was requested by adapotatathegoat_27. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!😄
"Is this really necessary?"
Branch's question was answered with a hearty laugh from his brother John Dory. "Oh, Branch, of course it is! How else are you gonna look fly for your wedding, hmm?"
"It's not 'looking fly' that's bothering me," Branch replied. "It's the fact that I can get dressed on my own!" Branch groaned as John Dory completely disregarded his words and kept tugging the blue Troll's pants up from behind him, trying to get the rims fully over his hips. And, given that John Dory was their band's 'leader' (a title that had been self-appointed by JD himself), their other brothers had taken his cue and were doing their part in assisting their youngest bro to get ready. Spruce was touching up a very nice-looking, iridescent vest for him, double and triple-checking to make sure that there were no nicks or flaws with it at all. Clay was shaking up some cans of hairspray, his eyes set on Branch's crop of rich blue hair. Floyd was sifting around some cabinets, seeming to be looking for something in particular, though none of the other brothers knew what exactly.
Branch appreciated the help, but he had to roll his eyes a little bit at it too. "Guys, you do know that just because I was called 'Baby Branch' doesn't actually mean that I still am a baby."
"In our eyes you will be!" John Dory chirped in reply, finally getting Branch's pants in place. He stepped back a sec, eyeing his work, and then wolf-whistled. "Hoo-boy! The rump's looking on point, bro!" Suddenly, before he could help himself (and before Branch could utter a "Don't you even think about it!") John Dory had stooped down and given him a firm, playful smack on the rear.
"OW!" the blue Troll cried, rubbing the affected area with his hands and shooting his giggling oldest brother an annoyed glance. "I hate it when you do that..."
"Well, whether you hate it or not, JD's got a point," Spruce chimed in with a sly look on his face. "Nothing to be ashamed of if your girl's gonna like it."
"WHOA, now, easy going down that train of thought!" Branch exclaimed, blushing heavily.
"Pfft," his purple-haired brother scoffed. "You know I'm right, dude."
"Yeah, Branch!" Clay piped up. "And once she sees your abs, she's totally gonna faint!"
"I don't have abs," Branch said,confused, and then narrowing his eyes at the lime-green Troll.
"Sure you do," Clay protested, pointing at his chest. "Right there! Look! It's a little bit, but they're still there."
Branch still felt a blush burning in his cheeks. Would Poppy appreciate it if he really did have them? The tantalizing thought of having her run her fingers down his chest, outlining the possible muscles that were there made him dare to take a peek and see if Clay was right. But before his eyes could even process anything upon looking down, Clay's hand shot out and chucked him under the chin.
"Oh! Made ya look!"
As Branch heard his lime-green-haired brother laughing, he felt silly for falling for the oldest trick in the prankster's book. But Branch couldn't be sour - this was the happiest day of his life, and so he laughed along with Clay... at least, until the Troll began to crazily spray his hairspray bottles at Branch's head.
"Easy, bro, what the heck!" Branch sputtered between coughs. "What's the deal?"
"Gotta look spiffy!" Clay reasoned. He went to spray again, but Branch shoved his hands away.
"Whoa, whoa, uh-uh. Too much, dude. Just because you spray yours a lot doesn't mean I want mine the same way."
"I don't spray mine a lot," Clay said, but instantly proved himself wrong when he took the sprays and spritzed them into his wild hair instead.
Spruce waved his hand and was coughing. "Dude, Branch is right - spray overload! Why so extra?" But then he paused and realized. "Ohhhh, wait a minute, I see what this is about." He grinned at Clay, who was suddenly starting to look nervous. "You're trying to impress your girl! Viva, am I right?"
"What?" Clay said, playing dumb. "Naw, you're wrong. I'm, uh... I'm just trying to look good for the wedding, obviously."
"Mmm-hmm. All I can say is, you better get ready to pucker too, sucker," Spruce riffed, cracking up at Clay's paled reaction to that.
"All right, all right, but enough about you," Spruce said when he'd calmed down (which was more than could be said about the nearly-fainted Clay). "This is about Branch, remember? Now, let's get him all set up!" He carefully grabbed the vest for Branch and began to bring it over to his little brother, but had to stop in his tracks when he found that his other little brother had beat him.
Floyd, who was as quiet as he was emo, must have slipped in while Spruce was embarrassing Clay. He stood before Branch, holding his blue brother's jaw in place and coming at him with something in his other hand.
"What the - ? Floyd, what are you doing?" Spruce asked, very confused.
"Oh, just a little touch-up for his face," the magenta-haired Troll assured, then got back to work.
But that wasn't so easy with Branch backing away and looking suspicious. "Um, what exactly are you doing?" Then his gaze focused in on the object that Floyd was holding and he recoiled. "Is that lipstick??"
"Don't be silly, Branch," Floyd said. "It's glitter. Cherry-flavored!"
Floyd came at him again, but Branch backed himself away even more.
"No... sorry, Floyd. I'm not putting that on."
"Oh! Well, if you don't like cherry, I've got other flavors too. Blueberry, grape, strawberry, pineapple - " Floyd rambled, until he was stopped by Spruce.
"What I think Branch means is that he doesn't need any enhancers, if you catch my drift," the purple-haired Troll said, nudging Floyd.
John Dory nodded to that. "I know that's right. His girl went to town with him the day he proposed, no balm required!" JD shouted, making Branch dazed at the memory of how he and Poppy had kissed... and kissed and kissed and kissed after she'd agreed to become his wife!
Floyd looked pensive, but then he nodded. "Well, alright. You're looking great so far, Branch." Then, he leaned over and gave his little brother a quick hug. And Branch, having not been one to ever turn down a hug from the magenta-haired Troll, hugged back.
"Aw, how cute," Clay teased, but soon found himself being hauled over to the pair by JD, with Spruce being tugged on the teal Troll's other arm. Suddenly, all five Trolls found themselves enveloped in a great big group hug.
"Whoa, whoa," Branch said, as he found himself being squeezed on all sides with no escape. "It's not Hug Time!" To showcase, he lifted up his left arm with the silent Hug-Time watch.
"Yeah, but we just thought you could use one," John Dory replied with a grin. The hug continued for another second, and then the boys released each other, getting back to the prep right away.
Spruce was able to grab Branch's vest again and came around to start putting it on him, slipping his brother's arms through the holes while Branch just let him (seeing that it was no use continuing to put up the argument that he could dress himself).
"All right!" the purple-haired Troll said when he was finished adjusting it. "Now, go on."
Branch was confused. "What?"
“You know," Clay said, helping out. “Flex your drip!" He tried emphasizing by making a record scratch noise.
Branch wanted to shake his head. They wanted him to model the vest? He shrugged. Whatever. He made a simple turn so he could see all sides of it, but the purple-haired Troll wasn’t satisfied.
"Come on, Bitty B, you can do better than that!"
Branch grumbled a little, but then got an idea. Feeling a little playful, he made a dramatic turn, flashed a charming smile, and opened up the vest a little to show off his chest (a chest that, as Branch was able to sneak a peek and notice, did in fact have a slight hint of abs!). It was a move that Spruce had done in his youth as a teen, and he of course instantly recognized it and beamed.
"Now we're talking!" he cried, and high-fived Branch.
JD, however, was looking a little skeptical. He cocked his head to the side, and tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm... maybe we should've gone with the glitter diaper instead..." he said to the others.
Branch's eyes grew huge at that. "You had a glitter diaper designed?!" he exclaimed. Then he shook his head adamantly. "Aw, no. No, no, no, no, NO. N-O. Absolutely not, you are NOT making me go out there wearing that!" He had already suffered an embarrassing performance wearing a diaper that was far too small for him when they were singing to try and save Floyd. He would NOT undergo that again!
John Dory laughed, along with the rest of the brothers.
"Bro, we're playing with you," Clay said, still giggling, "you're not gonna do that, come on!"
Branch let out a sigh of relief. "Oh... thank goodness!"
Meanwhile, it was not that much of a different story happening in the bride's room.
Poppy had been singing to herself all morning, her mind in bliss, and her body buzzing with joy. Not too long ago, she'd been a mere bridesmaid - but now, she was the bride herself!
And as a bride, there was plenty to do to get herself prepared to look her most magnificent. Luckily, Poppy was in good hands. She had lots of great help in the form of her friends. Satin and Chenille, of course, had been the ones to create her dress as they had for every wedding that occurred in Pop Village. Poppy didn't know how they managed to do it - each dress was always so unique, it impressed her! The Pop Queen's variation consisted of a beautiful creamy color, laced and frilled at just the right places, with an elegant silky train that ran far behind her.
In putting it on, she found that it suited her perfectly, and Poppy had to stop herself from jumping around in happiness so that she wouldn't wrinkle it up. In the present moment, the fashionista twins were helping her apply a few light touches of glittery makeup on her face. Smidge and Legsly were grabbing the jewelry, and at Poppy's hair was her sister Viva, poufing it up and adding colorful extensions.
"EEEEE!" she squealed at the girls. "Poppy is gonna look soooooo FANTAST-AMAZING!!"
"Tell me about it," Satin said, leaning back to check on the eyeshadow application. "Branch is gonna - "
"DIE!" her sister Chenille finished.
Satin looked at her, shocked. "I was gonna say faint, but geez!"
Poppy blushed. "Oh, I mean, I don't know... you really think he'll like it that much? I'm just me..." She shrugged, her cheeks red.
"Uhhh, YEAH we're sure! He'll be over the moon! No - scratch that - he'll be over the galaxy!" Viva exclaimed. "And if you don't believe us, take a look for yourself!" She ushered Poppy over to a standing mirror, and the Pop Queen had to gasp. She really did look stunning, with her deep fuchsia hair piled upon her head in a ponytailed bun of sorts, and the jaw-dropping gown, and her face dolled with just enough makeup to not be over the top but to be soft and appealing. It was a work of art in itself. She glanced over at the girls. How did they do it?
Viva put her hands over her heart. "Oh, Poppy, you're so lucky to have someone who loves you so, SO much!"
Poppy giggled. "Thanks," she said, then looked at her sister slyly, "but don't sell yourself short, either."
Viva paused. "Huh?"
"Don't 'huh' me, you know what I'm talking about," the Pop Queen said, smirking now. "And he just so happens to be my fiance's brother."
"Wh-what? No, uh, Clay? He, um... he's..." Viva stammered, but eventually just gave up, her cheeks growing warm. "He kinda does like me, huh?" she asked, twirling a strand of her golden hair between her fingers.
"Oh, come on, anybody with two eyes can see that," Smidge replied, her voice gruff but a little smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She and Leglsy came over to Poppy and began to put on a couple of adornments on her - including a necklace, some bracelets, and pearl earrings - to finalize the look.
"Aww, Poppy, I think I'm gonna cry!" Legsly said, wiping away a tear.
"Already?" Poppy asked in awe.
"Already," the familiar voice of her friend Bridget answered. The Bergen was just outside the dressing room, due to it being too small for her to fit inside, but she was still able to get a clear view of the bride in all her elegance. "Don't you remember how many times I cried even before my wedding with Grizzy started?" She laughed, and so did the other girls.
"I guess you were a little bit of a mess," Poppy admitted.
"A little? Tell the truth, girl, I was a LOT of a mess," Bridget giggled, "but, I managed to pull through it. And so will you, Poppy." She leaned down and presented her finger, which Poppy came over and high-fived.
The Pop Queen took one last look at herself in the mirror, and let out a breath she'd been holding. This was it. She clutched onto a bouquet of her favorite pink flowers and nodded her head once, resolutely.
"All right," she said, smiling widely. "Let's get this wedding started!"
It was a dream come true.
Poppy felt like she was floating on air, as though she was having an out-of-body experience. This felt so unreal. But it was real. The fantasy in her mind of what her wedding day would be like had continued to change throughout the years. At first, she'd envisioned just her friends of the Snack Pack being there - Guy Diamond, Smidge, Satin, Chenille, Legally, Biggie, and Cooper. Then she'd envisioned Bridget, Gristle, and the Bergen Town residents also being there. Then the Trolls of the Troll Kingdom. And now, the actual day of it, all of them were there plus her sister and BroZone! Poppy didn't know how she hadn't fainted already from the shock of it all!
Branch, awaiting patiently at the altar, had to stop himself from rocking back and forth on his heels. He was incredibly nervous. He felt like he was going to barf. And pass out. And pee his pants all at once. But one quick peek over at Floyd, and he remembered his brother's words, right before they'd exited the dressing room. They were simple, and straight to the point.
Don't worry about it. You're gonna do great. Everybody who came here is only here to support you guys. This is the happiest day of your life. Don't stress it, and don't overthink it, okay?
Branch took a deep breath and released it. Okay, he answered in his head.
Finally, the moment had come.
Bells chimed in a melodic fashion, and all the hushed, excited whispering that had arisen in the awaiting audience of Trolls and Bergens went quiet, replaced by silent, beaming smiles.
Tiny Diamond, appropriately re-titled as the Flower Man, once again made his round down the aisle, flinging the petals and pretending that he was on a catwalk with the way he paused to pose a couple of times.
And then came Poppy, arm in arm with her father, Peppy.
Branch's heartbeat quickened, the palpitation in his chest so intense he swore he could feel it reverberating throughout his entire body. It felt like the moment was lasting forever, with the way that time was crawling to an incredibly slow pace as she was guided down the aisle, sweetly strutting. It gave Branch enough time to remember everything that had happened between them, both good and bad. When they first met. When he'd rejected her invitations and she'd try to become his friend. When they'd gone on their journey to Bergen Town, and had their first real hug. When he'd apologized to her for her for his past behaviors in his gray years. When they'd sang and danced together everyday in Pop Village. When they'd gone on their journey across the Troll Kingdoms during Barb's World Tour. When they'd argued, and then made up. When he'd confessed his love to her, and she'd confessed right back. When they'd gotten ready for Bridget and Gristle's wedding. When they'd gone on their wild journey to save Floyd and retrieve the brothers. When he'd proposed to her, and she'd accepted...
Before Branch knew it, Poppy was right in front of him. She hugged her father, who looked between her and Branch with nothing but pride. Peppy then went off to seat himself among the other guests. Unbeknownst to Branch, the same memories were flitting through Poppy's mind, and she could barely contain herself with the smile that spread across her face. It was an infectious one, and he had to smile back at her, his nerves going away.
His gaze was so fixed on the beautiful Pop Queen that he hardly realized that there was anybody else up there at the altar, until he heard a throat clearing. He turned to look, and was surprised to find that Cloud Guy was the officiate!
"You!" Branch exclaimed. "I thought Mr. Dinkles was going to wed us!"
"The little guy's license expired," the cloud explained. "But mine's still good to go!" Cloud Guy flashed the card at him, and Branch rolled his eyes. Well, I guess as long as he can make Poppy my wife, he supposed.
Without further ado, Poppy and Branch faced each other, cheeks warm and eyes bright.
"Friends, from all over the Troll Kingdoms and even beyond it, I think we all know why we're gathered here today..." Cloud Guy said out loud, "but in case you don't, we are here to celebrate in a lovely matrimonial event the marriage of my two bestest buds in the whole world. This awesome-sauce girl, Queen Poppy" - he paused, making finger-guns at her and allowing the folks in the audience to cheer - "and this guy, Dumpy Diapers!"
Branch heard a few snickers, and he frowned a little, glaring at Cloud Guy. The cloud stifled a chuckle, but quickly made to correct himself.
"Hehehe, just kidding - this here's my friend, Branch!" he announced, and then the crowd cheered. "Seriously though," Cloud Guy said in a whisper, "I think you woulda killed it in the glitter diaper."
"No way!" Branch grumbled, but then had to chuckle a little bit at the thought of anybody getting married in a diaper.
Noting his good mood, Cloud Guy continued, turning to Poppy first. "Sooo... Do you, Queen Poppy, take Branch to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Cloud Guy recited the words quite skillfully at her, surprising Branch. Perhaps Cloud Guy wasn't such a bad choice as officiate.
Poppy, however, wasn't as surprised. She had already had full confidence that their friend would be able to help them on their big day. And now that she was asked the question, her breath hitched. Did she want to take Branch as her husband? How was that even a question when she knew in her head that there was only one possible answer that it could be, an answer that she wanted to SCREAM out over and over until she was out of breath and her throat was hoarse, because that's just how excited she was!
Somehow, she reeled herself in, took a deep breath, and managed to speak calmly.
"I do."
She smiled, her eyes hooding as the effects of love began to overtake her for the Troll she'd just accepted to be hers.
Branch swallowed when Cloud Guy turned to him with a gleam in his eye. "And do you, Branch, take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
The question repeated in Branch's head, the details playing like a movie reel of what this meant and what was to come.
Do you, Branch, take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife...
He imagined waking up everyday seeing her gorgeous face, being by her side, telling her how much he loved her, and she telling him how much she loved him...
... to have and to hold...
He imagined having her in his arms, hugging her, kissing her, taking her to heights she didn't know existed, and him neither for that matter...
... in sickness and in health...
He would be there for her in her lowest points, supporting her, making sure that she had everything she needed and that she was satisfied...
... until death do you part?
The effects of time would come onto them eventually with their aging, but it would never extinguish the love that burned inside of him for her.
"I do."
Branch smiled at her, and he could tell that there was no longer any trace of that "it would be WEIRD if we got married" feeling left inside of her.
Cloud Guy nodded his head and proceeded. "Well then, by the power that's invested in me, I now pronounce you to be..."
Everybody leaned forward in their seats, eager, anticipatory, nearly shaking from excitement as they waited for the next words that would come out of the cloud's mouth.
Poppy felt fireworks explode within her. Branch felt like he could fly. The audience began to clap vigorously in unison. Cloud Guy had barely started to say "You may kiss the bride" (only managing to get "You may k - " out) before Poppy had already leapt at Branch and had her lips locked firmly on his, hands gripping him possessively around the back of his neck. Branch kissed her back, not wasting a second to deepen the connection and pull her impossibly close against him. His arm wrapped around her waist, the other around her back, the two of them smiling and swooning into each other, lost to the world and lost only in each other (they were married for crying out loud!).
Though, the world was still very much around them. And it had been thrown into a frenzy of celebration!
The Snack Pack, the Bergens, Viva, Peppy, Branch's brothers, and all of the guests who'd come from all over the Troll kingdoms brought the noise on with a symphony of claps and whistles and cheers.
"My sister's MARRIED!!!" Viva screamed, bouncing around all over the place.
"My daughter's married!" Peppy shouted next to her, bopping in a celebratory jig.
"Man, Bitty B's all grown up!" John Dory exclaimed with a huge grin. "WOOO!"
"He's a married man now," Spruce cried out, incredibly proud of his brother.
"Congratulations, BRO!" Clay yelled out to Branch, pumping his fists into the air.
Floyd was also incredibly pleased with the turnout, but was expressing it in an entirely different way from his brothers. "I'm SO happy for him," he whimpered, teary-eyed. "I'm just so, so, SO happy!" He broke off, sobbing in an uncontrolled manner. The magenta-haired Troll couldn't help himself. The way he remembered Branch, he was that same little Trolling who had confided in Floyd for reassurance and guidance upon performing, and in other matters when they were young. The same little Trolling who had an endearing baby voice to match his cute face, and sang so adoringly onstage in his diaper and white shades. Branch was no longer little - he had an adult voice, an adult maturity, and was able to do adult things like, as had happened now, get married! It was no wonder the tears had started for Floyd and refused to stop.
Just like Poppy and Branch, who, in a replica of what had happened when he proposed, couldn't stop with the smooches. Definitely not, not with what had just happened. Not with knowing that they were husband and wife, best friends, and lovers, all rolled into one.
And that they would be together, with their family and friends, forever!
A/N: I know Branch would also be going through coronation, but I wanted to focus more on the wedding aspect of it. Once again, Happy Broppy Day everyone! 😘
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