Ten Weeks Later
Trixie's POV
I look at the positive pregnancy test on the counter, silently freaking out. Ok, so ten weeks ago Klaus and I got back together. We made love for the first time. But then he went back to New Orleans and I went to South Africa for the summer. We spoke every day on the phone either by text or call. We talk early afternoon for me or late at night for him. Due to the 8 hour time difference.
But I hadn't been feeling well the last couple of days. I knew it was impossible, but I took a pregnancy test and it's positive. It has to be wrong, right? So I took the other two that were in the box and they came back positive too. How can this be happening? Klaus is a vampire.
No way I could call him now, it's three in the morning in New Orleans. So I call the next person who came to my mind. Rebekah, who is in Italy with Matt. "Trixie, what a surprise" she says cheerily.
"Rebekah, I think I'm in trouble" I tell her as I pace.
"What's wrong?" she asks me concerned.
"Don't ask me how it's possible, but I think I'm pregnant and I'm freaking out" I tell her.
"What?!" she exclaims.
"Something wrong?" I hear Matt ask her.
"Girl talk" Rebekah tells him and I hear her walk away from him. And a door shut. "Ok, I'm alone. Tell me what happened" she tells me.
"I've been helping out with the Meerkat project in South Africa and hadn't felt well the last two days. So they sent me to Cape Town to see a doctor. But I couldn't understand him, I had this pit in my stomach. I know it's impossible, but I took a pregnancy test and I'm pregnant" I tell her.
"Ok, and?" she asks me.
"Rebekah!" I exclaim exasperated. "Vampires can't have babies, how can I be pregnant with Klaus' baby? What if he thinks I cheated on him? What if he hurts the baby? How am I supposed to tell Elena and Jeremy I'm pregnant with Klaus' baby?" I ask her. I start to hypervatilate as tears prick my eyes.
"Hey calm down" she tells me. "Listen to me, breath in" she says and I do so. "Good, now breath out" she says and I do so. "Didn't Klaus tell you?" she asks me.
"Tell me what?" I ask her confused.
"I can't tell you on the phone" she states. I hear typing. "You're in Cape Town South Africa?" she asks.
"Yes, why?" I ask her confused.
"I'm booking you on the next flight to Italy. I'll meet you at the airport and explain everything" she tells me. "But for now, pack and try to relax. Stress isn't good for the baby or you" she tells me.
"But Rebekah, I'm apart of the Meerkat Project. They're expecting me back" I tell her.
"Call them and say there was a family emergency" she tells me. "All booked, sent you the ticket. Print and I'll meet you at the airport tomorrow morning" she tells me. I go to protest but she hangs up. I can't believe she hung up on me. I sighed in defeat as the ticket came through on my Email. I print it and pack. Before calling the manager of the meerkat project and tell her there was a family emergency and I had to return home. She understood and thanked me for all the work I had done for the project.
(Time Skip)
I arrived in Rome safely and Rebekah greeted me with a hug. Before taking my luggage. "Where's Matt?" I ask her confused.
"Sent him on a seven hour tour" she states. "Now no questions until we reach the hotel" she tells me. We went to Hotel Splendide Royal.
"How much does it cost a night?" I ask her shocked.
"Nothing" she says with a wink and took us to her & Matt's suite. She put my stuff in the spare room. We then sit down in the living room.
"So you said you would explain, what didn't Klaus tell me?" I ask her.
"That he can get girls pregnant" she states as she poured herself a drink.
"But how?" I ask her.
"He's the original hybrid and was made one by magic. It's one of natures loop holes" she states
"But how did he know? Why didn't he tell me?" I ask her confused. She scowls her drink avoiding my eyes. "What aren't you telling me Rebekah?" I asks. She goes to speak. "Please, don't lie" I tell her and she sighs in defeat.
"Do you remember why Klaus went to New Orleans in May?" she asks me.
"Someone was plotting against him" I state.
"Yep, it was witches" she tells me.
"Why?" I ask.
"No idea, they wanted his help" she states.
"Klaus wouldn't help them unless there was something in it for him" I state.
"You're right" she states. "Now remember this happened before you guys got back together" she tells me.
"What happened?" I ask confused.
"You asked how Klaus found out he could get a girl pregnant" she reminds me.
"Yeah, and?" I ask. Then pause. "Wait, are you saying he slept with someone else?" I demand.
"Breath Trixie" she tells me.
"Don't tell me to breath or calm down!" I snap as I stood up. "You just told me my boyfriend slept with someone else, who is pregnant!" I cry. She holds my shoulders.
"It happened before you got back together. He thought you guys weren't getting back together. They had to much to drink, it was a one night stand" she tells me.
"Is he with her now, in New Orleans?" I ask her as tears stream down my face.
"Yes, but he doesn't love her. He loves you, he is only protecting her because of Elijah and the baby. If she wasn't pregnant with his first born, he would of let her die in May" she states.
"Who is it? Who is this woman?" I ask her.
"I don't know, Hayley something" she states.
"Hayley?!" I demand. "The same Hayley who helped Tyler break his sire bond? The same Hayley who freed Klaus' hybrids, only to let him kill them? The same Hayley who told Katherine about the cure, that lead to my cousin's death? That Hayley?" I demand.
"Calm down Trixie, think of your baby" she tells me. I take deep calming breaths as she guided me back to my chair. "I guess it is that Hayley, but it meant nothing to him Trixie. He only cares about the baby and loves you" she assures me.
"Why didn't he tell me about this? Why did he let me get pregnant?" I ask her. As tears run down my face.
"Eris and him planned on having a family one day. He thought he'd never know that sort of love again. But then he meet you and when he found out he could have kids. I guess he hated that the first baby wasn't yours and his. So he wanted to ensure the second one was" she states. "But I'm only guessing" she adds.
"I'm gonna kill him" I growl.
"No you're not, you love him" she states.
"I have to go confront him" I tell her.
"Not right now you're not" she tells me. "You just learnt a lot and emotions at all over the place. You need to calm down and think things through. Look I haven't heard from Elijah and I'm worried about him. I plan on going to New Orleans in two weeks after taking Matt back to Mystic Falls. Why don't you join me?" she asks me.
"What about the witches?" I ask her.
"I won't let anyone hurt you or your baby Trixie" she assures me.
"Ok, we'll do it your way" I tell her.
"So where to next?" I ask her.
"Paris tomorrow, then Spain and Mystic Falls" she tells me.
"Then New Orleans" I say and she nods her head. "Look we can't tell anyone in Mystic Falls, ok? They don't know I'm back with Klaus, other then Caroline. They won't understand" I tell her. She nods her head, swearing she wouldn't tell anyone. I then have a shower before falling asleep, as I got now sleep what so ever on the nearly 14 hour flight.
The End of Trixie Gilbert: TVD see you all in New Orleans with Trixie Gilbert: TO
Picture above of positive pregnancy test.
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