No Humanity Elena
Trixie's POV
It's been six and half weeks since the house was burnt down. I'm still living at Caroline's and Elena with the Salvatores. I get weekly updates, but I don't really care. I just want my sister back, with her humanity. Which she doesn't have back yet.
Anyway Caroline convinced me to join the cheer squad. She's been training me daily so that I had the routine down. Though we're still short a member and we have a competition today. "Still avoiding Elena?" Matt asks as we walk down the hallway of the school.
"Yep, until she gets her humanity back and apologizes" I state.
"You know she had no control right, Damon made her turn it off and now she doesn't care about anything" he reminds me.
"I know and I'm still pissed as Damon for that. He was supposed to help her, not make her turn it off" I snap lightly. "Sorry" I say. "Look I want to see if Care has heard from Bonnie" I tell him. He nods his head in agreement as we found Care hanging up after leaving Tyler another voice mail.
"Hey, have you seen Bonnie?" I ask her.
"Yeah, I called her last night. She's fine. She's just a little drained from, you know, everything" she tells us.
"Can't really blame her" Matt states.
"Yeah" Care agrees.
"I have an idea" Elena says as she joins us. She holds up a flyer about the invitational. "Can you get me my old spot back on the cheer-leading squad?" she asks Care.
"I mean, technically, yeah. I'm captain, but I thought you hated cheer-leading" Care says confused. I give her a look, I'm avoiding my sister and now we're going to be on the same cheer team. Great.
"I did, but now I think it would be really fun to jump around and toss people up in the air. It's not like the routines are that hard" Elena states. Care looks at Matt and I before smiling at Elena.
"I...think that would make Damon really happy" Care tells her. Elena smiles vacantly back before leaving.
"Caroline, I'm trying to avoid my sister and you just let her rejoin the squad" I whine.
"Damon wanted her to get involved in school activities" she states.
"What else did Damon want her to do?" I ask her.
"Study hard and not eat anyone" she answers. "We should get to class, we have a competition this afternoon" she states. I nod my head. Matt, Care and I went our separate ways.
(Time skip)
I stretch with the others, while Care went to wait for Elena. Who is getting changed. "How are you feeling?" one of the girls asks me.
"A little nervous, I only just joined the team and now we're at a competition" I state.
"Don't worry, you'll do great" she assures me
"Besides Caroline trained you personally, so there's no way you can't be good" another adds.
"And we'll catch" another states.
"Right, the toss" I say feeling more nervous.
"Guys you're scaring her" Care states as she joined us and began to stretch. "Look we all trust each other Trixie, as long as we all work together. We will win" she states.
"All for one and one for all" the girls say and I smile.
"Where's Elena?" I ask Care.
"Don't know, but we're going to be on any minute" she states. "I'll go get her, you guys finish stretching and we'll meet you out there" she tells us. We agree and she left.
"Up next: Mystic Falls' very own Lady Timberwolves" the speaker announces of the PA system. We walk out onto the field. "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your very own Lady Timberwolves" he says. We got into position as the crowd cheers.
"Ready?" Care asks and we nod. We begin the routine. "L-O-L, O-M-G, you're looking at Mystic Falls Varsity! B-E-A-T, beat those Cats" we cheer. Elena tosses me into the air with another two girls. As another three did the same with Care. Except she was caught. Elena stepped back and I landed on the ground hard.
The crowd gasps in shock while the rest of the team rush over to me. As I curled up feeling pain shot through my hip and shoulder. "Oh my god Trixie, are you ok?" Care asks me concerned.
"No, I'm not" I groan. The girls help me up. "Ow!" I cry holding my injured arm.
"Lets get you to a doctor" one of the girls says.
"No, I'm just gonna go" I tell them. I give Care a one arm hug. "Care, I don't blame you for this. It's Elena, please don't blame yourself" I tell her in a whisper.
"Want blood?" she asks me.
"No, I just need rest. I didn't break anything" I assure her. "Good luck" I say and left. I caught a taxi and went to Klaus'.
"Little fox, what a surprise" Klaus says as he let me in. "Allow me" he says gesturing to my coat.
I let him remove it. "Ow" I say.
"What happened?" he asks me shocked seeing my bruised arm.
"Emotionless Elena happened" I tell him. He bites his wrist and holds it out to me. "No" I tell him and he makes me drink.
"How do you feel now?" he asks me once he took his arm away. I wiped my mouth.
"Healed" I mutter.
"What happened?" he asks.
"Elena thought she'd rejoin the cheer team. I was tossed into the air and Elena let me fall" I state.
"Why didn't Caroline or Stefan heal you?" he asks me.
"I told Care not to and Stefan was to busy worrying about Elena" I tell him. "Now I have to avoid dying for the next 24 hours" I mutter.
"You can stay here, I won't let anyone hurt you" he tells me.
"Always looking out for me" I say with a smile.
"You don't make it easy love" he tells me.
"So, since we're stuck together for the next 24 hours. What are we doing?" I ask him.
"We could talk about us" he states.
"Klaus, we've been through this" I remind him.
"Would it help if I was sorry?" he asks me.
"I know you are, but I can't be sure if you love me. Or Eris" I tell him. "You and your siblings have been saying since we meet. That I'm exactly like her. What if what we feel for each other isn't real? Just left over emotions from your time with Eris a thousand years ago?" I ask him.
"Trixie, what I feel for you is different to what I felt for her" he tells me.
"I know you believe that and I want to too" I tell him. "But right now I have to focus on fixing my sister and not dying in the next 24 hours" I state. I get up as Hayley appeared with a wine glass. "What's she doing here?" I demand.
"Am I interrupting something?" she asks.
"No, I'm gonna go" I state.
"Little fox, you shouldn't be alone" Klaus tells me.
"I won't be, I'm going back to Care's. She'll keep watch over me. Looks like you have a guest to entertain" I state as I grabbed my coat and left. I ran to Care's.
"Oh thank god, where've you been?" she asks me.
"With Klaus, he healed me" I tell her.
"Oh" she says.
"Why are you all dressed up?" I ask her.
"Party at the Salvatores, want to come?" she asks me.
"And give Elena a chance to kill me while I have vampire blood in my system? No thanks" I tell her.
"Right, well I have to go and make sure she doesn't kill anyone. You're safe here, just stay inside until the blood leaves your system" she tells me. I nod my head and she left. I go have a shower.
(Time skip)
Care finally returned looking sad. "What happened?" I ask her.
"You mean aside from Elena trying to kill my mum and me. Tyler signing his house over to Matt and not planning on returning ever. Nothing" she states.
"Oh Care" I say and hug her as she starts to cry. "Let it all out, I'm here and everything is going to be alright" I assure her. "How about Jersey Shore and ice cream?" I suggest.
"Sounds good" she says with a smile. Her mum appears and we invite her to join us. We all soon are watching Jersey Shore with a small tub of ice cream each.
Picture above Elena and Caroline. Picture on the external link of Trixie's cheer uniform.
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