Daggering Elijah
Trixie's POV
"I don't get why I had to come" I say as I walk through the old Fell property with Jenna and Elijah.
"Because you know everything about the founding families and their history then I do. Besides it's not like you had anything else to do Trixie" Jenna reminds.
"That maybe true, but I could of found something more entertaining" I tell her. "Anyway the old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence" I tell Elijah.
"Ah, the Fells. One of the Founding Families" he says.
"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna and I ask him curious.
"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier. It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, um, it was Salem, to be precise" he explains. Bonnie's ancestors, cool.
"Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?" Jenna asks him.
"Which means the ever-lauded founding families...didn't actually found anything" Elijah tells us.
"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860" I tell them.
"Men are very territorial" Jenna says nodding her head.
"Yes, they are" Elijah says as Alaric joins us.
"Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman" Jenna says.
"You sure it's not boyfriend?" I ask her smirking and she blushes. I giggle dodging her attempt to hit me.
"Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I would tag along. You know being a history buff and all. Where to next?" Alaric asks us.
"Forbes property" I state.
"Actually I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, the descendents of the slaves are the true keepers of American history" Elijah tells us.
"Well, I only brought the surveys. I got that list in the car. Just give me a sec" Jenna tells him. "Trixie come and help" she adds and I follow her. Leaving the two men alone. "Have you heard from Elena?" she asks me as we reach the car.
"Her and Stefan seem to be having fun, she found some more of our old family journals" I tell her.
"I'm sure she's enjoying reading about your family history" she says.
"Makes me jealous, wish I could read them" I tell her.
"I'm sure if you asked, she'd bring them back for you" she tells me.
"I might do that" I tell her smiling. She finds the maps and we return to the men. We continue our journey.
(The grill)
Jenna, Elijah and I enter the grill together. I'm starving and Jenna said she'd shout me lunch as a thanks for all my help today. We walk over to Damon and Alaric's table. I notice the news girl Andie sitting next to Damon. "Hey guys" Jenna says with a smile.
"So I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today" Damon says.
"You could say that or snores ville" I tell him and Jenna gives me a look.
"Well, as much as I'd like to continue this, I've got papers to grade" Alaric states.Alaric puts down some money and gets up from the table.
"No, you know what? We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party" Andie suggests.
"Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?" Damon suggests.
"It's good for me, Jenna?" Andie asks.
"Yeah, I'm free" Jenna answers.
"It'd be my pleasure" Elijah says
"Sorry, I've had enough history for one day. But you guys have fun" I tell them.
"Great" Damon says and I leave. I go somewhere secluded and call dad. I may not go, but Dad might be interested.
"Trixie, where have you been?" dad asks me.
"With Jenna and Elijah exploring the old property lines. I thought I'd tell you that Damon is hosting a dinner party at his house. And guess who's the guest of honor?" I tell him.
"Elijah" he says.
"Got it in one" I say smiling. "So what are you gonna do?" I ask him.
"I think I have dinner party tonight" he tells me. "You stay home and keep an eye on Jeremy. Or better yet go bring your sister home from the Lake House" he tells me.
"She won't listen to me, I'm the younger twin remember" I remind him.
"Doesn't hurt to try" he tells me and hangs up. I sigh and call Elena.
"Hey Elena, I hope I'm not interrupting anything" I tell her.
"You're not" she assures me. "What's up?" she asks me.
"Dad wants you home" I tell her.
"Yeah well, he doesn't have a say in what I do" she reminds me.
"I know. Anyway those journals you found, think you could bring them back for me? You know how much I enjoy finding out about our family history" I tell her.
"Of course" she says. "Look Stefan just came back, I'll talk to you soon" she tells me.
"Ok, talk to you later sister" I say and hang up. I sigh and go home. I arrive to see Jeremy with Bonnie. "Am I interrupting a date?" I ask as I look at the candles.
"No, just practicing a few spells with Jeremy's help" Bonnie tells me.
"Ok, well I have homework to do for my school. So keep it down, please" I say.
"We will" Jeremy assures me. I go upstairs to Elena's room. I log online and start to do my homework. I had just saved my work with I hear Bonnie yells Jeremy's name. I rush to the stairs to see a warlock holding Bonnie's face. I snarl and turn into a fox and jump over the railing and bite his hand.
He screams and throws me off. I turn and land on my feet in a crouch. I run to Bonnie and stand in between her and the warlock snarling. Bonnie is crying behind me. The man looks at her " If any harm comes to my son because of what you did, you will answer to me" he tells her. He leaves and I relax. I look at Bonnie and whine nudging her leg.
Jeremy rushes over and holds Bonnie gently. "You okay? It's okay. What happened? Where did the fox come from?" he asks her. He caresses her face in his hands as she looks up at him.
"He took my powers" she cries. "I don't know about the fox" she adds. Jeremy pulls her close to him and holds her. I leave them and go upstairs to change. Then rush back down human and hug them both.
"It'll be ok, he weren't hurt you anymore" I assure Bonnie.
"It was you" she says looking at my necklace.
"It's a long story" I tell her. "I'll take you home, Jeremy go to bed" I tell him.
"I can take her" he tells me.
"I know, but she and I need to talk" I tell him.
"Ok, but call when you arrive" he tells me. I take Bonnie home driving her car. I tell her about the necklace and it's power. She told me how she had read about them somewhere and would try to do more research on it. She told me to be-careful and only turn when necessary. I promised her I'd be-careful and left.
Picture above of Trixie and on the external link of Alaric daggering Elijah.
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