Collecting Jeremy
Trixie's POV
Damon smirks as we waited for Elena. "They find our book?" I ask him and he nods his head. I chuckle and we continue to wait for Elena. Damon eavesdropping on Elena talk wit Alaric downstairs. Alaric is currently locked in the cellar. His alter-ego hide his white oak stake. So while Stefan stays to get the location out of him. Damon, Elena and I are going to collect Jeremy. Also going ask him to help us find out which original bloodline the Salvatores are from.
"You hear from Klaus?" Damon asks Stefan. Who had been staring into the fire. Ever since we came down with the luggage.
"Not yet. I'm sure I will soon though" Stefan states as he holds his stake. There was only his and Alaric's left. "He's expecting me to deliver two stakes, I only have one" he adds.
"Well, that's gonna be disappointing for him" Damon states.
"I'll get it out of Alaric. I just need some time" Stefan tells him.
"Well I'm not going to buy you time, he made his decision" I tell him.
"I like that confidence, Stefan. I don't share it, but I like it" Damon tells him.
"You don't think I can do what it takes" Stefan says.
"Well, you're good Stefan again. You're in control. Sorry, you might get the girl but you lose the edge. Speaking of" Damon says as Elena joins us. "Have either of you ever flown first class?" he asks us.
"Who did you have to compel for that?" we ask him.
"Man that's annoying" he states. "Anyway, please. I use miles" he tells us before grabbing the luggage. I follow him out the door and grab the front seat. Elena soon joins us and gets in the back seat. Damon drives us to the airport.
(Time skip)
We arrived in Denver safely. When we arrived at the Andersen's they told us Jeremy was at the batting cage. So we decided to surprise him. After Damon compelled them to forget seeing us. "There he is" Elena says spotting Jeremy. We watch him miss a ball.
"Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball" Damon tells us.
"Hey Jeremy!" I call grabbing his attention.
"Trixie? Elena? What's wrong?" he asks when he joins us.
"Does something have to be wrong for me to visit my cousin?" I ask him and give him a hug. Elena then hugs him. Then Damon explains what has happened over the past few months.
"Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, all we need to do is find out who sired Rose" Damon tells him.
"So, you traveled across the country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?" Jeremy asks us.
"Dead vampire is redundant, but yes" Damon tells him.
"I also want to bring you home" I add.
"Well, I can't. I could talk to Anna and Vicki because I knew them. I've never even met Rose" Jeremy tell us. "Also I'll return one day" he assures me.
"What good is you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to?" Damon asks him. I whack him in the head.
"Rose spent a long time running from Klaus as well. She and Damon were close, so maybe we can use him as a connection" Elena suggests.
"Fine, fine, but can we do this later? My friend just got here and yes, Damon, I actually have some. I'll call you when I'm done" Jeremy tells us. He starts to walk away as Elena and I turn to see Kol. "Hey man" Jeremy says with a smile.
"Damon, it's Kol!" Elena and I shout in unison. Kol hits Damon with a wooden baseball bat. The bat breaks in half and Damon falls to the ground.
"What are you doing?!" Jeremy demands.
"Jeremy, get back! He's an Original" Elena tells him.
"No hard feelings, mate. But we're not buds" Kol adds. He grabs an aluminum bat from the bat rack. "You know, I'll never get use to aluminum. But hey, at least it won't break" he states. He swings to hit Damon with the bat, but Damon grabs it and with his other hand picks up half of the broken wooden bat and stabs Kol through the chest with it. Kol falls to the ground.
"Did you kill him?" Jeremy asks.
"Only a white oak stake can kill an original" I tell him.
"But it'll give us a head start. Okay, come on" Damon tells us. Damon grabs Elena, who is shocked, I grab Jeremy and we leave the batting cages.
We checked into a cheap motel. "Why couldn't we get a hotel?" I ask Damon.
"For the record, she's the one who wanted to stay in a motel, not me" he tells me nodding to Elena.
"So, where are we?" Jeremy asks.
"Corner of somewhere and nowhere where Kol can't find us" Damon tells him.
"I can't believe Kol was a vampire" Jeremy states.
"I can't believe you didn't realize he was one" I tell him.
"Well, didn't you find it weird that you made a friend so fast? Have you met you?" Damon asks him. Elena and I glare at Damon. We entered our motel room and set down our luggage.
"Well, this should work, right Jer?" Elena asks him.
"Yeah, doesn't really matter" he tells her.
"Alright Whoopi, what do you need? Candles? Incense? Pottery wheel?" Damon asks. After closing the curtains.
"That's not how it works" Jeremy tells him.
"I know. They push from the other side and you pull from this one" Damon states.
"Alright, you uh- you got a picture of her?" Jeremy asks him.
"Picture? What, a trip to Disneyland? Come on Rose, you're not gonna actually make us wait, are you? I know you're obsessed with me" Damon says cockily.
"All right, uh- tell me something about her" Jeremy tells him. Damon smirks and goes to talk.
"Something important Damon, not how good she was in bed" I tell him.
"Fine, buzzkill" he mutters. "She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human. And when death came, she didn't fear it" he explains.
"I was with her on her last day and she definitely wasn't in paradise" Elena states.
"It was in the dream he gave her. She's here" Jeremy tells us. So turns out Rose wasn't turned by an original, she was turned by a Mary Porter. Who Damon called Scary Mary. Damon left the room to call Stefan and let him know how things are going. Also to ask about Ric. I decided to get food for us, so left Elena with Jeremy.
But it took longer then expected to get the food. As the diner was busy. When I returned to the motel I find Damon and Elena making out. "Elena" I say with Jeremy as he appears.
"Oh my God Trixie, Jeremy. I..." she starts to say.
"Rose found Mary. She lives in Kansas" Jeremy states.
"I got the food, hope burgers and fries are ok" I add.
"Okay then. Let's go" Damon states and goes to grab the luggage. While Jeremy and I look at Elena. Damon soon returned with the luggage and drives us to Mary's. While we all ate in silence.
"This is the address" Jeremy states as we pull up to an old, abandoned-looking house and get out of the car.
"Looks about right" Damon tells us.
"Wait here" Elena tells Jeremy and I.
"Why?! So you guys can make out some more??" Jeremy asks her annoyed.
"Don't be a dick. Listen to your sister" Damon tells him. Jeremy scoffs and goes back to the car. Damon looks at me.
"Fine, whatever. Don't come crying to me if you get hurt by Mary" I tell him. I go join Jeremy in the car.
"So Rose said you were dating Klaus" Jeremy states.
"I was, but it's over now" I tell him.
"But you still love him" he states.
"I don't want to talk about it Jeremy" I tell him. The other two return, turns out Kol beat us here and killed Mary. Now we'll never know who sired her. We're on our way back to Mystic Falls. Me in the back seat with Jeremy. I fell asleep resting my head on the window.
Picture above of Jeremy and gif on the external link of Elena making out with Damon.
Ps; I'm going to to do the next three episodes, Do Not Go Gentle, Before Sunset, and The Departed. Then do summaries for the first ten episodes of season four over two chapters. Before doing a chapter an episode again.
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