- ssssssssspam
m tired
uhhh. whats a random quesion. uh whats ur favorite color
mmmmmmmmmmmm sleeb
hdjehdhdhdhcndhdh gay hours
hehdhdhd himb
my teacher: regan are u paying attention
me: *making up a fantasy girl in my head who would find me funny but also love me for so much more than that, who would have enough passion to match mine for her own interests so we could talk for hours analyzing and rambling about each other's interests. she'd listen to me talk about welcome to night vale, ask questions about kevin when i ramble about him, listen to it with me (and she wouldn't find me clapping my hands or flailing my arms or giggling while we do so odd or overdramatic or annoying) and it'd be so intimate because welcome to night vale is so incredibly important to me, its practically a part of me, and she would understand that because she feels the same way about her own interests! id do the same for her shows and bands and games and fascinations and fixations, love them because of how i associate it with the spark in her eyes. we could talk together for hours, but also be quiet. we could cuddle and hug and kiss each other, but also be separate and understand when either of us can't have contact right now. we could listen to loud music that we love and dance around, but we could also be quiet and not speak when neither of us can handle the noise. we understand each other, and although we might have our differences, we love them as well as the similarities. a girl with beautiful hair and beautiful eyes and beautiful lips and i could hug her and high five her and hold her hand and kiss her cheek and we'd be in love, so in love, so wonderfully in love and it would be okay it would be okay. i would understand what kevin meant when he said charles saw him, i would understand all the sweet nothings cecil said about carlos, she would be my striding stopping restarting sighing maureen who i let in and who sees me as more than the silence, and she would be so much more than all those love interests who mean so much to me combined, she'd mean more! she'd encompass all the wonder and excitement welcome to night vale gives to me and then some, and she'd be the snow and the sunshine and the flowers and the dawn and things wouldn't be perfect, there would be awkwardness and dorkiness and flaws, bur we would love each other and it would all be okay, i would care for her and she would care for me and it wouldn't feel one-sided either way we would love and love and love each other and i wouldn't feel forced, she would understand. she would ynderstand sometimes i dont get social interactions and talk too much, she would ynderstand sometimes i can barely talk at all, she would understand sometimes i panic and almost cry because she inexplicably reminds me of someone else, someone who hurt me in a way that i know she never would. she might not fully understand, and there might be problems, but we care and sympathize enough with each orher to move past it. we work together to overcome the flaws, and we are so so much, and we are also cuddling on the couch under a blanket and sleepinf soundly. we are soft music, and we are sunny days in the park, and we are in love.* uh-huh yup
zonked out right after that, good morning
feeling odd and like. vaguely sad but not awake enough to be sad sad
wanna make picrews but idk of what, maybe comfort chaacters? would have to find a good picrew that i havent already used for that tho
conflicted and confused hours
uhhhhh ask memes
waking up more and starting to feel actually sad so thats kind of annoying
i just dont get what im doing wrong. why cant people just give me a nice little instruction manual that tells me exactly what to do and i get a little report card every few weeks that tells me whats working and what to fix
gay rights
tell me stuff!! ramble at me
or ask me questions or smth
oh hey this is 710 words. that gay ramble was longer than anticipated
my succulents are prob gonna die which sucks
oh hey its new years eve- id better pep up so this year ends on a good note or ill be angsty ab it
talk ab ur comfort characters
talk ab my comfort characters
dhsjdhd tired
gonna go get breakfast to pep up a bit, bye!! lu
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