- sssspam
(rhis spam is a lotta me rambling ab ep 149 but it segues into other stuff once i wake up the next day so its not like. 110% rambling lol
mirrors, apparently
"okaaay, this is getting annoying. so the guy i was telling you about earlier, carlos- he's been texting me this whole show, saying he wants to see me again. let's seeee, something something, my timeline is still wrong????? i should have a sister named abby - here's a photo of her with some kid. my mother died?? hmph. im supposedly afraid of mirrors, and he and i are actually married. this is ridiculous! okay, now he's texting me a picture of a dog. "our little puppy auuubergine," it says. in the picture carlos is holding the dog." my feelings are mixed because from carlos's perspective this is actuallt really sad but from cecil's perspective im fucking CACKLING
cecil's such a fucking dweeb i love his stupid self
"hah! i can, i can see myself in the reflective face, i... (i dont like this, i do not like this at all.) please go, please leave, it cannot- i-im covering this window with a sheet- i do not like this mirror! i do not like it one bit- no! lets go to the weather!" NO WAIT BRO HE SOUNDS SO PANICKY AND HIS VOICE IS SO,, DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT THAN USUAL IM SAD ILY CECIL
"cecil, i-i'm calling for personal reasons. i-i'm- i'm calling to tell you that i love you. that i have loved you almost since the first day i met you nearly seven years ago. i didn't know anyone in night vale, and you were the first person to take any interest in my studies. its not easy feeling alone, but within a year i wasn't, cause i was with you! and now we are married. well, at least in my timeline we were married. we have been married, and we have a beautiful puppy named aubergine, a house, a relationship. you have a sister, and you know, you have a brother-in-law too and, and a niece who is a talented athlete and enormously just a kind young woman. and we have - oh, you're gonna play this on air, aren't you? oh, of course you are. well, never mind. anyway, uh, somehow you don't know any of this. ive been working nights and days trying to repair this break in continuity, and i haven't slept much, because i-i can't sleep until we're back in the same timeline. but i cant find anything that will fix this, i-i don't know what else to do other than to just say: trust me. i will start over, we'll go to rico's on another first date, i will pretend to hear about your life for the first time, i will tell you about mine for the thousandth time. it won't be the same for me, but it will still be you. and- and that's all that matters. you, you're the one. oh god, this must sound crazy, you barely know me and- and im coming off as desperate, but it's because i am. please call me." OH AW
"and i did! call him back. a-a-and i said: "i love you too. babe, i love your beard, i love our dog, i love... i-i love our life together." minutes before that, i did not feel that way. i did not know about my life with carlos, because it had never happened in my history." OH AW
ndndndj my lips feel really weird and its bothering me
"in my case, she told me i have a sister, abby, a brother-in-law, steve, a niece, janice. i-i did not know those names. she told me about my husband, carlos. i knew that name, but did not feel love for it!" i know this works out bc of the aforementioned lines but still........ ):
OW my lips hurt it sucks
"96 years later" god wtnv started in 2012,,,,,, sometjmes i remember that and it hits me like a TRUCK im so late
i miss old woman josie,, ):
"the memories of what eunomia said to me, the memories of my life without my family, are fading quickly. night vale returns to normal- whatever that means, haha! i told carlos i was so sorry for causing him such pain. i can not ever know how difficult that must have been. he only tilted his head and said "already forgotten." i wasnt sure if he was being literal????? hmm,,,," YAY THINGS R BACK TO NORMAL!!!!!!! CECIL IS A DWEEB IN LOVE W CARLOS AS USUAL
ok forgot aboht this spam lol- gm!!
god DAMN i slepy so late- altho that makes sense i was up until like. one am
my lips No Longer Hurt i know its a miracle
but in an uwu mood
fuck how many days of femslash feb have i missed- lemme check
three. rip.
ill make em up today tho!! have nothing going on
donovan: giraffes?
esteban: giraffes.
cecil, in the vague distance: *strangling kevin within an inch of his life*
have the first two catchup aesthetics, ill make the one for today and the third missed one later jdkdfj- femfeb days 12 and 13!
gal palz
honestly im not 100% certain if i like celegiri as like. an actual ship outside of the aesthetic? but i was listening to my kevin playlist and the heroine camr on and i was like "haha hey! that kinda reminds me of celeste" and then this happened
i have a love hate relationship w making aesthetics fhskfj
update!! heres the last catchup aesthetic- femfeb day 14! prob shoulda done something special for valentines but w/e
nostalgia time
theres this tenko playlist im listening to rn and some girl in red just came on....... hell yeah
am bored have this
darryl! adhd icon. doesnt have sideburns in this picrew
concept for his double!! either darren or daniel im indecisive- the shirt is the only prple thig i could find
basic ideas
- born in night vale, moved to desert bluffs. possibly aaaaafter strexcorp was kicked out? or maybe before,, not sure on which works better
- "so im at the doctor again and i see a notecard on the reception desk and it says in bright red ink do you want to live forever? finally, i think, finally im at the start of a vampire novel. i dont actually want to live forever, but im not about to turn down a call for adventure like that. i try to flip the card as inconspicuously as possible. the other side contains a verse all about being devoured by the smiling god. i hate living in desert bluffs"
- either a passionate scientist or really into the whole bloodstone thing, not sure
- also an adhd icon
- whenever he speaks genuinely he comes across as cold and uninviting and aggressive
- also a writer, or maaaaybe an artist but i lean towards the former
this tenk playlist has girls/girls/boys as well as i dont do boys????? im so confused which is it
apparently i have to go to a dinner i thought i didnt have to go to so 😔
have cc,,,
lauren mallard brainwashes u while strex kevin dances to mr saxobeat nightcore: asmr
booooo i have to leave now and i thought we were leaving i a half an hour- too much spontaneity forme- bye bye!!
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