- spamalamalamalam
i enjoy how my titles are always either some variation of "spam spam" or "spamalam"
wearing a flannel over my girl in red sweatshirt, we dybing (dyke vibing)
comfort content !! saved a lotta it last night but i never added it lol
cecilos 🤝 charlevin 🤝 mauchelle
god tier romances that i want to have something similar to
before january ends anyone want to listen to the radio to hear all the important news of your new town and perhaps you even want to hear my voice, a voice you already heard earlier today when you arrived in town and i was standing at the sign that says "you are entering desert bluffs population: all smiles" and when you looked at me you smiled, you shook my hand lingering for a bit, i told you how welcome you were how winsome your jaw looked how id love to show you around town, and you listen as i say on the radio: few people have ever treated me with equivalent kindness you did not turn from my face you did not wince you looked straight into me and saw that i was the same as you, you saw me, thank you- expect delays, you have my number 💕🙈😩
i screamed at peoeple in gum andn now i feel so anegy and upset and guolty but also not guilty that j ww nat to dcream but i ahve math and a quiz ebxt perdiokd so yippy skippy gonan have to sot tstill and not be ablet o get enu energy out iand i feel tired and fullngoe nergy and t the same fjme and j jsut want to go home
and sshe wqs sso nice to em!!!!!!!! and f biy jn the "ofhh haha nregan did something g weidd hahaa okaaayy dogo for it upi weidd ittle child icm debring so charitiee" ina nICE WAY and sns dhes never gonana want to be my freiend sndgain and SO FBW PEOEPLE ARE NCIE TO me and shehss so nice nand findeel ifawawufl
anna get comfort fontent but am oo tired to and id otn want post tjeis our right now
update i cried and apologized and now im kinda drained but better, aa
he vibin...........
fhsjdjdj...... kebin
had a panic attack over an assignment and then i went to print it out so i could het it donw in the 20 minutes left of class and the library was closed so i burst out frantically laughing so hard that i hyperventilated and cried so basically im a morally grey antagonist on a much smaller scale
dhsjdhdjddjdbhxnd today was not a good daaaay
which is annoying vause it started splendidly
have comfort picrews to cope lmao- theres a lot more but i hit image limit so have just these three
they were helpful tho!! am soft for both fictional characters and my friends
local gaydhd radio host goes on tenth existential ramble of the day, more news (if he ever gets around to reporting it) as this develops
sparklegays b like: *makes happie kevin picrews* *makes happie kevin picrews* *make h
this is based on that one sprite w the camera you know the one?? that one. shes taking a picture of her gf hiyoko
uhhhh whats crackalackin
kevin kins hiyoko nagito and monokuma and he will blame everything he does on at least one of these characters
am soft for my friends........... if ur my friend ily
throwback to my acting class where we had to write down the things that came to mind when a song came on and they put on wouldn't it be nice and i couldnt think straight bc i had a buncha romantic fantasies about two different people
thejfjejf tomorrow and saturday are gonna be stressful can we get a rip
want fluffy kevin stuff but there is Literally None In The Fandom and the oneshot im writing is sad so im listening to sunshiney stuff to fill the void lmao
gonna write some happy stuff w him bye!!
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