- spamalam
spam spam
my brain: ur gonna think Sad Thoughts Now
me, ab to replay the parts of triptych i have memorized in my head: yes but not in the way u think
gonna do this because catching up on femslash feb?? idk her
went into my recommended group chats and
i. i look up "lesbian tenko" twice a week how does that convey this desire At All
okay so!! originally i couldnt update this spam because i was out of storage but i deleted some old works and now i Can!! yeehaw
speaking of, while i was going through old works i found an old natsori fic i was writing and now i wanna write them but idk in what plot
readin some charlevin
""why did you start to talk about the weather and then music played instead?" "what do you mean "instead"? the weather is playing, isn't it?" "i,,,, there's a song playing???????" "yes???" "insteas of, i don't know, saying that it's a sunny day?" "im sorry, charles, im just not quite certain what exactly you're asking me-"" BAJDJANDJSHDJS ICONIC
""this might be a bit invasive, but i would really appreciate it if you could answer honestly. you're not currently in love with a man who looks remarkably similar to me, are you?"" KEVIN DJWKEHEHDH- gotta cover all ur bases
"charles kept tuned in to kevin's show on in the background after that, just in case there were any more warnings about strange and dangerous local phenomena. and kevin's voice was really very lovely. also, a lot of his show seemed to be about local landmarks, history, and interesting events scheduled for the week, which was a great way to learn more about desert bluffs. although, he did wonder if "Desert Bluffs Landmarks Perfect For That First Date With A Gorgeous Interloper With Stunning Teeth" was a regular feature on kevin's show or something of a recent addition. it felt a little, uh, specific." kevin is an icon and i love him
""but isn't it far better to air out controversial topics early on before you make any emotional investment? no nasty surprises years later when you find out your best friend would happily enslave the good citizens of your hometown in the service of a brutal corporate autocracy because she got dumped and was feeling lonely." "okay, that is a very specific and somewhat worrying example—" "—completely hypothetical, i assure you." "is it?" kevin was silent for a moment, his eyes going darker while his smile grew more forced. "lets simply say that it would be a lot different here if it had been purely hypothetical, and leave it at that, shall we?" "sorry, i didn't mean to pry—" "oh, don't worry yourself so, charles! it is part of our dear town's history, if a little of a tender subject. im sure you've already heard oblique references to those events while you got settled into town, it must be so confusing without context! it all started—"" lauren What the Hell
"what did he really know about kevin, other than he was an excellent conversationalist with a wicked sense of humour and the most amazing eyes charles had ever seen and being near him was making charles' heartbeat go a little mad?"
me, hyperfixating 🤝 charles, gay
kevin making our heartbeat go a little mad
""you sound like carlos," kevin muttered, but he did begin to fiddle with the fastenings for his fingers. charles watched closely, memorising the way to remove them. "what, concerned for your physical comfort?" "yes! he was always going on about that stuff." "good! im glad! someone should! maybe i should meet this guy." kevin grimaced. "id introduce you, but carlos decided to go live in night vale, of all places. night vale! honestly, and with desert bluffs right here and so beautiful too!" "you miss him." kevin was silent for a few moments, sitting up to remove his left foot and stump sock." D:
petition for kevin to have night vale friends
gm lol irs been a while
head empty only jonathan sims
havent updated this spam in eight hours lmao- started it on friday midday and now its safurday evening
m too tired to post here tho
which s annoying because theres stuff i wanted 2 say
heres a pekosaba thing for femfeb
yanno whats odd?? my level of affective empathy its very strange
it wasnt low when i was a kid?? like when i was younger there was a part of harry potter and the half blood prince that i Could Not Read because i felt it too much. not because it was scary but because it made meconne t with the embarrassment too much even tho id never experienced anything like it and it hurt so i always skipped it. and like id form entire opinions on people just bc of others' emotions. compare that to now and its wildly different- there have been times where ive been screamed at and i didnt feel anything, and multiple times where someone i knew was grieving and i didnt feel it?? like i cared and tried to help but i didnt empathize??? what changed, can the degree to which you Literally Feel Emotions change like that???? whats rhe root cause?????? confusion
gm!! second time this spam fhskfjd
really dont wanna go back to school tomorrow
send picrew recs please
hdndhdhdj. i wish i knew how to talk to people
i REALLY want a new kevin episode i stg??? i really hope hes not gonna be like. retired from the show since hes being redeemed ):
i wuv tenko
hiyenko rights!!!!!!!
i do Not want to go to group
head empty only triptych
i have Way too many emotions tied up in wtnv
i lubv u
aaaaa. aaaaaaaaaa. aa
thinkin ab......... him
hes kevin db
charles n kevin come to the orphanage where u live
charles: i want HER
kevin: IDK... shes kind of ugly
charles: kevin... its whats on the inside that counts :)
they adopt u
idk why im trying to be funny lmao im bery tired
i wanna get this spam over with before it starts being two days long lmao bye!!
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