- spam spam
greetings im in class
strexcorp?! that big business corporate MONSTER?!
sessil, is it? delgihtful
well, im gonna call it desert bluffs!
what is a town but a name, right?
ok anyway
the virgin alastor and the chad kevin
yandere content bad
like theres prob wtnv yandere stuff out there and that idea Frightens Me
UPDATE! just checked the only thing i could find was a yandere sim skin lets GO the wtnv fandom continues to be amazing
mostly amazing. outside of certain things that shan't be named
mmmmmmmmm i really wanna listen to the magnus archives,,, al the fanart reminds me of wtnv and that makes me happie so im hella temped but im watching so many things rn
tell u what. im gonna listen to the first ep to see how i like it and then ill make a schedule for this evening and add some in if i like it- oh also im outta school
ok theres like. an intro thingy, go forth
well this isnt creepy at all
is. is that it. is it just ending thirty seconds in lmao that wasnt very helpful i already KNEW it was a weekly horror fiction podcast
its deadass just silence wh
OH-kay pre launch trailer here we go
test test
fuck the previous archivist, couldnt even clean up the place before they died?? jeez
take it for a ~spin~ as it were
i kinda like whoever this is
i assume its jonathan sims or whatever ive heard a lotta bout that guy
oooo got some string music
alright, alright, im intrigued!! not enough to listen to more tonight especially with this WEIRDASS RANDOM SILENCE but ive sated my curiosity, might listen to more when i have time
sending comfort content that is specific to the other's interests is one of the best ways to show affection over the internet in this essay i
its a few hours layer
i love my dog
be gay have huge insecurities ab adhd
wan watch v3 but my head is killing me and im exhausted so nows prob not the time esp considering my fave chara is kinda loud
theres this wtnv ask blog on tumblr and theyre usuallt carlos but rn theyre kevin and i stg they are SO fucking in character its nifty i hope theystay as himfot a while
god i love it devours. its so good
i got a buncha gift cards for christmas a while ago. gonna buy kevin some therapy brb
as it turns out i could only buy him like two or three sessions tops. ah
well maybe the joyous congregation collects,, whag the fuck is the word. donations but like not. whatever those are called he can use those
this spam is very wtnv centric rip
wtnv fandom stop oversimplifying kevin's character its annoying im too tired to rant but >:/ challenge
hdjrhfhbdeh my head is killing me
gn lol finish thiz 2morrow alongside the math homework o physically cant work on
have a lot to do but dont have rehearsal which is good
ranking my kins by if they could kill me because im bored
kiyotaka ishimaru - could, but wouldnt break the law to do so intentionally
mahiru koizumi - probably wouldnt kill me. could punch me real hard tho, knock me out
makoto naegi - maybe, prob wouldnt
mukuro ikusaba - OH yeah. could and would
nagito komaeda - could go either way tbh. would do so under specific conditions
sonia nevermind - shit man probably?? she knows all that military stuff- dont think she would outside of despair contexts and certain circumstances tho
tenko chabashira - could if she slammed me hard enough, dont think she would tho?? im not a Degenerate Male(tm)
cecil palmer - could kill someone his age with effort, could kill me easily bc of the age difference. would under certain circumstances
carlos the scientist - proooobably could if he had scientific shit of the dangerous variety, plus the age difference- wouldnt except for dire circumstances
michelle nguyen - could with effort, would try to if my music taste is bad enough
pre-strex kevin - same as cecil
strex kevin - oh for fucking sure. DEFINITELY could and DEFINITELY would
post-strex kevin - definitely could kill me, would do so if the circumstances arose. these circumstances do not have to be particularly serious but they do have to be there and are more trickt to reach than with strex kevin
head empty only he way kevin says delightful in triptych
nntnsndjdjsdh m so fuckign tired. shoulda done more of mt math
it be cold
i lubv!!!!!! tessie
kiibo good
on the one hand i cant wai tdor the weekend on the other hand i dont wanna Do Stuff On The Weekend
i have this storh that i cant tell anyone and its stressin a bitch out
head empty only 'it devours!' a welcome to night vale novel by joseph fink and jeffrey cranor
thinkin ab...... girlz
and also kevin but in a different way
ily!! am peppy
ok when i get home this is what im gonna do
1. watch rhe last part of the tma launch trailer
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2. watch an episode of either v3 or wtnv depending on how i feel
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3. watch the first Legit ep of tma
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4. watch an ep of whatever i didnt watch on step two
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5. repeat the back and forth from wtnv to v3, possibly with tma mixed in
i want my orchestra teacher to bang his ankle against a table leg he sucks i hate him
wow this spam is long
carlos good
ok i thought i posted this a qhile ago lmao bye
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