- sleeeeb spam
sleeeeb spma that ill post 2morrow bc i meant to go to sleep but nvm
i lov u
asmr eliple who fo asmr with just whispering and visiual triggers own my entires oul like. jfdjjdj
rhe best time of day at my dads house is when its evening and my half sisteerd aee asleep and i hide in my room pretendig 2 b asleep and wear noise candeleling headphones so i csnt hear my dad watching tv and stay wuirt so i dont wake up my sisters its excelelnt and solitary and nice and quiet,,,,,, wosh i didnt have to tak emy meds b4 going to me room so i could enjoy it whike not drowsy
i guess i coudl take them right before. thats an jcea
mmmmmmm fuck. it occurs to me that idk where i should post my writing
gimme advice cause like- dellibovi is Very bom themed which isnt what inwouldnbe posting snymore but i cant make a new acc and asking someone to make it for me seems odd and idk if i shodul post it here?
what do
my arms hurt
gfime construacfive ceiticism. is ther anything i do that bothers you? or isnt as good a friend as it could be? lmk!! im not trying to trrick tou into insulting me i just wanna be the best friend i can be
actuallt off the personality line gimme contsructive art criticism too heres my recent stuff
ill finish this 2morrow gnightie
nvm i wanna post it now night
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