- exhausted hours
sleeeeeby spam
i dont. want to go to school tomorrow. at all
tenko chabashira says wlw rights
tttttalk to me about wtnv please
im supposed to be sleebing so i get a good nights sleep before the first day back but
a: im emotional
b: i dont want it to be tomorrow by any circumstances
sorry thats kind of venty
comfort content, yes all the kevin ones have been posted before theyre mt faves and looking for new fanart would mean sifting through piles of angst and horror and i need comfort fuck u
uhhhhhh. tell me stuff
ask me questions please ask lots and lots of wuestions i love andwering qurstiond and h
m sorry for this spam being so fown i just. have a lot of feelings and no real way 2 get them out and since i need ti sleep soon and wtnv will pep me up and make me pace around that isnt helpful and idk what to do- im tryong to be cheery honest
not posting this rn ill post it tomorrow probs but
- tell me what u wanna do in the new year
- talk to me ab wtnv
- ask me questions please
- neurodivergent hcs
- talk to me about danganronpa v1
- talk to me about hina
- talk to me about taka
- talk to me
my dog says uwu uwu uwu
lifetime achievement award good
sakuraoi....... 💞
love was invented when mudstone abyss said "few people have ever looked at me with genuine kindness. you did not turn from my face, you did not wince. you looked straight into me and saw that i was the same as you", toast was just a best friends ceremony
mukuro ikusaba uwu
hina hina hina hina hina
fuck i almost forgot to do tessas stuff, one moment
ill do requests tomorrow
im. jsjdjdn
this soam has zero content so im gonna post it now. nightie night, heres to hoping school goes okay tomorrow and i repress my emotions until they burst out in the evenings instead of getting overly upset in the middle of the day
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