2. Appologies, sprints, and prison?
A pair of arms gripped me and quickly transferred me to the other side of the road seconds before a mini van zoomed past us.
"Are you out of your mind?!" I flinched slightly at the tone of Dantè's voice. "Quinn, you almost died! Over a sandwich."
Realisation dawned on me. "It couldn't have come a little faster?" I muttered, grunting loudly.
"Unbelievable. Mel, your best friend is unbelievable."
Her name triggered an emotion of absolute rage. I slowly turned my head to my best friend.
"Quinn. I'm sorry. I forgot about the sandwich," she panicked and ran behind Dantè.
"Then how come I smelt it?" I asked incredulously, flapping my hands around to emphasize my mad state.
She smiled apologetically. Trying to fix Dante's position as her shield in order for her to be further protected, she whispered. "I kinda, maybe, bought myself a sandwich..."
I decided right then and there that Melinda shall face a punishment as cruel and low as the actions she has directed towards me this day.
Taking in a deep breath, I looked down at my thongs and breathed out.
"If they're out of sandwiches, I'm gonna kill you."
And with that as my threat, I began the six kilometre run to the fast food restaurant.
In my seventeen exhausting years of living, I never once thought that I'd run six kilometres. But people take extreme lengths for food.
...Fifty-five minutes later...
I came to a complete halt before Berkshire bacon. My heart was thumping in my chest and the sweat drizzled down my face, making a few strands of my baby hair stick to my forehead. My hair was sticking out from places because a stray cat thought it was fun to abuse me and I lost a thong.
"Stupid thief. Are cats considered thieves? Well, now they are," I muttered, a mother with her child sending me strange glances before speed walking away from me. I glared at their retreating figures.
Don't stare at me with your judging eyes.
Wait, can eyes be judging?
I'm pretty sure they can.
I shook my head to free myself from my bizarre thoughts.
I turned to the direction of the fast-food restaurant to find it empty. The open sign was still facing us. I marched through the double doors only to forget that there was a single step. In turn, I tripped over the forsaken step before sliding down the tiled floors.
A few snickers were heard by the two-three adults sitting in a booth. Rude.
Extremely rude.
Outrageously rude.
"Miss, are you okay?" I tilt my head up to see a young boy staring down at me with a look of worried ness.
"Fine. I'm...fine." I groaned, pulling myself up.
The kid, content with my answer, nodded his head before scurrying back to his burger.
Realization hit me like a brick. THE SANDWICH.
I flew to the front desk where the manager just announced that there was only one sandwich left.
I stumbled before gripping onto the counter for dear life. The employee gaped at me, shifting back a little.
I took a second to remind myself of my stray appearance. I must look like a loose animal in his eyes.
Just as I was about to order the sandwich that will rid me of any other wishes, something ripped me from the counter and tossed me aside.
Before me was a boy, around my age, maybe a year older, who was ordering my sandwich. He was tall. He had a back. And a head with brown hair. He had two arms and two legs. And that is a great description of the human being before me.
I didn't know what over came me, but with a strangled war cry, I leaped into the air and stuck myself to his back.
Ain't no one getting my sandwich.
He stumbled back from the sudden attack. The cashier behind the counter transformed his face to one of horror.
"Get off me you crazy idiot." The stranger yelled.
"No! I ran six kilometers for this damn sandwich, there is no way I'm giving it up to the likes of anyone." My voice rose as I struggled to remain attached to the back of him.
The male, with an incredible force, gripped my hands and flipped me over him before carrying me over to a trash can and tossing me inside it.
He smirked in satisfaction before carelessly walking to the counter.
I froze in place.
He dare make a mockery of me?
He dare try and steal the highlight of my life?
I don't care who he is. A prince, a police man, a street fighter. Nothing. And I really mean nothing, will come in the way of me and my true love.
I thought Harry Potter was your true love? Wait! Wasn't it Tom Holland?
Oh, I'm being dramatic here! Leave me be.
Straightening my glasses which have reached the end of my nose, I tie my long hair into a catastrophe of a bun.
This is war.
You have no strength. How do you think you're going to fight off a male who looks like he can kill a baby without even hesitating?
Smart question. But I had no sanity to overthink it.
In the corner, I saw a mop leaning on the wall for support, a bucket of soap and water beside it.
The evil smirk that conquered my features was the first sign that what I was thinking of doing, should not be done.
But like I said, the lengths people will go for food is astonishing.
I tiptoed to the mop, for a frantic second thinking I was a member of totally spies. I placed the mop inside the bucket before I lifted up the full bucket and paddled over to the teenage boy.
I held no remorse or fear as I drenched the boy with the soapy water contained within the bucket. He froze in what I presumed to be shock. Without even thinking, I gripped the mop and whacked him on his leg than stomach with it.
He hunched over and clutched his stomach.
I turned to my left to see a women on her phone, talking in a rushed manner to someone.
With my focus on the women, I didn't notice the boy come near me. Grabbing my leg, he pulled at it, causing me to hit the floor hard on my head. I groaned out loud.
Thinking he has finished me off, he went to go and pay for the sandwich.
I'm not finished yet you sandwich stealing bastard.
Removing my single thong from my foot, I launched it at him. As it hit his head, everything went silent when it came plopping down.
The slow turn of his head towards me made me gulp.
I scrambled to my feet just as he stalked towards me.
"Just know, if you harm me, it is considered animal abuse because I'm here by labeling myself as an animal, just so I don't be killed." His hazel eyes searched my face. For what? I will never know.
"You are going to pay for everything you did." His voice was low and deep.
That was not the direction I had planned in my head.
What did I think would happen? He'd be forgiving and turn the other cheek?
Yes. That is what I thought.
"Could you not have gone with another line? That's the most cliche thing anyone could ever say." I huff, flapping my hand before me in a new found irritation.
He cocked his head to the side. "What is wrong with you?"
I pondered over his question. It was rhetorical from the tone and the fact that he looked as though no answer, or words in general, should leave my mouth. What is wrong with me? Personally, I think I'm sane. I have been scowled for my lack of planning and thinking over a situation. Impulse motives are more of my thing. I guess you can say that my obsession with food is possibly what is wrong with me, but other than that, nothing is wrong.
"Are you talking to yourself or..." He cocked an eyebrow up. My eyes went wide in embarrassment and I felt my ears heat up. I can see them now, the tips turning bright red.
I can't believe I said all of that out loud. I really should keep that in mind the next time I blabber something to myself. Here I go again.
I shake my head furiously.
I look back up at the towering individual, his hazel eyes burning through me. His stare was uncomfortable, as though it were trying to slowly crumble me.
"Staring is rude." I pointed out rudely.
"Does it look like I care what is rude or not?" I rolled my eyes. He is so rude.
"Look mister. I ran six kilometers for that sandwich. I got attacked by a stray cat that stole my shoe," I pointed at my bare foot. "And-and I became violent for the sandwich." I straightened myself and cranked my head up before squinting my eyes in an intimidating way.
"Look ma'am. I killed someone for the sandwich." I froze with the explanation given to me by this stranger.
"Well then, I-I suppose that's worse." I frowned. "You can have the sandwich."
I saw him relax his shoulders and turned around, slowly walking back to my love.
I grinned. He is so gullible. Again, I attempted to jump on his back but he was prepared this time and ended up elbowing me on the head. Which area on the head? My nose. Because he is tall and I'm tiny.
I groaned before clutching my now bleeding nose.
"Ugh, now this chick is going to get my ass in trouble." He muttered.
"Well I'm sorry that you didn't just hand me the sandwich."
By now, blood stained the floor. My blood that is.
I saw my thong beside me on the floor. Retrieving it, I aimed it for his head, but before I could release it, someone grabbed my arm. I looked before me to see a police officer clutching sandwich stealers arms as well.
I turned my head to the side to see a police officer shaking his head at me.
"You miss, are going to have a long night with your friend over there," He gestured to the teenager.
"Oh shucks." I mumbled.
"Again, Mekhi?" The officer handling my new acquaintance asked, shaking his head in disappointment.
"Well, little lady, I hope you like prison."
PRISON! I can't go to prison. I need to graduate. I need to rewatch all my Disney shows. For goodness sake, I still haven't seen the new Aladdin remake.
Oh, and my nose is still bleeding.
I sighed before offering a wide grin.
"Can I still have the sandwich?"
...End of chapter two...
Uh...she isn't violent. Or crazy. She is perfectly sane.
So, what do you think of her personality?
Oh and we have introduced to new characters.
Give this chapter a like if you are crazy bout food. Or if you just enjoyed it.
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