[Exams] Part 2
3rd person's POV
"Hurry up, they might see you!" whisper yelling as she signalled the blue haired girl staring at her, Suzu scrambled to her feet with the banner in hand and quickly went to where Anko was hiding, watching the ninjas taking part of the chunnin exams by the window.
Peeking through, she observed some of them had various yet obvious ways of cheating, such as the mirrors by the ceilings, or Akamaru barking loudly in the quiet room.
"Huh, it looks like it's gonna take awhile."
"You don't say." the blue haired girl huffed, gripping the banner in her hand.
"Don't get sassy on me midget."
"Hmph." puffing out her cheeks, Suzu sat on the ground and continued to watch the ninjas take the exam, Anko looking around before having an idea as she took out her wallet.
"Go buy us some snacks will ya?" tossing Suzu her wallet, the blue haired girl catched it by her gloved hand before staring at the woman infront of her who shooed her away to buy them food.
'Well... Since it' s not my money.. ' with that thought, Suzu left the rolled up banner by Anko' s feet and went to the nearest store to buy them snacks.
Meanwhile, a blonde haired woman rested her head against her palm, not bothering to even answer the questions written on her paper as she had read it thoroughly the first time she got it and had already solved it in her head.
'Where is it when I need to check it' s status?!' screaming in her thoughts, she looked around once again yet she did not spot whatever she was looking for, releasing an angry sigh.
About to smash the desk in annoyance, the blonde woman saw something--well someone in particular that caught her eye, whom was peeking through the small glass window in the very front row to the left, peeking through with a crouched down position, watching.
'Anko? Haven' t seen that specimen for a long time--now this has caught my interest. ' calming down, she rested her hands on the table as she continued to watch the purple haired woman' s movements, all the while still alert and cautious to her surroundings.
The sun began to set and everyone whom were left was already asked to leave since they passed the test, Anko bickering with Ibiki spouting insults back and forth that is when Suzu arrived inside the room.
"There you are Midget! Why the hell it took you so long--" Looking at Suzu up and down, she saw the blue haired girl holding two plastic bags on each of her hands, a dango stick in her mouth with the wallet Anko gave her hanging by her pockets.
Ibiki gained a sweat drop as he watched Anko strangle the blue haired girl in a flash, forming her free hand onto a fist rubbing harshly on the girl's head, who squirmed and dropped the plastic bags and the wallet trying to get out of Anko's hold, but to no avail.
"What am I to do with these two.." sighing, Ibiki decided to step between the two to stop Anko from strangling the poor girl any longer.
The next day, Suzu woke Sakura up and decided to walk with her to the next stage of the chunnin exams, separating ways when she and her team met then going towards Anko.
"Yo midget, that your sis?" pointing to the pink haired ninja, Suzu nodded in reply receiving a pet from the head, closing her eyes in appreciation to the gesture.
Her eyes suddenly snapped open when she heard a distinct yet familiar sound, a sound of a bell.
Looking through the crowds back and forth, she tried to see if someone she knew yet not wanted to see was here, although did not see any sight of them.
"Midget? You doing okay?"
Eyes going back to Anko, she shook her head nervously, gripping the side of Anko's coat.
"They're here..."
"Who's here?" before Suzu could answer however, she was snapped out of her fearful state as a blue, flying insect came and rested on top of her shoulder.
"What the heck is that?" taking out a Kunai, Anko was ready to stab the insect but Suzu shielded it away from her, shaking her head.
"Friend." waving, Anko looked confused as Suzu walked away from her, letting the blue insect guide them towards it's owner.
"Shino, Kiba!" hugging Shino first, the shaded boy patted the girl's head while Kiba grinned at the two.
"Yo Suzu! I heard from Naruto that you ain't in the exams- is that true?" nodding, Suzu let go of Shino and stared at the two, before looking at the shy girl beside her.
"...yes...?" Suzu hugged the Hyuga in her arms, the shy girl awkwardly hugging her back.
"Good luck."
"T-thank you.."
"Hey-we don't get good lucks as well?" the blue haired girl separated herself from Hinata, going to the pouting Inuzuka and patted his head.
"Good boy?"
"I'm not-" Kiba's statement got cut off when Akamaru tackled Suzu and gave her kisses on the face, the blue haired girl smiling in glee.
"Akamaru! Good boy!" the dog barked and wagged his tail, letting Suzu pat his head in happiness.
"Hey midget! The exams' gonna start!"
Hearing Anko's shout, she put Akamaru down to the ground and waved at Team 8, running back to Anko who was standing in front of the participants.
Suzu's POV
"Those kids take so damn long in these interviews..." resting her head on her hand, Anko watches a kid with a blue scarf and his friends interview the rookie 10 for a 'newspaper' , my eyes scanning the crowd for someone I knew was here- although stayed hidden.
'Where are you..?'
Snapped out of my dazed state by Anko snapping her finger in front of me, the both of us stood up from where we sat as the kids bid their thank you's and see you soon's meaning they finished their interview, disappearing from the crowd.
Suddenly I got the urge to pee, holding onto my dress while tugging on Anko's coat with my free hand.
"Anko, I go."
"Call of nature?" grinning, she saw me nod before ushering me away from her, letting me go to the bathroom only to see there was a bit of a long line.
Sighing, I decided to wait since I got nothing to do anyways, stepping one step forward as the line slowly moved, peeking to the side to see that I was still at least the 13 people away from the bathroom.
'How long are they staying in the bathroom?'
Phew! That was one hecc of a tornado chapter of ideas! (well for me that is)
Soooo how's the chapter in your opinion? Comment down below if you want to!
Well the-time to jump to the next chapter, see you there!!!!
Oh! And if you want to, please doooo
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