Suzu pov
I walked towards the academy while I held onto Onee-chan's hand. It's been like...a year now and I'm 11 years old, while she's 12, but I don't care though.
I always look up to Sakura now because she's smarter, beautiful and I think more stronger, guess I'll have to train harder this time to reach her.
The thing that I only hate to Sakura is that she's always Sasuke-kun this, Sasuke-kun that, she always speaks about him! That Sasuke is so lucky to have my sisters attention, and all these months I trained to be stronger, even my monster form i developed and trained just to get her attention!
Now I can speak to three words maximum, and I'm proud of it! I can now even read, write, and more! But I don't know some other words from what she calls as 'dictionary' and I don't get these mathematics.....Though I also hate shopping...it's crazy! One time Sakura invited me to go shopping with her, and then when we entered the shop it was madness! Clothes were flying anywhere and..ahem..anyways..
Hiruzen decided that I will have to go to the academy early because he said that I can go, but I'm too weak yet...any who, I'm still glad that I can go with my sister and I'll protect her from bullies especially Lady pig! She's scary when I first met her..
As we headed towards the classroom and we were already infront of the door, I gripped a little bit tighter on Sakura 's hands, making her know that I'm a bit nervous.
"It's okay Suzu I promise." Sakura exclaimed as she petted my head, then she got in first.
I nervously opened the door and put my emotions at the back of my head, as I went in and stood infront.
"Ah you're the new student that the hokage told me. I am Iruka, well care to introduce yourself?" The chunnin exclaimed, as I looked infront.
"Haruno Suzu." I stated, while bowing my head before looking up again, as the others, except Sakura looked at me questioningly.
"That's all?" A random student asked me as I nodded.
"Well please take your seat next to...ah! Ino you have a spare seat next to you, please raise your hand and..huh?" Iruka didn't get to continue his sentence as I sat next to Lady pig, but I sat a few meters away from her as Iruka shrugged and started his lesson about chakra.
"Let me explain to you what chakra is. Chakra (チャクラ, chakura) is essential to even the most basic technique. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions. Chakra is ordinarily not visible to the unaided eye unless it is highly concentrated or manifested in large amounts. Did you all get it?" He asked, as we all nodded.
"Great! Now let's go on-" suddenly, another Chunnin appeared, and he shouted that 'Naruto' painted the hokage mountains, making Iruka angry and tell us it's a study session for a minute, as he went off dashing like a bad guy was on his tail.
When he was gone, the students began to chatter loudly while I just played with a kunai from my weapon pouch, when I heard loud squeals from infront of me.
Curious I looked infront and saw fangirls (along with Sakura -_-) flocking at that place squealing 'Sasuke-kun ' over and over.
As I looked at this 'Sasuke-kun' I saw that he has piercing onyx eyes, raven hair shaped like a ducks' bottom, a cocky attitude and all in all, a big frown that may cause him wrinkles.
Why would Sakura be in love with that? That...bleh. No need to talk about it. I can't handle talking more about that...that thing.
'That's why Sakura has an obsession to that..thing.' I thought, as I looked back to my kunai and began to twirl it around.
Then the door opened making the girls scramble back to their seats, as Iruka came in along with a tied up blonde in orange.
"Alright class because of Naruto we will review the transformation jutsu!" Iruka stated, as groans erupted from the rooms while we all stood up and lined up. I was behind Sakura and infront of..the thing.
"Okay, Haruno Sakura, going in!" Sakura shouted, as she transformed into Iruka, though I saw that she has flaws in it.
"Did you see that Sasuke-kun?!" She squealed, as the other girls glared at her, making me use my glare on them and as they saw my glare they took a step back, along with the thing who saw my glare.
'That's right. Keep your puny little glares away from Sakura.' I exclaimed in my head.
"Good. Next, Haruno Suzu! Suzu I know you're new so you can just be excused for no-" before he could continue his sentence, I already transformed into Ibiki, as screams of horror from the girls(even Sakura..sorry onee-chan..) and some boys erupted from the room, so I transformed back and looked at the surprised Iruka.
"Next." He exclaimed after regaining his composure as I sat back to my seat.
"Is it good?" I asked Sakura who nodded and patted my head, making me smile a microscopic one.
After the class here and there, Sakura told me to head home first, because she told me that she has business to do.
I agreed and walked home, but decided that I can go exploring for a bit.
Walking around the busy streets of Konoha was a bit rowdy for me, so I headed towards my haven that I always go to.
When I reached it I saw the familiar chrysanthemum flowers by the side of the lake, lilypads floating on the lake that mirrors the setting of the sun, the cool breeze making the trees rustle around the area as I sighed, laying my head back on the meadowy grass.
Suddenly there was a rustle on my right, making me stand up and put out my kunai as my senses were high alert.
A figure appeared from the bushes as a man appeared, he has a shady look and I think I've seen him before.
"Who are you?" I asked, looking at him as my grip on my kunai tightened, ready to face him head on.
"Aburame Shino." He stated, as he took a step forward making me tense.
"I won't hurt you. You're the new student...right?" He asked, while I nodded.
"Well sorry for disturbing you, you see my bugs wanted to go to that flower over there. So can I?" He asked to which I hesitantly nodded and slowly put my Kunai down, while I sighed and sat down on the grass, my head looking up as the sun began to set.
Silence was in between us for a while when suddenly I felt something crawling up from my gloved hand, making me look down and saw it was a blue beetle.
"Hello there." I said, patting it's head as it made a sound, before flying to Shino.
"He's yours?" I asked while he nodded, as I stood up and stretched my arms.
"Have to go." I exclaimed, pointing at the sun.
"Bye." He stated, while I ran back towards the house.
"-and he is so cool! If only if you've seen his coolness when he was in the training grounds practicing throwing Kunais!" Sakura exclaimed as she fawned over the thing, making me sigh as I look around her pink room full of that thing's stolen shot pictures.
"Right.." I stated, hugging my stuffed dragon from the festival last year, while Sakura continued to talk about that thing that always gets her attention.
"Sakura! Suzu! Dinner is ready!!" Miss Haruno yelled, as Sakura literally dragged me towards the door as she dragged me to the dining room, though I don't mind.
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