14-Ravenhaired boy
Third person pov
It was about time that Tsukiko let out Suzu, and she was excited to how Suzu will react once she steps out of the tank.
Slowly, Tsukiko began the procedures and finally let Suzu's body out, as she gently put the sleeping body on the couch.
Suddenly Suzu stirred, and opened her eyes, showing once dark blue eyes turned to icy blue.
"Hello there dear." Tsukiko said sweetly , licking her lips as Suzu sat up and looked around.
"...." Suzu didn't know what to say, just taking in the dim lighting of the room she was in, when suddenly ice formed beside her, and came Leo.
'Who are you?!' Leo growled to Tsukiko who was a bit surprised, but nonetheless more eager to test Suzu's new found power.
"I am Tsukiko, wife of the great sannin Orochimaru and your creator. Pleased to meet you." Tskuko introduced herself, making Suzu's blank eyes stare at her.
"......" She still said nothing, as Leo spoke for her stead.
'Tsukiko her creator you say hm? Well I am Leo, so then, what will you name your creation then?' Leo mocked, standing infornt of Suzu as a sign of protection.
"Hmm..well let's see.." Tsukiko had a thinking thought.
'Though I won't give her her former name...how about..' Tsukiko thought.
"Kira Yuuk/Yuuki Kira be okay?" Tsukiko said, as the ice lion nodded in agreement.
'Very well then...is that name fine for you?' Leo asked to the girl who is Suzu, but she doesn't remember so se nods her head slowly.
"Then let me explain you the details.." Tsukiko began.
-after explanation-
'Training eh? Well we'll accept that. As long as there is nothing fishy going on.' Leo spoke.
"Indeed there will not be. Now we will begin, follow me to the training area please." Tsukiko said, but in the inside she is grinning evilly and laughing so madly.
-at the training area-
'A training area? This looks more like an arena for us.' Leo state, as Suzu/Kira nodded in agreement, her now shoulder length hair swishing.
"Well we need you Leo, out of the ring then, because I want to see what Kira has in her." Tsukiko spoke grinning, her eyes showed madness but Leo nor Suzu/Kira has noticed.
'Of course. Kira good luck.' Leo state, nudging Suzu/Kira's face using his nose as he jumped up towards the area where he could watch.
"Well good luck my dear~" Tsukiko sang, as the bars on each side of them opened, and Tsukiko disappeared to the watching area.
When all of the bars completely opened, out came hundreds of people who has the curse mark taking over them, their madness to kill taking over them as they targetted Suzu/Kira who they thought was helpless, but oh did she prove them wrong.
As the people with curse marks has surrounded Kira/Suzu, ice began to form on the floor and on the field, as small ice towers swiftly shot out of the ground, killimg so many of them at the same time.
Kira/Suzu killed without mercy, not listening to the pleads of the people, instead let her killer instincts take over as she swiftly killed them all using a small ice kunai that she made, blood were covering half of her plain white dress and half of her pale face, but she didn't care, as she licked some of the blood from the ice Kunai, loving the taste of blood, her icy blue eyes glowing with intensity making her chakra visible.
"Alright! Enough now! You've done enough for today. Let me take you to the bathroom to get all that mess out of you." Tsukiko said, as she jumped off the watching area with Leo, who Suzu/Kira immediately ran to first as her glowing in her eyes disappeared and her chakra turned back to normal, but Leo held her up on the back of her dress using his tail.
'Nu uh. No hugs until you finsih taking off that mess.' Leo said, as Suzu/Kira let her be held up in the air, to which Leo noticed and slowly put her down.
'You got a lot to learn do you..' Leo sighed, as he nudged Suzu/Kira to follow Tsukiko.
-at the bathroom-
"This is how you take a bath. Put shampoo on your hair like this, then put soap on your body like this. Afterwards rinse all of them and make sure nothing is left. Got it?" Tsukiko explained, showing an already naked Suzu/Kira by guiding her hands.
Kira/Suzu nodded, as Tsukiko rinsed her up and went to the door.
"Stay there first. I'll get a towel and your clothes, and no matter what, don't go outside." Tsukiko directed, going out of the bathroom.
'Did you really get what she was explaining earlier?' Leo asked, to which Suzu/Kira shook her head.
'You're hopeless..' Leo sighed.
Suddenly, the door opened and instead of Tsukiko, it was a certain raven head Uchiha, who caught sight of Suzu/Kira's naked body and blushed madly, his stoic, emotionless wall down as he had a small nosebleed.
On the other hand, Leo growled in disagreement, using his body (which he is taller than Suzu/Kira and Sasuke) as a wall to block the raven haired boy's sight from Suzu/Kira who was standing in her naked glory.
"Uhm Er..." The raven haired boy has his words jumbled up in his head as his mind got all dizzy, not having the courage of mustering up his words as he knew he will get a hit on the head for seeing her naked.
'What do you think you're doing?! Ever heard the word knocking?!?' Leo roared, as he barred his fangs, growling ever so slightly.
"I'm-" before the raven haired boy could say his apology, a voice interrupted him making him shiver nervously.
"And what are you doing here?!" Tsukiko growled.
'Ohhhhh busted! Deserves you right! Emo looking duck butt raven hairedcloset pervert!!!' Leo thought, as the raven haired boy knew he was in trouble, because he knew he crossed that woman's boundary.
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