Chapter 7: Arrows
Link and I walk out of the cave, with Midna in his shadow and Fi in the sheath strapped on my back. The trip out seems to take forever, but we both resent having to be faced with light after our eyes have finally adjusted to the dark. The sun beams on us and I shield my eyes and squint to look through the blinding light. Being in that cave has taken its toll.
"So now that we have conveniently found the fourth member of our party," Link says, "we have to pay Princess Zelda a visit."
As of this moment, our real quest has started.
"How long will it take to reach Castle Town?" I ask, not really wanting to walk more than needed.
"Maybe a week. It'll be a while," he says, not looking too ecstatic about the walking himself.
"Mistress, a report," Fi declares. Her melodic voice sounds exactly like it did in the game, which I love. I look over my shoulder at the glowing handle of the sword, and Fi turns from a speck of light to a person in front of me. "The Goddesses have also taken the liberty of removing all wounds that you or Master Link have thusly sustained. You are now in full health, so it would be the best idea to move as quickly as possible while you are unharmed."
At that moment Fi says that, I notice that neither my calf or previously dislocated shoulder sting, and my midsection has no trace or scar of being pierced. To be 110% sure, I pull up my hoodie and look at my flat belly, to see no puncture marks or wounds. I pull my hoodie back down and peer at Link, who is ever-so-casually rubbing his neck, checking for his injuries while trying not to alert me-but I'm smarter than he thinks. Anyhow, he seems to be fine.
As Fi is about to take refuge in the sword, I stop her with my command-which makes me feel more powerful than I actually am. "Fi?"
Her shining eyes look back at me and she freezes. "Yes, Mistress?"
I have a question I've been dying to ask. "I would like to ask you a question, and you must answer definitely."
Fi looks at me like she understands so far. "I will answer to the best of my ability." I take a breath. I am anxious to wait for her reply.
"What would you prefer to call me other than Mistress?" I bite my lip in anticipation to see how she answers, but Fi's eyes just reflect a knowledgeable and an unbiased mind.
"I was not created to have thoughts or opinions of my own. I am unable to answer," she answers. My eyes widen in shock, and I gawk at her.
"What if I wasn't your Mistress at all?" I ask, even though no matter how I word it her answer most likely won't change.
"Then I wouldn't be here," she answers casually, and hops back into the sword-typical.
Midna gives me a somewhat incredulous look, and I shrug it off. She probably just thinks that Fi is weird or something trivial. Link has been patiently waiting for me, so I nod to let him know I've finished. The corners of his mouth quirk in a smile, and we start off on our lengthy walk.
Maybe ten minutes into the walk, my knees start to ache. Who knew walking was so...hazardous? Like all the other times before, you can easily guess what I do. I whip out my iPod, the small little machine that can solve every problem of mine. Midna's red eyes widen and she gasps.
"Hey! Could we listen to more of your music?"
She knows that I can't say no. A small smile makes its way to my lips, and I scroll. What is another good song? I see a good one under the B section, and click on it. A droning echoes through the meadow, and then after the brief intro the lyrics begin.
Is this real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality
Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter to me
To me
"What is this song called?" Midna asks.
"Bohemian Rhapsody," I reply between my humming.
"Who sings this?" Midna wonders.
"It's a popular band called Queen. They were big years ago in my world, and they still are-they're legends. Anyone who doesn't know this song is a nobody. I personally think they're pretty good," I reply. I turn to Link. "What do you think?"
"I think it's pretty good too," he says. His eyes sparkle, and something in my face heats up. It feels kind of unsettling because it rarely-well, used to rarely happen.
I grin, enthusiastic that neither of them have denied a single song I've played. I begin to scroll for another song that will fit their tastes, now that I have an idea of what they enjoy. I quirk my lips as I analyze the screen, and I hear Link whisper something to Midna. I ignore it, but hear the word "wait."
I pause at Smells Like Teen Spirit, but shake my head and resume scrolling. I hear another mutter, and this time my eyes flick up for a moment, mistaking him talking to Midna for him talking to me. Even though they don't see me look, both look serious-dead serious. The second time, I hear a little clearer.
"Don't... Run if...they..."
By that point I've completely stopped searching for a song and begin to eavesdrop on their conversation. Midna speaks up.
"What if...come closer?"
I roll my eyes and try to ignore them but their dangerous tones frighten me into thinking the worse. Link quickly checks over his shoulder, as does Midna, and then they exchange glances. Finally sick of their secretiveness, I clear my throat with an obnoxious, "Ahem."
Their attention locks on me like they've been caught red-handed, and I lower my iPod to rest my hands on my hips. "Mind telling me what you're talking about?"
Link shrugs. "It isn't a big deal."
I give a skeptical nod. "Sure it isn't."
Right as I'm about to look back over my iPod, I see a flicker of movement over Midna's shoulder. Not over, per se, but hundreds of feet behind her. I squint, and see light flicker off of a...shield? The figure holding the shield is riding a large animal, but it's too beefy to be called a horse-and there are numerous more behind it. I'm not exactly sure what it is. It slowly grows in size as it comes closer, and then I realize what it is.
Finally, I raise my arm and point over their shoulders. Link and Midna's fake smiles fall, and they pivot around immediately as though they already expected it.
There is a whole herd of bokoblins riding towards us. Their hogs snarl and oink like mutants, not like the three little pigs at all-more like the wolf. Drool falls from their mouths when their beady red eyes lock on us, and the bokoblins on their backs look absolutely bloodthirsty with their clubs in their hands, bows and quivers strapped across their greenish backs.
So that is what they were whispering about. Midna must have sensed them and given Link a secret signal or something of the sort so they wouldn't scare me. Too late for that.
"What do we do?" I try not to yell, and hopefully he says to run.
His grim expression gives no hints. "We have to fight. If we run, they'll catch us when we're tired. It's best to fight upfront."
My eyes widen. Fight?
Now, most kids would scream, "That's so sick! I would fight!"-but no. Until you are put in this situation, don't brag about how you could kick their asses in a matter of moments. When I was told that, it was like a boulder just fell onto my shoulders. I haven't fought with a sword before, so I can only hope that it's natural gift and I can lob their heads off before they lob off mine.
The shrieks and inhumane war cries hang in the air, becoming ever rowdier as they near us. A flaming arrow lodges into the ground two feet to my right, and I feel a cold sweat run down my back. The hogs run right past us, less than a foot from our shoulders. Even though I prayed they wouldn't run us over, I still feel like I cheated death. The bokoblins jump off and shriek, then run at us. I see Link ready with his sword, and realize I'm not ready. My hand desperately grabs for the hilt of the sword, the cool metal meeting my fingertips like a bittersweet greeting. I pull out the Goddess Sword with a metallic ring, and pray that we don't get killed.
My hands have a cold sweat and are shaking like crazy, so I don't believe a strike from me would be fatal if I'm already this weak. But then again, the bokoblins were the weakest Zelda enemy, which you could kill with three hits most of the time. With that thought, my hands tighten their grip, I let out a shaky breath, and open my gray eyes now filled with determination.
I will not lose.
I scream a fearsome battle cry and run at the nearest one. I thrust the sword through its stomach for a one-hit kill. It squeals while I twist it, then pull it out without mercy and a pivot on one foot and side slash another coming from my side.
As I almost run forward, a fiery arrow barely scrapes my nose, flying right in front of me. I hear a sizzle and smell burnt hair-which would be my bangs. Now it's about to get hard. Out of the approximate thirty that landed, about five have backed up and are lighting arrows and letting them fly.
I turn to Link who is now about fifty feet away, and is fighting them off without difficulty. He thrusts, then back-flips and stabs another when he lands on its back, lifts it out and spins. The spin fatally slices every one surrounding him, but more are still coming. He is amazing-better than I imagined.
Snap out of it, Neri!
I shake back to reality, and then get the absolutely brilliant never-thought-of-before plan-take out the archers first. However to do that, I'll need a shield. My vision flicks to Link again, who starts to look a little weary himself, but is using his shield. Dammit...
"Midna!" I yell, and mouth shield. She nods and closes her eyes, then a wooden shield inlaid with goat horns falls into my arms. The light wood with a pattern of a goat head is instantly recognizable. It's the Ordon shield that Colin made in Twilight Princess. Unfortunately, it's wood. If I'm lucky, their crudely-fashioned arrows will ricochet off the sanded surface, but if one good shot lodges itself between the grain lines then I'm screwed.
I slide the shield up my arm with difficulty because of my hoodie, and then with another battle cry I run at the archers.
They lock and load, then set their arrows airborne. I gasp slightly when one heads straight for my face, and I barely raise the shield in time. My head is covered, but now I'm running blind. I look over, not practicing any caution, and realize that I'm closer than I thought-too close.
I run right into the guy, and we both fall over, me on top of him. The bow falls out of his hands, and I squish his head with my chest my accident. When I almost apologize, I remember my self-assigned mission. I get up and then ready my sword, before holding it above my head and preparing to thrust it downward for an ending blow.
In a millisecond, I have a million thoughts that run through my head. As I steady myself, I see fear in its eyes. Does it really deserve to die?
Smarten up, Neri. If you don't kill it, it'll kill you without hesitation. My eyes harden and my grip steadies, then the tip on the sword plunges into the bokoblin's neck. It spurts purple blood from its mouth and throat, bubbling as it gurgles helplessly. It shrieks and crumples while I yank my sword out. The other archers haven't seen me, but are all aiming at Link. He barely dodges them while trying land some kill shots, knowing that I'm taking care of it. Is it just me or does Link look slightly...worn out?
I won't judge him-this is survival of the fittest. But for now, I have to hurry and kill them before they can land a blow on Link. Midna is hidden in some tall grass twenty feet away from him, the peaks of her mask giving her away. It's a fair strategy to only rely on Midna if one of us is seriously injured.
Sprinting to the others without bothering for protection, instead I lower my shield and decide to get serious. As I almost stampede into another one, and slam my shield into its chest cavity so hard that I hear multiple ribs break. There is no doubt in my mind that it will die now. The others see me, and bound my way. I dodge their poor shots, but one blazing arrow scratches my cheek and shatters my pride. Hissing slightly, I decide that it will be the one to have the honor of dying the most painfully.
Jeez, this game has turned me into a psychopath. Then again, is this a game if I'm inside it? I ponder that for a moment. Ducking under another shot, I skid on the grass and slice off the bokoblin's left leg, but his right one is only halfway cut. It dangles uselessly on a few tendons as purple blood sprays the grass. He screeches at a high enough pitch to make a dog's ears bleed and falls over, alive. Tis but a flesh wound, correct?
Now the last two have spotted me. They run closer, each one twenty feet away from me and parallel to each other. Wait a moment-if I dodge, then that means...
Oh, yes. This will work wonderfully.
Both of them load and pull back their arms, then prepare to shoot while I chant in my head, Stay standing stay standing stay standing... DUCK!
I crouch at the last moment and both arrows whiz over my head. I feel the heat of them blaze past my face, and the breeze that follows ruffles my hair. Trying to look at each one, I see my plan has worked.
They've successfully managed to shoot each other. Both bokoblins fall over grasping their protruding arrows, and I get up. When I scan the horizon, all I see is cloudy skies with blood and bodies layering the ground. I never want to do that again. I got extremely lucky though, because all I received was a scratch on my cheek, singed bangs, and nothing more. Brushing myself off, I walk to Link. He managed to finish all the bokoblins, but he looks like he's about to collapse. Then again, he did fifty times more work than I.
He starts walking towards me as I walk towards him, but I notice that Link is limping. Why? He probably just needs to rest, I figure. As his foot sets down for another step, his eyes roll back and he falls onto his front. I gasp and launch into a sprint forward, now knowing why he was limping.
Four arrows are stuck in his back.
"Link!" I scream, and run. Midna comes quickly as well, floating beside me. Pulling his head onto my lap, I brush some dirty blonde hair out of his flickering eyes. "Why didn't you tell me that you were hurt?"
"Jus' a few arrows..." he says lazily. I look at the arrows. All of them went slightly past the arrowhead into his back, bleeding enough to make him tired but not enough to kill-that is, unless they get infected. There is a small trickle of blood falling from each arrow, but the blood is dark. The red streaks leach to black. They couldn't possibly have...poisoned them, could they have? Now I need to think fast.
Without thinking clearly, I grab one. Link groans and I retract my hand as though it electrocuted me. "Sorry..." I murmur, trying to figure this out. My nana was a nurse, I should know something! She must have said something about how to remove objects from the skin properly.
"Uh oh," Midna says behind me. Could get any worse? "We have no more potions."
I guess this can get worse. We must have used them all when Ghirahim stabbed me through the stomach. Is it because of me being weak and using all the supplies that Link might die? Am I being pinned with his possible demise? Aside from that, Link looks like he's about to fall asleep.
"Link! Wake up!" I yell through gritted teeth, and gently slap his cheeks. They're getting slightly pale and have a cold sweat on them, but his forehead is burning up.
The poison is giving him an extreme fever, and if it doesn't fade then we'll be in danger. I know what you're thinking, though. Neri, you stupid bitch, grab the arrows and yank them out so it doesn't get worse! Truth be told, that same thought is running through my mind as well. I just can't bring myself to do it-I'm not like Link. I'm not brave. I'm not strong. I can't cause people pain even if it means their health, and that's a huge flaw of mine. I don't want to see Link scream and I don't want to be the cause of his screams. I thought I told myself I wouldn't trouble others and that I would take care of myself but I've failed to uphold all those ends.
The most I can think of is something I saw in an old western film-True Grit, to be exact: Suck out the poison. For all I know, it may be venomous orally too. Therefore, this could either help us or gravely hurt us. I gulp and take a deep breath, lean down and rip his tunic slightly so that way I can get to the wound once I've pulled the arrow out. I know it's hard to be mature about this sort of thing, but when you're someday in this scenario you'll understand.
With one final grit of my teeth, I grab the first arrow and rip it out. Link grunts and flinches as I toss the arrow aside and press my lips to the gash. My eyes squeeze shut I try my hardest to get out what I can-then a putrid-tasting liquid begins to slowly enter my mouth. When I run out of breath I lift up and spit out what I have.
Midna watches with a terrified, grim expression. I lean down and repeat the process, but realize that it will take at least three minutes to get out the poison inflicted by this arrow. Multiply that by four and you have twelve-in twelve minutes Link could very well be past the point of recovery.
After another minute I begin to panic and then when I lift up to empty my mouth and let out a defeated sob by accident. I cover my mouth and look over to Midna, who knows it's futile. I rub what I managed to get out on my sleeve and blink furiously.
"Link, don't you dare die on me! After all you've been through, you better not die!" I yell, and tears threaten to fall. I don't cry lots, and this can't become a pity session.
My anger starts to build up, and my hands clench. Why the hell is this happening? Damn it! I'm so angry that I can't contain it. I punch the ground with all my might, trying not to hammer Link's head on my lap; and make a good dent in the soil. Link can't die, or else I can't get back to my world. Hell, I couldn't have gotten this far without him.
"LINK!" I scream, and throw my head back. I wail slightly, but try not to let Midna know that I'm on the edge of a breakdown. Something glowing catches my eye, and I look down at my left hand. My piece of the Triforce is flickering, but it only infuriates me even more.
Some sparkly light isn't going to help us here. Balling my hands up, I lean down and bury my head in Link's back, in his green tunic. The pinewood hits me, and I ball up my hands in the rough fabric. I squeeze my eyes shut, not daring to let a single tear out.
He's dying. He's dying. We have no supplies because I used it up. I used it up after being unable to protect myself. I'm weak. He's dying. He's dying. I took too long to kill some simple, weak bokoblins, and now he's dying. I'm uselessly fragile and senile. I can't even look after myself, and now Link and Midna are feeling the repercussions.
"Link, we can't go on without you," I murmur into his hair. My lips part to let out a sob, but I choke it back. "You're scaring Midna. Stop it, stop it and get up... You're scaring her." My words are barely over a whisper, and I'm sure Midna didn't hear any of it.
Then I hear a groan-not a pained one, however. It's comparable to a groan when you wake up from a nap. For a moment I think I've imagined it, until I sit back up and gasp. All the arrows have turned white, and start to shimmer. My hands fall limply to my sides, and the arrows dissipate into small sparks of light. The small shower of lights fall on his back, and I flash a worried look at Midna. Her eyes are as wide as mine, and twice as startled. The tainted blood splotches on Link's back blossom and then shrink, filtering themselves from the fabric. I feel his hand move, and look down at it.
His hand is holding mine. I feel the warmth, and feel him grasp my hand. Squeezing it reassuringly, I let him know I'm here. His other arm moves up beside him and then lifts himself shakily. For a moment he falters and almost falls again, but attempts to rise again. He starts to gradually look at us, his cerulean eyes peer into mine, only half open. Even half open, they still are full of bright life. I give a broken smile, and he just stares at me.
"Neri...?" he asks like he hasn't slept in years.
"Yeah?" I answer quietly, blinking back the tears swimming in my eyes.
"Did... Did you do that? Heal me, I mean?" Link's eyes explore my face, and then stop at the scratch on my cheek, then resume and halt at my eyes.
"Yeah," I whisper.
"Thank you," he whispers back, and then he slowly takes his head off my lap and sits on his knees.
"Wait," Midna says, and we all stop. "Remember? The Goddesses said you could heal the injured and bring the dead back to life with your Triforce. Maybe that's what just happened."
Right, the Triforce of Essence-of life itself. But how did I use it?
"Are you sure you're okay?" Midna asks, and he nods. Once he nods, Midna looks sort of angry. "Don't you ever do that again, you idiot! You almost gave me a heart attack!" she shrieks, albeit she is worried underneath her furious facade.
I smile bit at her concerned anger, but feel my eyes become blurry at a rapid pace. Link rubs his eyes after waving off Midna, and looks back at me. When he does, though, both he and Midna pause.
"Neri, are you... Are you crying?" he queries with a hint of a smile.
My cheeks explode into a flustered blush, and I hastily use my sleeve to rub away every trace of a tear in my eyes. "You dumbass!" I shriek, trying my hardest not to cry. "Like I would ever cry over you! Look at all the trouble you caused!
He raises his hands in defense. "Okay, I'm sorry. I'll admit that I can be a bit of a dumbass-but that still wasn't very nice!"
"Why should I be?" I mutter under my breath, my gaze wandering astray.
Link rubs the back of his head, letting out a sigh. "You really never warm up to people, do you?"
I ignore him and turn my head back and look at the hilt of my sword. "Fi, will Link be okay?" I know she isn't a fortune teller, but she could still tell me about the aftermath of using my Triforce.
She hops out of the sword to hover in front of me. "Due to the power your Triforce had on his wounds, there is a 0% chance of infection."
I let out a sigh, and Midna stares at Fi. She jumps up to hover beside Fi, leaning towards Fi's face like she's an alien. Fi turns to face her, and Midna suppresses a scream and rockets back before collecting herself and slowly migrating towards her again. Then, to my disbelief, Midna pokes Fi-right in the forehead. Then pokes her again. And again.
"I respectfully request that you stop poking me," Fi replies. I almost laugh because it's slightly out of place for Fi to say something like that, but I still somehow feel responsible for Midna's behaviour.
"Are you even human?" Midna asks.
"No," Fi answers simply. Why do I feel that Midna will drive even Fi insane; of all people?
"Do you always speak in percentages?" Midna questions again.
"It is the most accurate way of presenting data, opposed to saying words similar to 'likely,' or 'probably not'." Fi replies with ease.
"Do you think you're always right or something?" Midna inquires, just dying to start an argument.
"The Goddesses bestowed me with their knowledge of all realms in this world, and I present data in the most probable way."
"That doesn't answer my question."
I swear am going to beat Midna within an inch of her life when she is done with mocking Fi. Right then, she comes up with another question.
"Why do you call everyone by 'Master' or 'Mistress'?"
Okay, even I want to kind of hear the answer to that question, I'll admit.
"My purpose is to serve and inform. I give whatever information is necessary to whomever wields the Goddess Sword or has been predetermined by the Goddesses to meet with me, henceforth the predetermined title."
Well, that was unexpected.
"Fi, you don't have to talk to her," I say, exasperated, and massage the bridge of my nose. Her empty eyes turn to me, then she returns to the sword in a flash after giving me a nod of acknowledgement.
I assist Link to his feet and he stretches and rubs his eyes. "We should probably get going," he says. For once, I agree. If he's well enough to walk, I'm not one to stop him.
Once we start walking, I ask Midna, "Midna, why were you annoying Fi?"
"Oh please Neri, it's impossible to annoy her," she huffs. I roll my eyes.
"You know that you don't have to talk to her either," I state. Midna looks at me, and then stretches her arms behind her back to rest her head against as she floats at my level.
She hops into the air and reclines on an invisible chair and replies, "Good, because I don't like her."
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