Chapter 24: Annihilation
"Link! Please no, Link! Oh my God..." I murmur, and grab his head in my hands. I lightly shake him. "Link, please wake up! Link!" My hand gently slaps his cheek, but it doesn't do anything. I limply fall onto his chest, and ball up the fabric of his tunic. "Link, wake up..." I murmur. "Breakfast is ready..."
I gently grab his cold limp hand, and put it against my cheek. "Why won't you wake up? You aren't dead, are you?" I choke out.
"Mistress!" Fi yells. She's been fighting off Ghirahim this whole time, and he lies on the floors, almost out of breath. He heaves and slowly gets up, clutching the throne for support.
"You were close, Lively One. You almost did it. But just that one second of delay cost you!" He grins triumphantly. "It is impossible to stop us now."
Us? I get up shakily, and stand on my wobbling legs.
Like my question has been answered, the Twilight Mirror starts to glow. Bright intricate designs shoot out, interlocking with each and breaking apart. They separate and recombine, until they form a black portal, with a white stairway.
The mirror has taken Link's soul, all so Demise can return to reign and set destruction upon Hyrule and all the other realms. Ghirahim stumbles, and sits in the lush velvet of the throne. His grin widens, to the point where I think his face will split in two.
I hear a heart-stopping laugh, and Ghirahim's eyes widen maniacally. That wasn't his laugh. Zelda is looking at the mirror with wide eyes, her brown hair falling over one of her amethyst orbs. Midna is sprawled on the ground, reaching towards the her mirror. Fi floats right beside me, her expression stoic and actually radiating anger.
The chuckles and rumbling stop, and I see one foot emerge from the portal and step on the white heavenly stairs. The whole castle shakes when it lands, and I damn near lose my footing again. Ghirahim gets up from the throne anxiously. Another foot emerges, black and scaly. Dark fabric with gold lining falls heavily around the feet, and a chest emerges, pale grey adorned with the dark scales. Muscular thick arms claw and separate the portal, until a fiery head with red-hot flames licking the man's head emerge and lighten up the emptiness of the portal behind him. His eyes glow the same deep red, and a small scar in the shape of an X tears across his forehead.
He laughs deeply again, with enough power to make your heart stop and your blood run cold. My eyes widen, and my body freezes.
"Master," Ghirahim addresses him formally, and bows. "I am greatly contented by your return."
"Come to me, Ghirahim," he bellows with his deep voice. That voice makes my blood pound. Ghirahim nods, and a light envelopes his body.
A black Master Sword with maroon engravings flies through the air, and Demise catches it in his palm. "You've done well, Ghirahim." His smirk disappears and his eyes glare at me from across the room. My breathing stops. "Who are these weaklings you've failed to dispose of?"
The corrupted Master Sword doesn't reply. His eyes scan my body. "Well well, look who we have here..." he grumbles, another hearty laugh in his throat. "Hylia, is it? Or do you still prefer 'Lively One'?"
I don't answer. I can't even squeak. His footsteps make the foundation rumble and quake, as he slowly strides to me. "You don't even know your powers, do you, filth? Do you know how much power you house? No, of course not. Or else that"—he points at Link's bloody corpse—"wouldn't have happened."
This is the man who was brought back from Link's soul? His soul was used for this man? "Do you even know who you are?" He asks. I don't even say anything. "ANSWER ME, HYLIA!" he bellows, and the entire castle shakes, and rubble rains down on us. "Fine, be that way. It'll be a pity to kill my beautiful sister."
What? My look changes from complete horror to slight confusion. "Hylia was my sister, we were polar opposites since creation. Have you lost your memories too?" No response. "Answer me, dammit!"
He flings his arm out, and I fly into a wall. Pain explodes behind my skull, my vision gets fuzzy and stars explode in my head. I fall to the floor, but know I can't give up. So I stand up.
"I can't believe that Link's life was sold for someone as horrible as you..." I murmur.
"What was that?!" Demise screams.
I can't remember anything after that.
Omniscient POV
Neri's silver eyes then glassed over. She threw her head back, and a wind flew through the hall and spiraled around her, her hair whipping against her face. Her eyes lost all color, and lit white. The castle quaked, the rubble shaking and clattering against the floor. Larger pieces of marble started to levitate in the air, controlled by her power.
"What the..." Demise whispered. Neri's head snapped back, and her empty eyes glared at her so-called "brother".
"Brother!" she shrieked. Demise's eyes widened in amusement. "Your actions and presence in this realm is not permitted here, nor any other place! I heed a warning, leave now!" Hylia howlsed.
Demise smiled, with amusement in his red eyes. "You think I'd give up that easily, Sister?"
"You will, if you remember my wrath. When we quarreled millennia ago, for rule over the land. I sealed you then, and I won't hesitate to now."
Demise chuckled, but his eyes had the slightest glint of fear. "You... You killed...Link!" Neri's voice broke through. "You killed the person I cared for!" she screamed.
Neri held out her hand, and Fi flew into her palm and materialized as the sword. In the span of a millisecond, too many things happened to be mentioned.
Neri ran at Demise with inhumane speed, and Demise flinched. She sliced her sword through his neck, and his red eyes widened.
"He...loved me!" Neri stuttered. Demise grasped the sword in his neck, and his brave look faltered. Neri twisted the sword, and blood poured to the floor. The King of Armageddon sputtered, and blood streamed from his lips.
Neri jumped back, her bloody sword in her hand, her expression menacing, and her white eyes looking through him.
Demise wrapped his hand around his neck, sputtering blood. "You can't..." Demise coughed blood all over himself. "Get rid of me that easily, Hylia."
Demise charged at Hylia, and side sliced. She jumped and flipped through the air, and levitated above him. He snapped his sword around himself, and Hylia slipped under and between his legs. She took the Goddess Sword, and stabbed him through the back. Demise growled in anger, and grabbed the sword out of his back. He threw it at Hylia, who stopped the flying blade effortlessly with her fingertips.
"You've lost your touch, Brother." Hylia turned the sword around and around, and then jumped to implant it in Demise's chest. Demise backed up, but launched forward with his own Master Sword.
They clashed, good and evil. Neri grit her teeth, but she knew Demise would win because of his sheer size. She dove back, and his sword collided with the ground, splitting the marble surface.
"You know that when it comes to strength, that I will always win, Hylia," Demise said flatly.
He charged at her, his fire trailing behind him. He sliced down, and slashed through her thigh. She grunted in pain, but managed to block the rest of the blow. Neri knew that she needed to end it once and for all, so she pulled the riskiest move that could've cost her.
She slipped under her sword, and Demise's crashed into the floor. Swiftly, she thrusted her sword up and through his heart. Demise looked down, and his eyes dimmed. Neri wrenched the sword out and stabbed him again, straight through the X on his forehead.
His movements halted, and he fell on his knees, then limply onto his back, unmoving. Neri slid the sword out of his gory body, and walked to his sword that laid next to him. She pierced it through the Triforce of the corrupted Master Sword. It shattered, and the pieces melted, before shimmering and disappearing into the air.
Both the Demon Sword and the King of Armageddon had fallen.
"H-Hylia..." Demise murmured. Neri turned back to him, without fear. "D-Don't think th-at this i-is over... N-No matter what, e-e-every century my soul w-will be...reincarnated..." he mutters, and his neck limply rolled to the side with the same pleasant grin on his face.
If Neri had been any later with the harnessing of her powers, Hyrule would have been at the hands of Demise. After returning from the conquered Twilight, he was weak. It was because he was in his weak state that he had been so easily defeated. But at the same time, both Neri and Hylia would know better. The cycle always continues, as does life.
Neri's eyes flutter close, and she collapsed to the floor.
Neri's POV
When I open my eyes, I automatically feel like closing them. My whole body feels so weak, like I've just ran across the country. One sight that immediately catches my eye is the body in front of me. The dead body, that is.
Demise lies in a puddle of his own blood. Is he...dead? I vaguely remember fighting him... Hylia took over my body. My true powers were released. I remember destroying the corrupted Master Sword, aka Ghirahim. Demise's dark blood smokes, and after several minutes, the pitch smoke has completely dissolved his body. Nowhere to be seen. The smoke spirals through the opening in the ceiling, and streams through the sunlight.
That same sunlight pours down onto a second body. Link's body.
I see Zelda has been freed of her chains, and sits next to him on her knees, head down, with tears splashing onto her lap. Midna has her face buried in his chest. Feebly looking up, I notice the sword in my hand.
It engulfs itself in light, and grows until I'm staring at two dark feet with aqua fishnets.
"Mistress, allow me." Fi bends down, and I put my arm around her shoulder. I thank her, and get on my hands and knees. She gently pulls me to my feet, and I start to walk drunkenly towards Link.
"Link..." I collapse next to him. His face looks so peaceful, so serene with the light casting beautiful shadows across his body.
Fi lets me down, and I sit on my knees, opposite to Zelda, beside Link. His eyes are still open, but have lost their cheerfulness.
Gently, I lay my hand on his cold forehead, and drag my fingers over his eyes, to close them. He lays perfectly on his back, his arms out with palms facing up, completely symmetrical.
"Oh my God..." I murmur, and bend down. Midna gets off him, and walks to Zelda, then proceeding to cry in her dress. I pull him onto my lap like before, and wipe away a stray piece of flyaway dark blonde hair.
He loved me.... He really loved me... And I didn't realize that I loved him back until it was too late. Stupid, stupid, Neri! I hiss in a breath, and let him off my lap.
Burying my face in my hands, I cover the tears that stream from eyes, and clench my jaw. I fall forward, and put my face in his chest. He still smells like fresh breezes and pinewood, which makes me cry more. Finally, I just let it all out.
I wail, and scream bloody murder. It tears from my throat, muffled but still heart-wrenching. Wrapping my arms around his chest, I lay there, just hoping he will awaken from this nap and wrap his arms around me too.
"Link... I love you too..." I whisper, inaudible to anyone but Link. A certain thought strikes me, and I sniffle into his chest, "You lied to me, Link. You forgot your promise." My hands ball up. "You said you would protect me, and stay by my side. You lied... You're not here anymore... I should've died before you!" I scream again, and wail into his chest. "Have you forgotten your promise? You swore to me, to the Goddess... That you would stay with me. Don't you remember your promise?!"
I sob again, and I feel a hand rub my back gently. Zelda's putting her feelings aside to help me. She rubs gently, and then I feel two hands.
"I... Never forgot."
I bolt up, and see Link's half smile beaming at me. All the blood pooling around him has disappeared, exempting the bloodstains and tears on his tunic. Covering my mouth, I shake my head. "No... No..." Link grins, and I lose it. I cry harder, and launch myself into his chest.
"Link!" Midna screams, and wraps around his neck. I hear Zelda laughing, but know she's crying while she laughs.
"Master Link," Fi says formally.
Link stands up, with me still in his arms. He puts his hands tenderly on my shoulders and pulls me back. His face is inches from mine. He puts his hand beneath my chin, and tilts my head.
His lips meet mine, and stay that way. He puts his hand on the back of my head and the other around my waist, and I snake my arms around his shoulders. We finally break apart only for air, and just look into each others eyes.
"I love you," I whisper.
"I know," he answers.
I smile and kiss him again, but Midna screams. "Ew! Not again! I can tolerate once, but after that, just do it elsewhere!" Zelda giggles, and shoots me a suggestive look. My cheeks turn crimson.
"Zelda!" Knowing I got her telepathic message, she full out laughs.
Link turns my head away from them, and kisses me again. I feel like I'm going to pass out from ecstasy once I pull away.
"I knew that it would happen eventually," Midna states.
"My data was proven correct," Fi adds. "I now calculate a 100% chance of compatibility." I roll my eyes, and Link laughs.
"You brought him back to life," Zelda speaks up. "That's what your powers were! Healing the injured, and bringing back the dead."
I agree with her. "But when I tried to heal Link, why didn't it work?"
Right then, a blinding light cuts our reunion short. Link pulls me into his chest with one arm, and covers his eyes with the other. After silence, I hear, "Greetings, Lively One."
Link and I separate, and Link, Midna, Zelda, Fi, and I bow to the Goddesses, Din, Nayru, and Farore.
"You are our equals, Lively One, Twilight Princess, Hero, Goddess Sword, Wisdom Holder. Please, rise." We all stand up dutifully. "We can gratefully confirm that Demise and the Demon Sword have indeed been destroyed. Demise will return, but the seal has been refurnished. Hyrule may rest in a period of prosperity, to recover from this damage."
Link and I smile at each other. We've done it, after whole adventure, it's finally over.
Nayru speaks up. "The time has come for you to finally return to your realm, Lively One."
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