The Challenge
"You mother fuckin' half n half bastard!" Bakugou then laughed. Everyone laughed along as Todoroki groaned.
The first one to be pick was Ojiro. The second was Bakugou and the last one was Todoroki himself.
Ojiro raise his hand getting the others attention.
"Can I not come? If the Trick or Treat Reaper doesn't kill me well this two fighting might." Todoroki and Bakugou glared at him making him flinch.
It's the truth that the two are mortal enemies. Todoroki would say stuff to Bakugou which angers the blonde.
"Don't worry man. You'll live." Kaminari pat Ojiro's back. Ojiro just groaned making Kaminari chuckle.
"Alright alright we had our laugh. Now! Let's go and do the challenge." Ojiro gulped, Todoroki groaned along with Bakugou.
Bakugou's POV
We all stood in front of the abandoned apartment. This apartment was the place where the Trick or Treat Reaper was said to be killed.
"Izuku Midoriya huh...." I thought. "...he kills people out of random and haven't showed himself to me yet. Maybe it was just my imagination and he isn't real...maybe..." I thought.
"Alright. So what you guys are going to do is that you must stay inside that place for 1 hour and then get out. Sounds simple right?" Momo says. Todoroki and me nodded while Ojiro gulped before nodding along.
"Take a picture if you find a ghost!" Uraraka said making the two tone roll his eyes.
We three started to walked inside and immediately Momo shut the door. We jumped when the noise of the door closing echoed through out the hallway.
The place we are in right now is a hallway with lots of trash around. You can see spider webs and dead rat almost everywhere.
The thing that scares us the most is the windows were broken and the cold night would go inside giving us chills down our spine.
"So..." Ojiro and Todoroki turn to me. "...what are we gonna do?"
"Well we can't just stay here. It'll be boring." Todoroki commented as he started walking. I shrugged and followed him.
"Wa-wait!!" Ojiro ran after them. He grab ahold of Todoroki's back as they walk. The two tone haired boy didn't mind.
"Grr. This place is dirty as fuck!" I complained kicking a wrapper of what seems to be junk food.
"Jeez. You're just a clean freak." Todoroki commented rolling his eyes. I glared at him but didn't talk back.
"Ah!" Ojiro stop on tracks making the other two turn to him. "I stepped on a dead rat??..." He looked down at it but immediately straighten himself up. "Yup rat."
"This place reeks with death huh." Todoroki suddenly says. We both nodded.
Dead rats was never a nice smell and them being everywhere makes it worst.
"Hey Tail boy a spider is behind you."
"Ahh!!" Ojiro jumped back and turn around. A huge dead spider was behind Ojiro. "Lucky it's dead."
"It's only a huntsback was it? Oh whatever just so you know it doesn't hurt humans." Todoroki says shrugging. He continued walking and we both followed him.
They reached the elevator and beside it is a staircase.
"Are we going on another floor?" Ojiro asked holding tight on Todoroki's arm. He just nodded.
"I actually wanna see where the 'Trick or Treat Reaper' was really killed." He says making quotation marks with his fingers. Ojiro gulped and shakes his head.
"No-no! Wha-what if his there?!"
"You're such a baby." I said. Inside though I was also scared. If that guy was really in that building he might come for me first.
"Yeah don't worry Ojiro. We'll make Bakugou a sacrifice then run." Todoroki joked making me growl.
"How about I make you a sacrifice?!" I shot back clenching my fist.
"Nah. With how weak you are there's no chance." Todoroki turn his gaze away stucking his tongue out.
"Oh yeah?! Well-" I got cut off as a noise of a metal falling in the ground that echoed in the hallway. Ojiro turns pale and hugged Todoroki.
"We-we-we need to get-"
"Calm the f down Ojiro. It must have been a rat." Todoroki rolled his eyes.
He started to press the button trying to open the elevator. To no avail it wasn't working.
"Should of known."
"Idiot. That thing hasn't been use in more than a decade!" I said growling a bit.
"Stairs it is then." He turn to the stairs and drag the scared Ojiro. I followed behind.
Once we got to the foot of the stairs there was a window in front of it. I looked out and I could of sworn I saw a figure. I blinked and it was gone.
I shaked my head
"No. No. It's a hallucination." I thought. I started to walk up the stairs catching up to the two.
We went to the second floor and lucky us the stairs leading up to the third floor was blocked by garbage. It was way too much we wouldn't be able to go across it.
Jeez what did they do to this place? Abandoned it or turn it into a dumpster?
"I guess this is the only place we'll explore. Let's go check each room!" Half n Half said. He dragged Ojiro and opened a door. There was a bed and in the bed was a skeleton. We covered our nose since it emmits a foul smell.
"Don't tell me that's a woman." Ojiro said. I looked closer to it and see from all the dust and trash, there was a skirt and I don't even wanna know if that was a foam in between the legs.
"It's more like a teenage girl." I said.
"Do you think the rapist is the same people whom killed the reaper?" Half n half asked. I just shrugged.
Ojiro suddenly shaked us making us turn to him. He pointed at the side of the room and we looked at it...
There was a cage with bones inside...from the looks of it, it's a little girl.
"Disgusting." Was the only thing I said. Half n half finally decided to closed the door.
"That was disturbing." Ojiro pointef out. Half n Half nodded. He walked to another room and opened. To my surprise it was almost the same thing.
Half n Half immediately closed it.
"Who thought this place was not only for a killer but also rapist." Half n Half said as he glared at the door.
"Maybe we should go back downstairs. This place creeps me out! Let's atleast be close to the door!" Ojiro said. Half n Half agreed and started going down with the tail boy. I followed not far behind.
Before we fully reached the stairs a sound of door opening came and echoed through out the hallway.
We turn to the sound and saw a web filled door opening.
"That thing was way too covered we must have missed it." Half n Half said. He then started walking but Ojiro stopped him.
"No! What if it's a trap!" I, to be honest, agreed. I was getting creeped out by 100 right now. That thing looks old it'll get stuck so how would it just open?!
"Well it's better to see if it is." The mother fucking two tone haired said. He continued walking. Ojiro didn't follow, so did I.
We watched him get close to it and he grabbed the handle-
"BAKUGOU! TODOROKI! OJIRO!" We all jumped at the voice of that Pikachu! Todoroki started to back away from the door.
"Let's get out of here." He said. He grabbed both of our arms and drag us back to the front door.
In the front door was everyone else.
I turn to Todoroki and saw his eyes filled with horror. What did he saw?
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