Angel PoV:
"CHARLIE I AM NOT WEARING THIS! IT'S TOO REVEALING!" I grew curious, but I couldn't go in the ladies room so I waited. "Please N/N! You are in a bet with Angel!"
I smirked at that and thought back to when we made that bet.
"I'll go get the outfit right now!" Charlie then skipped off with Vaggie behind her. I turned to talk to N/N, but Alastor beat me to it. As she laughed, he smiled at me.
"I hope this goes well! It would be a total disaster if it didn't!" "Cheer up my dear! It will go well, you can trust us!" I nodded.
"Yeah, don't worry! I'll make lots of money with the perks I have!" I spoke proudly, puffing out my floof. "Oh yeah? Wanna bet?"
I kneeled down to her eye level. "Yeah I wanna bet!" She puffed her cheeks, before poking my cheek. "I bet I could make more money than you!"
"You think so?" "If I win, you have to be my servant for a week!" "And if I win~?" She blushed and backed away. "Same goes for if you win.."
We shook hands, I smirked. "Deal!" "Oh, this isn't going to go well.." Smiles said, shaking his head and sighing after.
~Flashback over~
"It can't be that bad!" "OH IT IS! I'VE NEVER WORN SOMETHING SO REVEALING IN MY LIFE! NOT EVEN WHEN I WAS ALIVE!" "Are you sure about that?!" "What's happening over here?"
Alastor walked over, confused. Then squeal was heard from inside the room. "You look adorable! Right Vaggie?" "Yeah.."
"Can we see?" Alastor said. It was quiet, then the door slowly opened. I suddenly felt strange as N/N walked out and in front of us, Charlie and Vaggie by her sides. (^^)
"Doesn't she look cute in this! Everyone will love her!" I glance at Alastor, to only see something surprising and scary.
He wasn't smiling.
Your PoV:
I felt my face heat up while looking at Angel, his eyes sparkled. I then looked at Alastor and froze as my ears went down, his smile was gone.
"A-a-alastor..?" I spoke in a low voice. He seemed to smile again while shaking his head, laughing, "Y-you look wonderful my dear! More precious than a doll itself!" Did he just stutter..?
"Y-yeah! You're so precious!" "What the fuck are you wearing?" I slowly turned and faced Husker, his face went from 'kill me' to 'holy shit' in a flash.
"You're going to wear that to the club?!" I nodded shyly. "She will be serving drinks too, so watch out for what you order!" Alastor laughed.
"E-enough chat! Shall we set up f-for tonight?" I said. Everyone agreed and went to their places, Husker joined in so I guess he'll be the bartender.
Everything was going well. Demons all colors and sizes were having fun, they all gave me extra tips for giving them a drink.
I walked past Angels position to see cash everywhere on the floor, he even had some in his mouth.
As he slid down and winked at me. I was losing. I flipped him off and stuck my tongue out, most demons noticed me and went to Husker immediately to order a drink.
I walked off as my tail wrapped around my waist like a belt. My pen then beeped as I went toward the bar, leaning against the counter.
Husker came and placed drinks on the tray. There was too many so I got a second on. "The first half go to the ones where Angel is, the rest is near the pool.."
I nodded and went to the pool first. Demons thanked me, and even flirted before giving me their cash and tips. I stuffed some of it in my bra and some in my pockets.
"Hey kitty! Over here!" I rushed over and gave them their drinks. A female helped me and gave me a purse. "This is an old one that I don't use anymore, store your cash in here!"
I thanked her before walking to Angels position. Every demon grabbed a drink, some didn't even look away from Angel. They then placed stacks of cash on the empty trays.
Angel stared shock. I swayed my hips before walking away. I walked to the bar and in the back room. I sighed and dropped all the cash in my box.
Me and Angel had our own stuff to put our money in, I chose boxes he chose a fucking tank. "Wow, you sure made a lot!" I smiled at Vaggie. "I think you're winning!"
I flipped my hair before Vaggie put it in a braid. I thanked her before going back to serving drinks. I froze when I saw the bar full of demons, Husker looked shocked.
Some of them looked in my direction and pointed at me, I blushed before walking toward the pool area. "Why hello there~!" I tensed while making eye contact with the demon who spoke.
It was Valentino. He wrapped his arm around my waist while staring at me up and down, my ears flatten. "Do you mind getting me some drinks? For me and my gals here~?"
Many females sat behind Valentino, they were all glaring at me. I nodded before heading to the bar, many demons were still there. They noticed me and started flirting.
I hissed as they backed away, I ordered and Husker immediately got to work. I leaned against the counter as my tail swished, gasping as something wrapped around my tail.
"You're quite the sight for sore eyes..~" I tried to ignore him as Husker gave me the drinks. I was going to head back to Valentino, but Pentious stopped me. "Where are you going?!"
"I need to t-take these to-" "Oh those can wait! Come with me!" He grabbed my arm harshly, I whimpered and struggled. He hissed and tightened his grip.
"You are going to come with me! Whether you like it or not!" I shook my head as tears swelled up in my eyes. "Hey! Let her go!" I felt my body relax as I heard Alastors voice.
"Never!" The music died down as every demon seemed to surround us, one of them growled. "He said, let her go!" "She is mine!" A fight then broke out, and I was in the middle if it.
He then let go as I ran off and into someone's chest, I cried. "It's okay! You're okay N/N.." Angels voice calmed me down as he rubbed my back and held me close.
We then exited the basement. Minutes later everyone left and went home, Pentious glared at me before going to his ship. Alastor came and hugged me as well as Angel.
I smiled and held them close. "Thank you.."
A/N: Next chapter is a little 13+, (Not smut though)
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