Chapter One
Hey guys! I apologise for the horrible writing that this...thing is. This was written back in 2008/2009 when I just began my journey as trying to become a writer. I WAS in the process of re-writing it, but with little to no interest in my fan-fiction anymore (sorry) and what with having (somewhat) less time with doing things in general, I decided to re-upload this for you guys.
Maybe in the future that'll change, but for now, I HIGHLY doubt it.
Read at your own risk, but I do hope you enjoy it otherwise.
It is complete anyway. Enjoy my pretties <3
As the taxi drove away, I looked up at the Museum of Natural History in awe, just from the many pictures on the Internet didn't even come close to giving it the justice that this massive building deserved.
Grabbing hold of my bags and taking one last look on the outside, it was probably about time to see what it was like on the inside, as I huffed it up the stairs.
Larry Daley, my Uncle, was the night watchman here at the Museum and where I would be staying with him for a few months, he had asked me to meet him at here for his shift as he apparently wanted to show me something, but didn't want to tell me on the phone.
I had shrugged it off, not really knowing why he wanted to show me something, if it was anything like being a security guard at any other place, it wouldn't be all that exciting, but knowing that I hadn't seen him in a few years I had decided to oblige him of his request.
He always was the one to throw surprises in the family, that was certain.
Upon entering the lobby the first thing I noticed was the giant skeleton of the Tyrannosaurus-Rex and just behind that, at the desk, was Larry, speaking to a woman probably in her early thirties with long, dark, slightly curled hair. Instantly, the conversation they had (on multiple occassions) regarding Rebecca Hutman and their blossoming romance came to mind.
He sounded like a child going to the candy store for the very first time, doubly so once he turned his head, eyes landing on me for a moment. It took him a double take to realize who it was.
Once he did, he immediately came over to me and pulled me into tight hug, I returned the gesture. I laughed, "Missed you too, Larry. But uh, do you mind letting me go? I can't breathe."
"Oh, sorry!" He exclaimed, immediately letting go, but allowed his hands to remain on either shoulder, tears welled up in his eyes, causing my own to as well. "You have grown into a beautiful young woman, Kay. It's unbelievable, you look more and more like your mother."
"Please don't remind me." I laughed, "Thanks though."
After our initial quick reunion took place he brought me over to the desk, a gestured to the woman there who gave me a quick nod, which I returned in kind. "Ah, Kayleigh this is Rebecca, Rebecca this is Kayleigh."
"I figured as much." I smiled, giving Rebecca a handshake. "He's told me so much about you, my uncle is very fond of you."
"Oh, did he now?" Rebecca smirked, glancing over to Larry whose cheeks held a tinge of pink to them. I couldn't help but laugh and neither did she. "Likewise, though, Larry has told me much about you as well."
"Oh God." I cringed, "I do hope that it's good."
Rebecca laughed, nodding.
"Good. I'm glad."
She gestured to the proffered seat beside her, in which I took gladly. "So, I hear that you have an interest in Ancient Civilizations, am I right?"
"Correct." A nod. "I'm going to university to become an Egyptologist someday as I've always had a fascination of the ancient world of Egypt."
Both Rebecca and Larry smiled, exchanging knowing glances, as if they knew something that I didn't. I decided not to press the issue, at least not right now. It was a moment or so, and after their silent conversation Larry turned to me. "Hey, are you tired?"
"A bit."
"Well, how about you go back to my apartment," He reached into his pocket, producing a copy of his house key. "Go and relax a bit, you've had a long plane ride."
"Thanks Larry."
"No problem."
Later that evening, I was putting on a pair of comfortable jeans and a black t-shirt with the symbol of Captain America, followed by my favourite sweat-shirt. The thing was old, worn out, with missing buttons, but the thing had sentimental values and I'll be damned if I was going to throw it out, and if someone else did, I would cut their grubby little fingers off.
A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I called out to whoever it was, allowing them to enter the somewhat messed up room. It was my Uncle.
"Hey Kay, would you be interested in coming to the museum with me?"
I stopped what I was doing and looked at him, a confused expression on my face. "Wouldn't it be closed?"
His head bounced from side to side, as if trying to think of something that would make me want to go. "Yeah, but I'd rather give you a tour, not to mention Nick is going to go."
That knowing smile he wore earlier that day came back and he added, a bit mysteriously if you ask me, "There is also something I want to show you."
I didn't bother asking what could be so interesting about a museum at night, but instead I sighed. "Alright. Fine."
As we reached the museum with Larry, Nick, and Rebecca we chatted about my courses at the University of Toronto, how the city was like, and how the people were.
I shrugged my shoulders, "Honestly, the bunch of people I've met there are snobs. It's like high school all over again. I mean, I have a few close friends there, but for now the University is closed for repairs So I'm out for approximately ten, maybe fourteen weeks at the most."
"Talk about one hell of a vacation." Larry muttered. "I heard that one of the students caused some sort of hazard while in one of the chemistry labs."
"Yeah." I gave him a deadpanned stare. "You heard right, and that's not even the entire story. The guy who did it had a hangover and still was a bit miffed at having almost a failing grade."
"His fault." Rebecca said, "Seems like he was there to make friends and party rather than get his work done and try his best to be one of the top students.
"Yeah, isn't that what you're doing? Trying to get yourself an education and not make any friends?"
Don't know how this got back to me. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed. If I make friends along the way, not only does that help boost morale but it makes college life much easier to deal with."
Walking into the Museum, I shrugged off the backpack I had on my shoulder, and gently placed it in one of the cubby-holes as it had held my laptop, sketchbook, and a whole textbook of assignments that I still needed to complete, eventually e-mailing them to my professor as soon as I was finished one.
I followed him to the security guard office, leaning against the door and watching as he got his flashlight, placing it in its holster at his side and turning to me.
My brows rose. "So, you said that you had a surprise for me?"
Nicky smiled up at me. "You'll just have to wait and see."
"Two minutes." Larry added, glancing at his watch as he headed out the door but stopped and held up his hands. "You just stay here and I'll come and get you."
Before I even had a chance to say anything to him he bolted down the corridor and around the corner, turning to Nick I couldn't help but say, "You really think I'm going to listen, do you?"
"Alright then." With that, I headed out the door. Patience was never one of my strong points. As I made it to the lobby, we were greeted by old T-Rex.
Wait. My mind stalled, and when it finally kicked it what was happened I cried out, ignoring Nicky as he told me to wait, calling my name and I barely avoided being hit the bony tail as I ran up the stairs.
My heart was pounding. Just what the hell was going on. I turned my head to look behind me, wondering if I was still being followed and screamed upon smacking into someone. Arms wrapped around me as I started to fall backwards. "Careful. I've never seen you around here before, are you a new exhibit?"
"Uh, no." I replied, looking up at the sound of the British accent and frowned, the man, probably in his mid twenties looked at me with concern and wonder. He was wearing weird clothing, clothing that I saw in different pictures in the Egyptology department at the University. "Why would I be an exhibit?"
He opened his mouth to answer when my Uncle rounded the corner and paused, his lips turning into a thin line before walking over to me and the man. "Hey Ahk, sorry about this."
"No problem at all, Guardian of Brooklyn."
Larry sighed, turning his attention to me. "Kayleigh, I told you to stay in the office and I would have came and got you."
I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "Uncle, since when do I play by the rules? But, uh, next time you have a surprise for me, it would be nice if you, you know, let me know that the T-Rex has some wicked special effects, so I don't almost have a heart attack. I'd rather not die yet, thanks."
The guy called Ahk and Larry exchanged looks and I growled, "Please, enough with having silent conversations with everyone. Obviously, you guys know more than what you're telling me, so spill."
"Everything comes to life at night."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, Kayleigh."
"Do you expect anyone to believe that fairytale?"
My uncle sighed and turned to Ahk for help. "Please follow me, I'll explain when we get there."
As we walked a little down the hall, I turned to the man, "So, who the hell are you?"
"Be nice."
"I'm kind of perturbed to really care, honestly." I snapped to my uncle, returning my attention back to the man on my right as we walked into the Ancient Egyptian exhibit.
Normally, seeing something like this would be amazing, and definitely the Ancient Egypt nerd in me would have a field day, but with my mood being as it was, being excited wasn't something that came to mind. I wanted answers.
"It's fine, Larry." The man stopped, turning to me. "I am Ahkmenrah, fourth King of the Fourth King; ruler of the land of my father's."
"Right." I said, a moment or so after he spoke, it finally sinking in what he said. "Yeah, I'm speaking to a Pharaoh. Okay, sure, and I'm the Queen of England if you were wondering."
"I understand that you may be a bit dubious of my claims, however, I can prove to you that I am who I say I am." He turned and walked to the back of the tomb, grabbing the famous tablet of Ahkmenrah. In the corner of my eye, I caught movement. Glancing to where I saw it, I gasped, the jackals, the guardians of the Pharaoh's tomb, were looking down at me.
I was still staring at them when the man came back, he said something in the ancient language and the tablet began to glow. My eyes widened and snapped up to him. "Y-You..."
He nodded. I glanced over to my Uncle and to my cousin who was now in the room and smiled, then back to Ahkmenrah. "You have got to be shitting me. Are you? Am I dreaming? This can't be real, it's not possible."
"I assure you that I, nor anyone else within this museum, would jest when it comes to something so important to all of us." Ahkmenrah stated, "This is indeed real and it is quite possible."
Yeah, I could see that.
I felt a bit faint, and sat down on the step leading up the sarcophagus and gave an hysterical, still not believing that this was all but a dream, but I knew well that this wasn't.
A hand was placed upon my shoulder, the smell of aftershave wafted through my nostrils and knew that it was Larry. "Are you okay?"
"I will be," I muttered, eventually looking up at him. "This has been the coolest, strangest, and fear-inducing night I had ever had, do you know that?"
"I can imagine." Larry said, rubbing his hand comfortingly down my back. "So, do you believe us now?"
A glare, along with me doing the childish thing and sticking my tongue out, was sent his way. I sighed, "Yeah. I do. But why didn't you tell me this before?"
"Would you have believed me if I told you?"
I opened my mouth to speak, then closed it. I shook my head.
He chuckled, and I gave him a light punch to the shoulder. "I'm going to leave you here, seeing as you are a fan of Egypt and all, and I'm sure that Pharaoh Ahkmenrah will answer any questions you may have."
"What a way to volun-tell someone, Larry." I laughed, "And to a King no less."
Ahkmenrah walked over to us, "I don't mind being, voluntold as you put it, to answer any questions that you may have, I am more than willing."
"Okay, that's great." Larry looked relieved that the Pharaoh had agreed to do so, and he checked his watch and turned to leave. "I'll leave you two here and I'll come and let you know when it's close to sunrise. Have fun and don't overwhelm him with too many questions, Kay."
I stuck my tongue out at him again. "I would never do such a thing."
He rolled his eyes and strolled out, Nicky on his heels. and my attention turned back to the Pharaoh who was now sitting down beside me, the first question that came to mind was, "How does that thing work?" I asked, gesturing to the golden tablet he held in his hand.
He began explaining the powers of the Tablet and how it brought everything to life, eventually topics of where we both grew up, the games we played, and other things came to the forefront of the conversation and before we knew it, my Uncle was entering the tomb, and leaned on one of the posts.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt but it's five minutes to sunrise, come on Kay, we'll be leaving as soon as I do a double check."
I nodded, getting up and stretching, before turning my attention back to Ahkmenrah. I bowed my head, considering I had no idea on what to do. "It was nice meeting you."
"Please, you don't have to bow your head, I consider you a friend." He laughed, "Likewise, it was a pleasure to meet you as well, do you plan on coming again tonight?"
"Uh," I glanced to my Uncle and he shrugged, gesturing to me. I turned to Ahkmenrah. "Maybe? This is a lot to take in, maybe tonight, maybe in the next couple of night."
"Until then, my lady."
"No." I shook my head, cringing. "Don't do that. It makes it seem like I'm more important than anyone else, and I'm not. I'm a human being, that's it. That's all."
He nodded, "Alright then, Kayleigh. Until next time."
"You too, don't let the bed bugs bite." The look on his face caused me to pause, cursing before quickly adding, "Uh, dude, it's an expression, anyway, forget about it. I'll explain it some other time."
Larry chuckled, bidding the Pharaoh with a good night as we left the tomb, heading down the hall. As we made it to the lobby we saw the President and I laughed with glee, jumping up and down, and quickly made myself over to him.
He glanced down at me with a gentle smile, "You must be Kayleigh, the young lady that Lawrence has been talking about. I am Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-sixth president of the United States."
"N-Nice to meet you, sir." I exclaimed, shaking the President's hand. "I apologize for cutting this short, my dear, but as dawn is but a mere minute away, I must save our conversation for the next time we meet."
I nodded, watching him as he got onto the pedestal, grabbing his sword and getting into the stance that I saw him in when we first entered the building.
And within seconds the entire building was silent.
"So, what did you think of the first night at the museum?" Larry asked me when we got into the apartment.
I shook my head, "Chaotic." I answered, "Still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing."
He leaned against the wall of the kitchen and I yawned, "Do you think you'll be coming to the Museum tonight?"
"I don't know." I replied, "I never got the work done that I needed to do for my professor, so I should probably get that done before anything else."
He nodded, giving me a small smile, "Get some sleep, then maybe, if you're up to it you could work on your assignments at the museum."
I sighed, "Good idea. I'll see."
"Have a good sleep."
"See you, Kay."
"See you two later. Night."
As I watched them leave, I turned my attention to the glass of water in my hands. It was merely my first official day in New York and it had changed my life. Taking a sip, a smile formed on my face.
Yeah, I would definitely be going back to the museum sometime.
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