This is the form for your character! Anything marked with (**) is optional. For the description portion of the form, please write it as (Name: Bramble), not (Bramble). However, for the personality portion, you only have to write (Extroverted) and move on to the next trait options. If I missed anything, just add it into the extra/other slot thing spot area
Description :
Name :
Gender :
Age :
Sexuality :
Previous Clan :
Rank : (group; individual rank "Silverhawk; Councilor")
Appearance :
Size/Build :
Fur Length :
Markings :
Primary Color :
Secondary Color :
Tertiary Color : **
Eye Color :
Personality :
Extroverted/Introverted : (do they outwardly express their emotions or keep them bottled up?)
Empathetic/Apathetic : (do they care about others or do they just not care at all?)
Intelligent/Foolish : (smart or less intelligent?)
Optimistic/Pessimistic : (do they think positively or negatively?)
Hyper/Lazy : (are they full of energy or do they only do what they need to?)
Stressed/Calm : (can they think well under pressure? if so- calm. if not- stressed.)
Confident/Insecure : (do they believe they can do it, or do they think they aren't enough?)
Courageous/Cowardly : (will they stand up and fight or will they run away from danger?)
Undisciplined/Disciplined : (are they without control, or do they have good self-control? could also be seen as immature/mature.)
Efficient/Sloppy : (do they get the job done well, or do they only do what was necessary?)
Selfless/Selfish : (do they only think of themselves in their decisions or everyone?)
Focused/Aloof : (do they pay attention or wander in their minds? could also be seen as observant/aloof.)
Friendly/Hateful : (do they give off a friendly vibe or do they seem to hate everyone and everything?)
Gentle/Harsh : (are they sweet and kind or do they just say it how it is?)
Honest/Lying : (do they tell the truth more often than not, or lie more?)
Leader/Follower : (do they take control in bad situations or wait for instructions?)
Facts vs Feelings : (when faced with a decision, do they use rationality and facts or their feelings and emotions?)
Scatterbrained/Organized : (do they get confused easily or is everything straight and neat in their mind?)
Impatient/Patient : (do they want something right now or are they willing to wait for it? could also be seen as intolerant/tolerant.)
Are they protective? : (are they not very protective at all, protective, or over-protective? mostly applies to loved ones, but can apply to all.)
Reliable/Irresponsible : (can you trust them to get it done, or will they procrastinate etc?)
Are they funny and/or sarcastic? : (will they crack some jokes?)
OTHERS/EXTRAS : (is there anything else I need to know about this character?)
Phew! That took... forever. Anyway, happy form-filling! Please tag others if you are up to it! Below is the list of the ranks that are still open!
× King: (1/1)
× Heirs: (2/2)
× Councilor: (3/3)
+ Guards: (3/4)
+ Scouts: (2/3)
× Medics: (3/3)
- Competitors: (0/6)
+ Fighters: (2/8)
+ Hunters: (3/8)
- Workers: (0/3)
- Healers: (0/3)
× Queens: (1/1)
- Kits: (0/*)
+ Apprentices: (1/2)
+ Sacrifices: (1/3)
× Caveghosts: (4/4)
* - kits will be imputed with more forms. Basically the waitlist
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