Chapter 4-Ride to the Captial.
We get to the station, and I see the cameras. Ally's stopped crying, and I look at her and say, "when we get out there, try, and smile and be happy. It's supposed to be an honor. I know, I know, but we can figure this out." She shoots me an annoyed look like I'm speaking another language.
We get out of the car, and the camera crew shouts that they can't see Ally that well, so I pick her up like a big brother would, and we smile and wave to the crowd. The people of District 10 are really cheering for us now. Most years, this is a sad occasion where we fake a smile and go home, but today's different. They really think she can win the game, or we will get farther than normal.....a dark thought crosses my mind, or that I'll win. I help Ally on the train, and the doors close behind me. The train starts up right away.
We've never been on a train before; traveling between the districts is impossible unless you're in the government or part of the games. That's not to say I haven't left the district before; there's a fence that surrounds the district and the ruined cities within our area. The closest one to us was called "Dallas." It's to the far north of our zone, and it's completely of course, every teenager has crawled under the broken fence and walked around part of the ruins at least once. Millions of people lived there before Panem, before the dark days, before all of this, and when the world fell apart, a lot of them died, but some of them survived and settled the districts. Our Grandpa said that we were 10th generation Texan, whatever that means really, but we've been in the area for a LONG TIME.
"Ally. Kyle. Come in here, please. We've got to start training and watch the other reapings," I hear Gloriana say.
She still looks like an apple, but I'll say this, she looks happy. Michele and Jackson are with her. "Where're Alejandro and Jocasta?" I ask, not really caring.
"He's getting changed for the trip. He likes to look his best, and Jocasta isn't feeling well, so she's staying here this year." Gloriana pipes up.
Jackson rolls his eyes, and Michele seems equally annoyed. It's an open secret that Alejandro's an awful drunk most of the year, but he got Michele out, who got Jackson, who will get Ally out. How bad can he be?
Michele starts talking, "so are you two a team, or do we need to mentor you separately?"
"We're a team obviously," I say and look to Ally, who confirms. I guess I just assumed that was clear.
"ok, then who do you want to be your mentor? You can use us all, but only two of us get to be In the control room during the games, but we need a leader. So pick."
I look at Ally and say, "you pick. I trust you," and start looking at the mentors. Michele was 16 when she won her games; now, at age 30, she's imposing. She won her games by pairing with a tribute from District 2, who had a crush on her, and she did well. Her daughter's a few years younger than Ally and also very sweet. Jackson won two years ago, and now at age 20, he's a good looking man for sure. Tall with a handsome face, but he is....unique. He doesn't like things to be out of place or moved and doesn't like to be touched or dirty. His district partner was killed during the feast, and Jackson lost it, killing the girl from 2 in the process and winning his games a few days later. Alejandro's 50. He won his game decades ago by pretending to be gay and winning sponsors that way. He was in a cold area with snowstorms and avalanches, and I really really hope that's not the case this year—deserts with poisonous butterflies. Snow-capped mountains with angry foxes. Fields with crickets that don't stop chirping. These are just some of the arenas they have used in the past, and I don't really know what to expect.
"Ummm, Michele. I think you'd be the best," Ally says, and Jackson looks relieved. I know lots of attention bothers him.
"Jackson, you can be my backup. Ok, then let's get some lunch in you two. The last reaping starts soon, and then we can talk about your skills and plans."
We all sit down, and Alejandro walks in, looking tired. "They picked me as the team mentor. Sit down and eat," she says in a sweet motherly tone.
The food is amazing. There's so much. Our father makes good money as a foreman, but four kids is a lot of mouths to feed. Ally and I dig in on foods we can't even place just knowing it's ours. We're stuffed after several plates of food. I lean back, satisfied, and look at Ally, who's eating cake.
Michele looks at the two of us and smiles, "so do you wanna get started or watch the reapings first?"
I think to myself and say, "let's get going; we can watch that stuff later. What do we need to know?"
"Gloriana, why don't you show Ally to the bathroom so she can wash up a bit, please," Michele says politely and watches them leave.
She looks at Alejandro, who starts up, "Ok, I'll be blunt! Why'd you volunteer?" Michele and Jackson look at him and then at me, wondering the same thing.
I look at them with a vaguely confused look on my face. I know the reasons, but they don't need to know. "Because she's my sister. I love her. And I can help her win the games."
Michele leans in and says softly, "Kyle, lots of people have sisters, but no 12 year old has ever won."
I look around at the three adults. All killers who have won, and I know they're right. Volunteering to take her place would be one thing, but this is different.
I sigh and say, " it's true. I love her. She's the best kid in the world. People love her. They love her stories and smile and personality."
Ally and Gloriana walk back into the room, smiling, and sit down. "You saw all the people at the reaping. They were sad she was going into the games and proud I volunteered to go with her." I say.
Michele nods and says, " you know they were sad to see you go too, right, Kyle?"
"No one knows who I am," I scoff and cross my arms.
"Oh, really, because I had never met you, but I knew who you were. Kyle Martins, son of the ex peacekeeper, no one likes. But they like you. You're tall, handsome, and muscular. You're nice, helpful, and smart. People all over our zone know you. I doubt there was a kid in the years around you that had a negative thing to say about you. Is this really news to you?" She says in an irritated tone.
"He doesn't pay attention to what people say. He never has." Ally chimes. We all look at her. "What? It's true. Girls talk about you all the time, and you never pay attention. The guys in your class think you're cool too. They said that stuff around you even when you were sad. Even then, people loved you." She says with a smile.
"See, they were cheering for you too, Kyle. One person can walk out of the arena. You're betting on your sister. And you're the best chance for either of you winning." She looks at Ally and smiles sadly, "sorry, sweetie, but we're all going to work for one of you to get to the end. I just need you to know all the tools at your disposal, ok?" I nod cause I really do understand. The capital wants a show, and the altruistic brother routine will get us there because I am truly selfless, and I'll do what I can to get her to the end. I still have doubts, but I can hold them off for now.
"Ok, so Ally, let's start with you. What can you do that you think will be helpful?"
She tilts her head and thinks, " Ummm, I can swim. I'm a fast runner. Faster than Kyle. I can climb trees. Kyle's shown me how to throw a pitchfork, but my aim isn't that great."
"A pitchfork?" Jackson says for the first time since we got on the train.
"Uhhh, yeah. It's the closest we have to spears, and Jonah and I would practice on hot afternoons. And Ally would come with us sometimes."
"Hmmm. Jonah did say he could throw a spear, remember?" Michele adds helpfully. Jackson nods.
"Oh, and our dad makes us read his peacekeeper survival guide every summer," Ally adds quickly.
This gets everyone's attention. "Really? every summer? Why?"
I answer this time, "As soon as we can be reaped, he has us read it cover to cover and quizzes us. How to start a fire. How to track runaways. How to set a trap. How to find water. Regional plants that are edible and how to find them. Stuff like that."
"Well, that will be helpful, indeed," Gloriana chirps, and the others smile. "Ok, Kyle, what about you?"
"I can throw the pitchfork. I'm really good at that. We practiced a lot. Ally's a faster runner than me, but I do cross country at school so I can do distances. I can throw a hatchet, too," I add quickly. Ummmm, I don't think a bow and arrow would be that hard, seeing as I have the aim. Oh, and I won the wrestling tournament last year at school."
Alejandro slaps the table, "damn, these kids are good. They might have a chance." Michele, Jackson, and Gloriana all look excited. "Ok, let's watch the reapings and see the competition, then we can figure out the plan. Glory, did you call Portia and tell her they're going to be a team? Makes things easier if she just takes point for the stylists." Gloriana confirms it's been done and sits down with us to watch.
The reapings happen throughout the day, starting out East in District 12 and coming closer to the capital. The idea is someone could watch them all day long if they wanted to. Usually, the people in the capital do, but we just watch what's required.
The show opens on Caesar Flickermen wearing a hot pink suit that matches his hair. As looks go, I don't hate it. He takes us to District 12, a girl named Lily and a boy named Jake have been reaped; they both look like coal miner kids. No one volunteers for them. I knew Michele was right before, I really did something no one expected today. District 11 looks hot and humid and run down like always. Marcus and Sage are reaped. He's 15, and she's 13. Ally holds my hands when no one steps up for her. Next, we have our moment on the screen. Ally's called and then Michael, and you suddenly see my hands in the air volunteering. The camera isn't shy about showing us. Caesar says something about how brave we look, and then they have us boarding the train when I picked Ally up to see the crowd.
Gloriana whispers, "that was brilliant," as we fade off-screen.
The rest go by quickly. Mostly 15 and 16-year-olds this year until district 6 when a beast of a guy was reaped. His name's Titus and Ally points out no one seemed to like him cause he was alone in the crowd. I just notice that he has about 5 inches on me in height. He will be tough to beat. Districts 1 and 2 wraps up with an army of volunteers each, but in the end, Topaz and Bella for District 1 and Romulus and Aurora for 2. They're the career tributes this year. Careers don't always win, but they win a lot, they train for the glory of the games, and it's a huge honor for them. They and Titus will be the obvious challenges, but it's a fight to the death, so anyone could do me in. I think about Romulus though he reminds me of an angry Jonah, tall and Blond with nice arms that's about it....oof I have a type.
We get up and eat dinner. Michele tells us to eat and get to bed. "The ride to the capital takes about 16 hours, so we will be there around breakfast time tomorrow, so sleep well and be ready for a long day."
We walk to our rooms and nudge Ally and ask, "how are you feeling about this, really?"
She looks me in the face and says, "I get why you're here. I just wish you weren't, but if I had to be here with anyone, I'm glad it's you," she hugs me and walks off to her room.
I'm still hungry, so I walk back to the dining car. I hear them talking about us, and I listen. It's Michele and Alejandro talking to the others. "I think he has a chance. She has a chance if he gets them to the final two, that's for sure, but I don't want to think about what happens then."
"Agreed. I'm happy they can trust each other, but it'll be hard."
"What did she mean when she said, 'you were just so sad?" Gloriana asks politely.
"Oh, he was best friends with Jonah Nelson, the male tribute last year," supplies Michele.
"Oh, he died in the bloodbath. He was sweet. Shouldn't have gone in, but what can you do." She says.
"Well, I think there's more to this whole story," Jackson adds without emotion.
"You think he is lying?" Michele asks.
"No, I just don't think he told us the whole story is all, but I doubt we will ever know the truth. I'm heading to bed. Good night."
I rush back to my room and wonder what Jackson knows. What they really think of our chances. I'm hungry, but I'll be ok. I don't NEED the cookies; I just want them. I look out the window at a passing district, maybe 6, but who knows. I'm tired, and I crawl into bed and dream about Jonah and smile and cry all at the same time. The next time I wake up, I'll probably be in the capital, and the fun will really start. As I drift off to sleep, I hear my door open, and a little body gets in bed. I move over and let Ally sleep on the other side. She does this when she is scared but doesn't want to say anything.
"Sweet dreams, baby sister," I mumble.
"Good night, littlest big brother. Don't fart too much, please." She says with a giggle.
"Zero promises," I say with a laugh, and in a few seconds, I'm asleep and dreaming.
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