Chapter 1- The Reaping.
It's the morning of the reaping, and I'm lying in bed waiting for everyone else to wake up. I don't want to be first downstairs because my father might be in a lousy mood and none of us want to deal with him. Least of all today. Today's the day that one unlucky boy and one unfortunate girl will have their name called out and walk up on stage before they head to the Capitol to fight to the death.
Today is the start of the Hunger Games.
My father use to be a peacekeeper until he met my mother and gave it all up to be with her. Everyone says he use to be a nice man, but now he's a district joke, and he hates it. My oldest brother says he remembers our father being happy sometimes, but that all stopped when our mother left one night and never came back. No one's really sure where she went; sometimes I wish she took us.
I live in the heart of Panem, in District 10. There're 12 Districts in all, but District 10 is massive, flat, and hot. Full of cows, sheep, pigs, and chicken. It's where Panem gets its meat and milk, and because it's so big, our mother could really be anywhere....or nowhere.
I was 10 when she left us. Callum was 11, Evan was 12, and Ally was 4. They all look like our parents, dark blonde hair of our father, and our mother's crystal clear blue eyes, like the lakes north of our district's area. I look like I was dropped into the family and forgotten, Dark Brown hair and Brown eyes, I think I look like my grandfather. Everyone jokes that I look like our father's former best friend, who they say ran off with our mom, but no one says this near him without expecting to get hit.
He doesn't hit us every day, and he has never hit Ally, who's his favorite, but he's angry. My brothers avoid home as much as possible, so I get to bear the brunt of the anger. I don't blame them; I'll probably do the same thing now that I'm done with school and have to get a real job, but only once I'm sure Ally is safe. She's my little shadow and best friend. Well, one of them, Jonah, died in the games last year, and it's been hard to get over that and Ally has been there for me......and I'm there for her today.
Hearing sounds in the next room, I get up, knowing she's finally awake. Most people are off and sleeping in around Panem today, but in district 10, the animals run our schedule, and I have to work before the reaping.
As I get out of bed, the door opens, and Ally runs up and hugs me. "I had a nightmare last night. Do I really have to go today?" she says.
"Yes, of course, you have to go, but don't worry, you're name's only in there once. I'm in there more than that. Callum never got picked. Evan didn't either. You'll be safe. I promise."
The reapings stop when you turn 18. Callum was last year, Evan, the year before, and this is my last year. It's the year you have the highest chance of going. Jonah was 18 when he went last year.
I look her in the eyes, and she smiles and says, "promise promise?"
"Of course, Ally cat. It's my job to keep you safe. Now go get some breakfast before Dad wakes up. I'm heading to the Nelson's farm to do my chores for the day. I'll be back around 1130." I grab my boots and shirt and head out the door. Turning and whispering, "the reaping's at one, so be ready. we can't be late." I grab a piece of bread with jam and head out the door down the road.
Long before the Hunger Games and before Panem, this area was called Texas. Now it's District 10, second largest after 11 and second most populated after it too. We like to brag that we are the biggest and best, but we don't mind being second cause we have the best sunrises in the world. The Nelson's live down the road from us, and they own a dairy farm, and I help them out after school and on the weekends. I promised Jonah that I would help them if he got reaped. I promised I would be there for them. I always keep my promises, even when it killed me to be there when he died. His parents are great and always let me stay longer, so I wouldn't need to be around my father. No one would tell the authorities because the group homes are worse than anything you can think of, so they protected me where they could. Jonah and I were best friends from the first day of school, and being at his house makes me equal parts happy and sad.
"Hey, Kyle, you're here early! You ok?" Hollered Mr. Nelson from the front porch.
"I couldn't sleep. Bad memories of I'm nervous. it being my last year and all," I stammer out, realizing how hard it must be for him just one year after his only son left for the games.
"I Get it. Your name's only in there a couple of times, right?" He asks.
"The usual seven cause I'm 18 plus the tesserae my Dad had me take out. It could be better. Could be worse, I guess," I sat with a half-smile.
The tesserae is an extra bit of help from the government for food and oil. You can take one out for each member of your family, but it's an extra time your name goes in for the reaping. My father had Evan, Callum, and I take the maximum we could take each year. He says Ally won't have to now because the three of us will be working.
"Well, get what you can done, but I don't want to see you here tonight. Understand?" I tilt my head, not understanding. " go be with your friends. It's your last reaping. Celebrate. Drink, sing, and be merry. Tip a cow if you can figure out how. You've had a rough year without Jonah, but you'll have the rest of your life after today." He smiles weakly and turns to go back inside.
I can't say for sure, but I think he's tearing up. Everyone has a soft spot on reaping day.
"I will, sir. Thanks for the advice. Maybe I'll tip one of your cows." I shout back.
I hear him laugh, but it seems forced. I turn to the barn and start my chores. Jonah and I use to do all of this together, so now it takes twice as long. I have gained a lot of muscle in the years since I started helping. I get a lot of compliments, and I know I get checked out, but it's just not in the cards for me at the moment. I clean out the barn, Toss hay in the pens for the cows. Make sure they are doing alright. Dalton, their helper, has come by and hooked them all up to the Machines that help milk them earlier, so I have to check them and unhook them. Now they can eat and be cows. It takes about two hours to get it all done, but really I'm just killing time because I don't want to go home.
"Hey there, are you almost finished? You should head home to get ready." I turn and see Mrs. Nelson standing at the door looking at me.
"Yes, Ma'am. I am heading out; just making sure it's all done. I won't be back tonight," I say with a smile.
"Ahh, yes, the final reaping. I heard Todd saying something about cow tippin'. You know it's not real, right? " she smiles, and I laugh. "Well, be safe out there tonight. Don't have too much fun....." she pauses like she wants to say something but stops," just be a kid, ok?"
I nod my head and grab my shirt and start to leave. "Kyle wait...I....ummm nevermind it can wait," she puts her hand in her pocket, feeling something and continues, "good luck today, sweetie," and stands on her toes and hugs me.
I realize she hasn't hugged like this since this day last year when we saw Jonah leave on the tribute train. "Thanks, Mrs. Nelson. I'll see you in town," and I head out.
I get home and see my father sitting at the table talking to Ally. She looks adorable; Dark blonde hair in a ponytail and a blue dress that shows off her eyes. She looks cute and happy, just like always.
"Nice of your to finally show up. Get upstairs and get clean. We have to leave soon," my father snarls at me.
He wasn't a nice man to my brothers or me growing up, but he is good to Ally. Callum thinks it's because she is the baby, but I think it's because she looks and acts like mom, and if he can keep Ally around, then he can keep what little happiness he has around too.
As for me, I am the least favorite of the kids. Never good enough when you compare me to Evan, the smart son, or Callum, the athletic one. I'm intelligent and athletic, but nothing compared to them in my father's eyes. A long time ago, he joined the Peacekeepers for a 20-year contract. No kids. No relationships. Nothing that would distract from their job of "keeping the peace," aka keeping us all down in the dirt. Well, he met our mother during the second week of his 20 years, and they fell madly in love. My brother Evan came into the world ten months after they met. Callum came the year after that, and they were both secrets. Sure everyone in town knew about it, but the Peacekeepers didn't say anything. They just thought my father was dumb and in love. It wasn't until I was born the next year that things got rough. The new head peacekeeper came to the district and found out my father was married with three kids and discharged him from the Peacekeepers. His punishment was to stay in district 10 for the rest of his life.
Originally our father was born in District 2, they say it's home to the stonemasons and quarries, but it's also home to the Peacekeeper training centers. He has to pretend to be from the capital cause that's where they say all the peacekeepers come from, but that's a lie. One of many Panem tells us daily. My parents made it work through four kids and were happy. He worked at the stockyards and moved up to foreman. Mom worked as a stems-tress in town, and they were content on the outside until they weren't, but that's another story.
I walk into the bathroom to see my two oldest brothers getting ready. Meaning there will be zero hot water for me to use for the bath. Being the youngest boy means I go last for virtually everything. I push them both out of the way and start getting undressed.
"Can't you wait until we're out of here? " Callum complains, covering his eyes.
"Nope, one of us someplace to be today, unlike you two," I reply.
They both head out, and I do my best to clean off in the cold water, thinking about everything.
The Hunger Games started 68 years ago after the dark days as they called it, ended with the Capital defeating 12 districts and destroying the 13th. Each year the surviving districts send two tributes to the Capital to fight to the death until one comes out victorious. The Victor gets a comfortable life of money and fame. The rest of us get to watch our friends die. The people of the Capital love it. It's the most significant event of the year for them.
I'm all cleaned up and ready to go within 10 minutes. Reaping day means dressing your best in case you get picked. I'm taller and bigger than my father and brothers, so I had to make the hand me downs work. Today, I am wearing a denim button-down shirt that's a little tight, but shows off my muscles nicely and black jeans with my boots. I think I look great personally. The better you look, the more sponsors you can get in the arena; they can get you food, water, medicine, you name it. It costs a lot of money, but if you win, then they have ultimate bragging rights.
I head out downstairs as I hear my father screaming my I wasn't ready to go faster than he wanted.
"It's your job to get Ally there and back. Understand?" He snaps.
"Yes, I know," I groan, and I see that he is already getting mad, "I'll make sure she's safe and sound," I quickly add, and he calms down a bit.
"Good. She gets home before you go off, clowning around with your idiot friends. Got it?" He finishes.
"Yes, sir," I say as I take her hand and head out the door.
Ally says bye over her shoulder and looks at me. "Why are we going without them?"
It's her first reaping, so I explain that we have to check-in and get scanned. They'll be heading out in a bit and waiting for the reaping to end and go out with friends afterward. She nods and walks with me.
District 10 is massive and has a lot of people, so the reaping doesn't cover every kid in the district. There are four zones; we live in zone 1. Two weeks before the reaping, the mayor picks a numbered coin out of a bag and announces which zone will be reaped. We have the luck of being selected twice in a row. Ally and I show up, and they prick her finger and scan her in and then myself. We head to the town square; it's a nice place to be on an average day. The shops are fun and full of candy and sweets. I'll say this for my father after reaping; he usually takes us all out for ice cream to celebrate. The Capital wants us to have fun and celebrate the games, but we are just thrilled we aren't picked. Expect two families, Last year, my ice cream melted, and Dad rewarded with a black eye for two weeks.
The square's already pretty full, with 15 minutes to go. I take Ally all the way to the back section with the other 12-year-old girls and kiss her on her forehead and leave her with her friends. I hear them giggle and know I embarrassed her, but what are big brothers for really. I hear the older girls commenting as I walk back, knowing my jeans show off my butt, and I smile to myself. It's been a rough year, but I feel like things are about to get better.
I find my friends, Tyler and Kendal, at the front of the square. 18-year-olds have the highest chance of being picked, so they put us up front, so the reaping goes faster.
"Hey, hey, you finally made it. It's our last year, can you believe it. Almost free," Tyler half yells, and we all laugh. It's a good feeling.
"What are we doing tonight to celebrate," I say.
They look shocked, but recover quickly with Kendal saying, " wait, you want to hang out with us?"
"Of course. why not?" I say.
"Well, to be honest, you've kind of been your own world the last year since know...," since Jonah died I finish in my head, "we weren't sure what was happening," he finishes, looking at Tyler for support who nods and looks sheepishly at me.
"Well, he was my best friend, but we would've been celebrating with him last year if we could so we should go double hard this year, right," I say, hoping it sounded happy and not showing the sadness.
I nudge Kendal, who laughs and bumps into Tyler. We do this for a couple of minutes before people start walking on stage. The first person we see is Mayor Hightower, who has led our district for twenty years now. He's a good man, even if he's a government man. The mayor is followed by our district escort, Gloriana Best, who's wearing a red suit with a green wig for some reason.
"she looks like an apple," I whisper, and everyone around me snickers.
She's followed by four past victors: Jocasta Walker, who won the 17th games and is always saying things about Panem that she shouldn't. Alejandro Farnham, who won the 35th games and has a known drinking problem, Michele Onassis, who won the 54th games, I've heard she's relatively normal, and Jackson Spidell, who won the games two years before who likes everything to be even and hates touching unless he does it first. They all look normal for the most part, well dressed and smiling. District 10 has had more winners than most districts, but we still aren't a career district where winning is an honor.
They all sit down, and Gloriana taps the microphone, " Welcome everyone to the 68th annual Hunger Games, and as always may the odds be ever in your favor," she says as all the 18-year-old boy's mouth along with her, and we laugh when she notices.
The mayor steps up and reads the treaty of treason, a piece of paper that has doomed us all to these games. I don't listen, it's boring, and I've heard it before anyway.
Gloriana comes back up and says, "now to pick the tributes for District 10," she walks over to the bowl holding all the names of the girls and steps back, tripping a little on the carpet.
"Better be careful; the Apple could bruise," someone says, and we laugh even though it's not funny.
She opens the card and says, "the female tribute for District 10 will be......ALLISON MARTINS."
My heart stops. Tyler grabs my arm like I'm going to fall over. And you can hear a groan through the crowd. Is it because she's 12? Is it because they all know our asshole father? No, it's because they know her as the sweet kid that's always smiling and singing and playing. She walks by me, and I can see she's starting to tear up. I move towards her, but Kendal stops me. She's on stage now, and Gloriana is at the boy's bowl and walking back with the piece of paper when it dawns on me that I can still do something to keep Ally safe and to keep my promise to myself. The promise that I wouldn't stand by and watch someone else, I love to go to the games without trying to help them.
"The male tribute is... Michael Townsend!" She shouts.
The boy in the row behind me doesn't even have a chance to move before I scream, "I VOLUNTEER. I VOLUNTEER As a tribute," and start pushing my way up the stairs.
Everyone on stage looks confused, but all I care about is Ally, who's openly sobbing.
"Well, well, a volunteer. And what's your name, young man," Gloriana tries to seem casual, but she is clearly trying to figure out my angle.
"Kyle Martins," I say dryly.
She smiles and says, "you must be siblings. This will be fun for you two bring pride to your district. Give a warm round of applause to your tributes Kyle and Allison Martins," she yells to the crowd, "now shake hands, you two," she says to us.
We don't shake hands; Ally just runs over to me and hugs me. I'm several feet taller than her, so she comes up to my waist. The crowd's silent for a moment as they see this sight and slowly start clapping. First, the 18-year-olds, whom I've known my whole life, then the parents who have had Ally over to slumber parties, over to the people that just know our hard-ass father. The entire square is making noise for us. We wave to the crowd and are ushered into the Justice Building to say our goodbyes.
As the doors close, I make a promise to myself. I couldn't save Jonah, but I'll save Ally, or I'll die trying. Heading into the Hunger Games, at least it's a promise I can keep.
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