Part 7
"Wildcat said the little fucker had to have a shower" Delirious growled "I just don't want him stinking worse when he comes's bad enough as it is"
I stopped listening or caring what Delirious was saying the second I heard him say that Wildcat had sent them to take me for a shower.
"You don't listen do you...he said to take him afterwards" Moo complained, I guessed that Delirious was one of those guys that just did what he wanted without any or very little planning. Where as Moo seemed to be more of a team player, he was also uncomfortable dealing with people being held against their will so he had more empathy that any of the others I'd seen so far. The owl guy I wasn't sure about but he seemed to like coercing people into positions to make them uncomfortable and watching what they did. Wildcat I still had no idea about, he seemed to be in charge but right now I only really needed to watch out for Delirious...and maybe the owl. The eagle mask tilted downwards as Moo looked down at where I was still kneeling by his feet.
"ok so you will be getting a shower...just after I've asked you a few questions" He was still holding the bowl of porridge, absentmindedly poking the contents with the spoon as he spoke. My stomach growled loudly, making me fidget. "would you like some more of this" Moo asked lifting the bowl a little.
"please" I mumbled, feeling self conscious about how loud my body had been in it's demands. Moo didn't make a big thing of it he just poked a heaped spoonful of porridge towards my mouth. The three of us sat in silence while I was fed some breakfast, Delirious breaking the silence every now and then with a grossed out sound as he cleared up all the hair he'd cut off.
it was Moo that broke the silence "you're not scared of us are you?" he sounded like he was stating a fact rather than asking a question.
"I've got nothing left to lose... and most of you seem fairly happy to just keep me alive as long as I do as I'm told and answer your questions...though I think the hockey mask guy and the owl guy would put a bullet in my head the second I caused any kind of a problem" I shrugged, no point in bull shitting the guy, they all seemed capable of seeing through all kinds of lies and half truths so there was no point.
"so...that house...the other one you robbed" Moo seemed hesitant to ask the question and I guessed this was one he'd been told to ask.
"I was looking for a place to crash for the night a few weeks ago...I saw that some of the fencing stuff that went around the bottom of the porch was broken so I had a look under there to see if it was know no snakes or spider nests...that kind of thing. I found a vent which wasn't bolted on and just big enough for me to get decided to come back and see if there was anything I could take to support my need for life's food or water that wasn't contaminated with urine or dirty diapers" I rattled off the information as I worked through another mouthful of porridge.
"don't be cheeky"Delirious snarled as he swatted me around the back of my head.
"Delirious!" Moo yelled moving to try and protect me "do that again and you'll answer to know his rules when it comes to this guy, do you really want to piss him off"
"I ain't scared of Wildcat" Delirious huffed as he moved back to the door.
"how about I just tell Vanoss then" Moo hissed through clenched teeth.
"I ain't scared of him either" Delirious retorted but it didn't have the same amount of certainty in his voice than he had before. So if this psycho was worried about this Vanoss guy then he was the one i had to watch out for...wait wasn't Vanoss the one with the owl mask, my stomach dropped as i realized that the owl was the one I had kicked in the ribs hard enough to wind when I was trying to escape yesterday...I may have screwed myself over.
"I did hear a weird whirring noise as I climbed out of the vent yesterday...I didn't think anything of it until I heard the sirens" I continued wanting to end the bickering session that was starting between my two captors. Normally this would have been a good thing but right now I was caught between them and in no position to defend myself if they kicked off, it's not like I could use it as cover to escape either seeing as I was still locked to the chain.
"shit" Delirious mumbled and moved just outside the door as he took out his phone "the security system marked him as he left...yeah...where do we keep the heavy duty cleanser" I'm not sure what he said after this he moved too far from the door for me to hear, but whatever it was it seemed to take forever until he came back into ear shot "...letting me burn stuff? don't worry I'll get everything...ok I'll tell him" Delirious hung up the call and looked back at Moo. "Wildcat's sending Vanoss to decon before he comes down to make sure this little fucker is scrubbed'll be his back up in case he becomes a handful"
"ok" Moo sighed inspecting his own hands.
"Moo...if Vanoss gets hurt because you got distracted or you're unwilling to put this asshole down I will personally end you"
"I got it Delirious...I'm sure Vanoss will be touched at your concern of his inability to control one half starved guy that's a fraction of his size" Moo shot back, I will admit that I was a little offended that he thought I was no match for Vanoss.
"of who's size?" Vanoss' voice was distant like he was on the other side of the room outside the one we were in.
"The fuck took you so long"Delirious barked, and started to walk away.
"What's up Delirious...I would have thought watching a naked guy take a shower was right up your street" Vanoss chuckled, apparently completely unfazed by the psycho's foul mood.
"only you the way I love the tat" Delirious' voice trailed off as he left
"What!....Wait what did you say?...Delirious?!" Vanoss was closer and sounded like he was confused and mildly worried.
"I didn't know you had a tattoo" Moo chuckled as Vanoss walked in wearing what looked like a bright yellow containment suit, his owl mask and a large red hold all slung over his shoulder.
"I don't" he grumbled, visibly bristling as he answered "lets get this asshole in the shower"
"is this mark that bad" Moo asked as he put the bowl on the floor and stood beside me, I felt Vanoss' hands in rubber gloves but still very warm against my wrists as he fiddled with the cuffs.
"yup...a toxic mix of pheromones, UV dye, and a chemical which, if ingested can cause respiratory problems...if you get it in your eyes it can make you blind until you see a doctor"
"oh...Pheromones as in the stuff that attracts a mate?"
" sprays you with the same scent a female dog emits when she's in heat...they use dogs to track the sent...and it would lead them back to this little bitch" I was a little concerned that I was becoming more trouble than i was worth and the second that Wildcat found out I'd lose any protection that I currently had and would be dead before nightfall. The cuffs suddenly released from my wrists and I felt an overwhelming urge to rub some sensation back into them, before I could Vanoss' hands grabbed my upper arms and pulled me to my feet. "We've got about thirty minutes until Wildcat gets here and we have to have this one decontaminated before he gets here" Vanoss wasn't being rough but he wasn't exactly being gentle either, I found myself half walking and half being carried and pushed out of the door and across what looked to be a large garage.
"Hold up I'll get the door" Moo called out and moved to run passed us
"Nonononononono Moo" Vanoss quickly replied in a frustrated brotherly tone "you can't touch anything until you've been through decon or you'll just spread it round...sorry but you got to stand here and just make sure that if this guy gets passed me that you can shoot him before he gets the leg preferably I doubt Wildcat would be happy if we shoot his new toy in the head"
"oh...sorry...I didn't think" Moo sighed, I felt sorry for the guy, all he seemed to want to do was help everyone and just kept getting shit back. "Why does wildcat want this guy anyway?"
"He hasn't's not like him to keep people around longer than needed so we'll just have to play along until he decides he's done with him" Vanoss sighed, obviously this wasn't normal for Wildcat and it was confusing the others in the gang.
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