Chapter one
((Ok so this is the beginning, the first page was just a tester to see if you guys would be interested in the story. Now I'll start the actual story with more detail, be aware that this is set around the GTA characters and that world))
Mini's PoV
My day had started off relatively slowly, I had woken up stiff and cold in the attic of someones house around midday. I had been so cold the night before that I had climbed into the first sheltered place I had found which happened to be through small broken window at the back of the house. After walking for a little while to try and warm up and get my cold stiffened body to work I spent the last of my money on getting a little bit of food that tasted like it went out of date a few days ago, I sat huddled in a corner of an alley way while I forced it down and tried not to throw up at the after taste. I then spent a few hours walking around trying to find places that looked like they might be easy targets for a night time visit. That's what i loved about this town, it didn't matter how many murders there were or how many robberies or assault were featured on the news, everyone still left doors and window's unlocked for the more unfortunate like me to be able to walk in and take stuff so that we could sell it and feed ourselves or find ourselves a hidden little crevice that we could either hide or sleep without getting shot or beaten. The one thing you had to be careful of when you were one of these people was that you didn't break into a house or apartment that was owned or used by one of the many gangs in the city. They didn't take kindly to people who were not in the gang interfering with their stuff and it usually resulted in an unfortunate condition called death.
The problem was that it wasn't like they hung signs outside that said 'property of the mob' so you had to either find out somehow and hope no one heard of you asking questions about their place or you had to be an idiot and just go for it and hope for the best. I was the latter, I never scoped out a place before robbing it I just somehow knew what to do, where to go and how to find the valuable stuff...I just had to find a way in and the rest just seemed to happen naturally.
The gang boss's never kept the really valuable stuff, or the stuff that could get them thrown in jail, in their own homes. It was always kept in high security vaults in the deepest darkest recesses of the whatever bank or corporation they 'owned'. I just wanted to have enough to be able to survive and this time of year was extremely difficult it was getting cold enough for it to snow, I didn't own any warm clothing, just the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing, even the shoes I wore had holes in the bottom. The last sweater I had managed to get my hands on had been taken from me by a homeless guy that had jumped me when I was asleep under the pier, I was lucky to get away from the guy with only my sweater taken.
I had found two houses that I wanted to try and liberate a few things from after dark, I made sure they were a good distance from each other just in case I was unlucky enough that the police turned up. The first house was easy enough, there had been a vent that had led to the basement and from there I just worked my way around the house, I found a small safe in the upstairs office and found $5000 in cash and a sealed envelope which felt like it might have something interesting in. I didn't want to hang around so I shoves all of the items into my pocket and made my way back out, as I was climbing into the vent I heard a weird click and whirring noise. I hadn't seen anything on the way in that might make that kind of noise so I dismissed it and headed for my second target making sure to check that I wasn't being followed by anyone. I was about half way to the second house when I heard the sirens, part of me knew that my crime had been discovered and that it was only a matter of time before they started searching the area, I had to get further away and make sure I didn't draw attention to myself the last thing I wanted was to be stopped and searched when I had that much money in my pocket.
I somehow managed to get over to where the second house was without being spotted, I'm not sure how because my mind was completely distracted by what I was going to spend the money on, five thousand dollars would set me up for the whole year, I could actually get myself some new clothes and something to sleep in for the winter....and food I could buy food that wasn't cheap because it was out of date or out of a garbage can. If I was careful with it I could even spend a comfortable night in an actual bed at a hotel for my birthday, I tried to push the excitement down and focus, I didn't want to fuck up now and end up in prison...or shot in the back, I actually have something to lose now.
I crept up to the house and checked to see if there was anyone about that might see me, all the lights were off and no vehicles were in the driveway. As quietly as possible I climbed onto the roof of the garage, the small window I had seen earlier was still open a little, it was higher than I thought but with a bit of a run up I should be able to reach it then I just had to squeeze my tiny frame though. There where some benefits to not having being able to eat every day and one of them was squeezing through small places to get stuff so you could buy food so you didn't die, of course the draw back was that you were pretty weak so you had to be careful not to bite off more than you could to speak.
I got in and managed to find the hatch down from the attic, listening intently I made sure there were no signs of anyone in the rooms upstairs that might see me. I searched each of the five bedrooms and found nothing other than some lose change, tools, masks and weapons. These were people I didn't want to piss off, they had at least a dozen weapons in each room, finally I found a small safe with an old combination lock. It took me all of a few seconds to guess the code and open the heavy steal box, inside was around $50, an external hard drive, a Hospital bracelet with the word Delirious written on it and a bag of gummy worms. I took the cash and the hard drive and shoved them as deep in my pocket as possible so that it wouldn't fall out when I climbed out the small window again. I thought I heard something outside and froze, listening intently for any sign that the home owners where home.
"Guys...someones been here" I heard a guy shout from right outside the door to the room I was in, I quickly moved to the window and started to open it as quietly as possible while hoping that they wouldn't check this room until they had checked the rest of the house. I had literally just dropped down into the garden when I heard something move above me, I didn't look to see what it was I just started running "there...the little fuckers heading across the garden...Delirious he's to your left!" I heard a guy almost screaming after me, there was the sound of feet running after me and they were fast, I needed to be quicker or lucky to get away from this in one piece.
I don't know how but I managed to lose whoever it was chasing after me, I had slowed to a walk and slowly caught my breath as I made my way across the city, trying to figure out a place I could hide and sort out what I had without making myself a target by flashing my haul to every other homeless person or drug addict in the area.
"Hold it right there" I turned and saw a cop starting to get out of his car, he was already pulling his gun and I decided not to hang about and see what he wanted. I should have known better, why didn't I stop after the first house why did I find temptation so hard to resist?
Now I'm running all over the damn city trying to avoid some guys that caught me in their house and the cops who I am assuming where called because of the other house I stole from. It's like they are playing tag, I lose the police and then get spotted by the guys, I lose the guys just to get spotted by the police again. Did I do something in a previous life to warrant this kind of abuse from the universe? Though I have to admit if I'm going to get caught by one of my hunters I think I would rather be shot by the police than caught by the other guys. I was fairly sure that I had just stolen from two gangs in one night, which meant I was going to have to lay low for the next decade or leave the city. The chances that one or both of the gangs were listening in to the police radio's was pretty high, I mean they were finding me far too easily.
My predicament at this moment was that I was trapped in an almost empty parking garage trying to hide from the gang of masked guys. The two I had seen so far were easy enough to spot, both wore bright red tops, one had a monkey mask the other wearing an owl mask. It was the three I hadn't seen I was trying to avoid at the moment. I was wedged under an old muscle car as I watched as a pair of brown ankle boots slowly walked past, holding my breath so that my heavy breathing wouldn't alert him I can hear very little around me other than my own heart hammering in my ears.
"Do you see anything?" I heard the same voice that had almost caught me back at the house, the brown boots came to a stop by my face as he asked the question. I didn't hear a reply other than my own startled scream as a pair of hands grabbed my ankle and pulled me out from under the car. Kicking out I managed to get the guy wearing a blue hoodie to jump back and let go, swearing under his breath. Scrambling to my feet I ran for it I didn't bother to look behind me I could hear the steps of more than one pair of feet behind me. I ran for the ramp of the parking garage because it was the only place that looked clear of obstacle's, turning the corner to descend the slope I felt something hit the back of my head, I stumbled a couple of paces as my vision blurred and started to turn black as I collapsed on the road, the last thing I heard was someone shout.
"Got 'em"
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