Part 9 Hatch of Serpent and Dragon
Leda sleeps peacefully as she feels the egg shake in her arms, causing one eye to open slightly. "Hmmm?" groans Leda as she lifts her head up. Her eyes close only to open wide in excitement. "AHHHHHHHHH ABRAHAM COME IN HERE NOW, THE EGG IS HATCHING!!!!!" screams Leda with excitements as she holds the Hydra egg. Abraham bursts in with a shaking black egg in a baby holder on his chest. "WHAT??? ......I can explain." says Abraham. a crack formed on the outside of Leda's egg as a light mottled brown snake like snout pokes out and goes back in, the sound of scales rustle on the inside of the Hydra egg. As the Hydra moves it moves so it can see out of the hole, it's closed eye positions itself behind the hole and opens revealing it's golden eye. The baby Hydra makes a low hiss, and breaks out completely and wraps around Leda's arm. "She is beautiful... Aurum, that will be her name." Says Leda as she looks at the brown Hydra with seven heads and golden eyes wrapped around Leda's arm and goes back to sleep. A low growl came from the egg in the egg hammock on Abraham's chest. loud chomping like sounds come from the inside of the egg. The sound dies down, until a sharp claw pierces through the shell and breaks apart showing off the black dragon it's red eyes. He opens his mouth showing a light purple mouth, mottled where the lips would be. With sharp pearl like teeth, and if you look closely you will notice the bottom jaw has four fleshy tube like holes that house it's fangs. The baby dragon named Newt crawls out, showing no wings and strange clawed arms. Newt kicks the egg out of the hammock and onto the ground, with his four tails and goes back to his sleep.
Leda looks at the strange dragon in amazement and wonder. "What is it?" asks Leda. "Him, and his name is Newt, not an it." says Abraham as he lightly pets Newt's head, resulting in a low purrish growl from the sleeping dragon. "Alright, what is Newt?" asks Leda. "Newt's Dragon species has been called many names over the past thousand centuries. Many have called them the Black Treasure Dragon, the Assassin Guard Dragon, The Black Change, The Unknown sting, But is truly called Ovidianonyx Dragon. For centuries a group of warriors known as the Dragonsworn have tamed these Dragons to carry out Assassination assignments and or to guard the tombs of Fallen Dragonsworn members with all their treasure. 65% of the Dragon stories you hear of a Dragon guarding a treasure and will attack and kill all who try to steal it are these Dragons." says Abraham as he picks Newt up and cradles him. Newt's four tails rise showing off the sharp stingers at the end almost like a hybridized scorpion mixed with a stingray. Newt raises his head and opens his jaws letting the four fangs retract out, and then he spits out a purple flame like stream of poison. The purple poison flame lands in a flower pot, the flower instantly shrivels and dies into a black crisp. Leda backs up in amazement and fear, and realizes that this Dragon is not a Dragon to mess with at all. Newt opens his eyes again and looks around in curiosity.
Newt looks up at Abraham and starts to climb up Abraham's shirt, he then opens his mouth again showing off his strange colored mouth. Newt's forked tongue licks Abraham's face, implying that Newt likes him and trusts him. "Looks like Newt likes you." says Leda as Aurum awakens from her nap and slithers onto Leda's shoulder and give her face constant licks. "Looks like they like you as well Leda." says Abraham as he chuckles.
After a while Abraham and Leda bring Aurum and Newt into the living room so the two can explore their new suroundings. "Abraham, why does Newt not have any wings?" asks Leda as she watches Newt scale the walls. "He will have wings, eventually. An Ovidianonyx Dragon is the only know Dragon to undergo a Metamorphasis. First the Dragon must hatch, and he or she will start to eat a large amount of food due to a very high metabolism. Secondly once the Dragon is to the size of a Great Dane, he or she will spin a cocoon with their poisonous flames and the venom from their stingers. And Finally when in the cocoon the Dragon will change and develop wings from it's arms, finally he or she will break out of the cocoon and begin their matured dragon life. If you notice Newt is constantly stretching and slightly biting his forelimbs. That is because the membrane is forming inside of him." says Abraham as they watch Newt suddenly fall onto his face in a funny way, and starts to get back on his feet.
"Are Hydras Dragons also?" asks Leda. Abraham chuckles and looks at her. "Why do you ask?" asks Abraham. "Because, something about them just seems so...Dragon like." says Leda as she starts to watch Aurum coil around a decorative tree. "Congrats Leda, you are right. Hydras are part of the Dragon family, their just a little bit different than other Dragons. Mainly because they can grow their heads back." says Abraham as he tosses a Pop-tart to Newt and Aurum, both eat the Pop-tart instantly. "Why do you give them Pop-tarts?" asks Leda. "A long time ago, in Ancient Egypt it was learned that Dragons loved honey cakes. The Ancient Egyptians used to feed Honey cakes to sacred animals, like cows, dogs, even Crocodiles. It was learned from that day that Dragons have a major sweet tooth." says Abraham as he bites a Pop-tart also. "Wow." says Leda as she goes to take a bite out of a Pop-tart also, but is instantly tackled by Cinder. "half pwease?" says Cinder in a low voice. Leda broke the Pop-tart in half and gave the bigger half to Cinder, who then immediately licked the side of Leda's face and took the Pop-tart into the air. Abraham chuckles. "That was adorable." says Abraham as he breaks his Pop-tart in half giving Leda the bigger half with no bite mark. "Thanks." says Leda as she chuckles also, taking the Pop-tart and eats it before any other Dragon can take it.
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