Kia takes the drink that she's handed and throws it back without paying any attention to who gave it to her. She never noticed the smirk of the man or the satisfied look of Sheila. The man gives Sheila an envelope and the two separate, Sheila to leave the club and the man to follow a woozy Kia.
As soon as Kia starts staggering he places her arm over his shoulder and takes her out of the club. The sight of the silver tattoo on her arm doesn't seem to faze him at all as he shoves her inside the van with two other men.
It isn't until they get to the warehouse that they have their slave pens that the other men notice the tattoo on her arm. When one of the men sees it, "Shit! Timothy you absolute idiot! What are you doing, trying to get us all killed?"
The man that drugged and brought Kia out of the club comes into the cell and looks at the other man with hooded eyes as he replies, "What's gotten up your ass and bit you?"
The other man holds up Kia's arm and demands, "Didn't you see this tattoo you damn idiot?"
"Yeah, it's a rather pretty dragon, I figured it would up her sale price as long as she doesn't fight the trainers too much. A virgin with pretty body art, so what of it, Darrell?"
The man, Darrell, wants to hit something really bad right now and the only one that he can is Timothy, so he does. Timothy goes down with the force of the hit and rubs his jaw as he looks at Darrell with wide eyes. "What the fuck was that for, you asshole?"
"What was that for? You kidnapped a female under the protection of the Silver Dragon Mafia you idiot. If they find out that we have her we are dead meat. Not to mention they already have it out for those that deal in the flesh trade." Darrell tells the idiot that still remains on the floor looking unconcerned about what he's told as he rubs his chin. Timothy is more worried about his jaw than he is about the other mafia.
"So? They'd have to find us first. No, I take that back, they'd have to find out that she's been taken first, then find us. We're leaving in just a couple of days as we finish harvesting girls from around here. They'll never find her or us." Timothy says less than worried about his future health.
Darrell just stares at him incredulously, "They don't leave people under their care unwatched. I'm willing to bet that they already know that she's taken and have started searching for her. You don't understand the depth of your stupidity. It's not just the resources of the Silver Dragons that will be brought to bare on finding her, but also that of the Black Rose Mafia. But the one that really worries me, the Red Dragon Syndicate. They have spies and men all over the world and when they want something found, they find it.
"But crossing them means not just your death, but the death of all those you give a shit about. All of them you fool. Kiss goodbye your family, friends and even the girl you flirted with last night. That is what your stupidity is going to do to all of us."
Only then does Timothy get a look of horror on his face. He slowly gets up off the floor and looks at the sleeping beauty laying on the bed so peacefully. "And Timothy, if she belongs to the family of one of the mafia's you can expect a long and painful death."
"Alexa, I can't find her anywhere," Theo is pacing agitatedly as he talks to Alexa on the phone.
"Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Alexa demands of her faithful man.
"Rose heard her talking with her bitch friend about sneaking out and going to a club. When I went there she wasn't there, but her friend was."
"Did you get a look at the security videos?" Trey demands now. Alexa has her phone on speaker.
"Yeah, that bitch spiked my sister's drink with something, received an envelope full of money, left for a bit and then returned to her dancing as if nothing important happened." Theo is beyond angry, he knew that the bitch couldn't be trusted.
Alexa narrows her eyes in anger as well. A traitor to all females everywhere, "Where is she now?"
"Still at the club." Theo says more agitated than before.
"Calm down, Theo, Jin and his men will get in contact with the flesh traders from around here. We'll find her. This was no random choosing, she was targeted and it wasn't just for a roll in the hay." Trey soothes him, virgins bring high prices at the auctions, unless the kidnappers are more stupid than already believed they won't touch Kia sexually.
"She shouldn't have been targeted at all. The tattoo should have been enough," Theo says, anguish in every word. How could he let down his sister like this?
"Theo, this isn't your fault. She broke the rules, she snuck out of the house and ditched her protection detail. You did all that you could to protect her. This is the fault of that bitch that acted like her friend and the men that took her. We will get her back and if she's harmed then they will pay for it with a great deal of pain." Trey promises the agitated brother.
"Trey, my mother doesn't even have her tombstone set on her grave yet and already I've failed my sister." Theo can no longer hold back the tears.
"We'll find her Theo, we'll find her and give you the men that took her. That is my promise to you," Alexa tells him in a hard cold voice.
Theo ends the call and falls to his knees. His brothers and sister come close and hold him tight. The pain of losing their mother is now swallowed up in the fright of losing their sister. It was just like losing Theo two years previously.
"Alexa and Trey promised that we'll get her back. You guys need to get some sleep," Theo says after doing a group hug.
"What about you, Theo?" Rose demands.
"I'll be making sure that nothing more hurts us. Now get some sleep. Tomorrow will be busy packing up and preparing to move." The three siblings reluctantly leave their oldest brothers side and head off to their rooms. None of them think that they will be able to sleep that night.
Once they leave the room, Theo takes out his gun, ejects the clip and checks to make sure that it's full. Once he verifies that it is he puts it back into his gun and a cold hard look comes over his face. Whoever took Kia is dead and Theo will personally make sure that they will never take another female again.
A cold and deadly smile comes onto his face, he'll start with that bitch that betrayed his sister for money.
As soon as he gets the text notification he slips out of the house and locks the door behind him. He nods at the guards as he leaves. He wastes no time getting to the abandoned house the bitch is taken too.
Alexa turns as she hears the door to the room open, "There you are. Would you like to start, Theo?"
Theo has been training under Alexa and merely nods as he takes his place. He looks over the selection of tools before him and smiles as he finds something he likes. He picks up the golden chain and smirking goes over to the confused girl. "Is it activated, Alexa?" Those are the only words Theo speaks.
"Yes, and it's attuned to you. She is yours to do with as you see fit. She might make a decent slave." There was no way Alexa was going to offer the traitor a chance to work for her.
At the words decent slave the girl turns horrified eyes to the three people before her. "You can't do that!"
Theo smirks, "Like you couldn't sell my sister?" The girl hadn't realized that Theo is Kia's brother.
"I didn't sell her!" Sheila says her voice terror laden. This can't be happening to her.
Trey tosses the envelope full of money onto the ground in front of her and a dvd, a copy of the security footage. "No, then what is that? A payment for a dance perhaps?"
Sheila shakes her head no. She helps to trap females to be sold, she's not to be sold. "I didn't sell her, but they paid me to look the other way when they took her."
"Bullshit, Sheila, you've been grooming my sister to take her for over a week now. Preying on her vulnerability since our mother died. You are the lowest kind of scum." Theo's contempt is heavy in his voice. "Where is she, bitch?"
Sheila looks affronted at his words. No one has ever called her bitch before, at least not like that. "I'm not a bitch."
Trey and Alexa merely shake their heads and snort, but Theo just gives her a disgusted look. "Where is she?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Sheila says maintaining her innocence.
"Mid shock level five." Trey doesn't have time to mess around. He wants her to feel pain, but it's no where near the pain he feels for having failed his sister.
Sheila jerks in her confinement as the electric shock goes through her. She looks horrified at Theo when it finishes. She can barely breathe from the pain, she hurts all over.
Theo bends down so he's in her face, "Where. Is. My. Sister?"
Sheila is now crying, "I, I don't know." When Theo goes to speak she rushes to get out, "I only have a phone number that they gave me. When I got a girl to the club I was to call the number and they would come to get her. I swear, that's all I have. I don't have any names or locations."
Trey looks at her with cold hard eyes, "What's the number?"
"It's in my phone, under money tree." Sheila breaks down crying. "Can I go home now?"
Theo takes her chin in his hand, "Oh, honey, you ain't never going home again." With his words Sheila completely breaks down.
Alexa asks in a cold detached voice, "Are you by any chance a virgin?"
Sheila looks at the only other female in the room and knows better than to lie to her. She shakes her head. "Pity, they sell for much higher than non virgins."
With those words Sheila breaks down and starts crying.
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