"Get your hands off me you pig. I swear James, you will regret this." The girl spits out at the one pushing her into the room. She picks herself up off the floor and gives a look of hatred at the one behind her. "You wonder why father left the mafia to me? This is the perfect reason why."
Alexa spits at her brother before looking around as she stands up. She notes the men that are obviously body guards and then picks out the man behind the desk, the one that the bodyguards are there for. She smirks to herself, but she's careful to not show how she feels. Trey Michaels, her top rival, leader of the Black Rose mafia.
Her stupid ass brother is trying to sell her to her rival. For once he might have actually done something right, although it wasn't his intention. Trying to sell her so that he can take over the mafia was a foolish move on his part. She's already activated the tracker she had placed inside her. She didn't trust her brother, not since he decided that the best way to take over the mafia was trying to destroy her even before their father died. When that shit raped her the first time she'd been powerless to stop it.
Then her father had his stroke and then there was no one she could turn to. She learned to sleep with her gun with her. She never told her father what James did to her. She's not sure what her father would have done. Some times her father was the over protective man some girls complain about, other times he's an arrogant bastard and let James get away with whatever he wanted against her.
So when Alexa was left the mafia she isn't sure who was more shocked her or her brother. She gave him a blank look that hid her jubilation from him. She took the oaths from her men and she knows that they are loyal to her. They are aware of just how terrifying she can be. James always thought that the men respected her only because of who their father was, he never saw her do her own kills.
She has more kills to her name then her brother has to his. She also has more business sense than James does. James likes to party far too much to make a decent boss. That didn't stop him from being angry at being passed over by their father.
Alexa carefully takes out the gold chain and gets it ready, she doubts that she'll get a second chance to place this on Trey. But first to get the insufferably smug bastard out from behind his desk.
Alexa looks at Trey, "Well, if it isn't the Black Rose himself. I can't believe you'd sink so low as to deal with a second rater as my brother. I thought you only dealt directly with the head man, or in my case, the head woman. I guess you can't believe anything you hear anymore," Alexa sneers.
Trey looks at the proud female before him. He sees the bruises on her face and the fact that even with that she looks as proud and defiant as any warrior woman. There is something in him that makes him want to take her down, a desire to make her beg before him.
He looks her over and sneers at her as he dismisses her before turning to James. "I believe you misrepresented yourself to me, Chambers. I thought you said that you were in charge of The Silver dragons. Not this bitch before me."
Alexa snorts in derision, "That's pathetic. Really, Trey, I can call you Trey right? Really Trey, you need to work on your insults. And when it comes to that idiot behind me you have to be incredibly blunt because an insult has to be shoved into his face before he understands it."
Alexa lets silence fall in the room as she waits for two things to happen, first for her brother to finally get the insult she threw at him and two to get Trey's attention.
Once she has Trey's attention she throws the insult at him. She has already got him up out of his chair, now to bring him around the desk and into facing her. "Of course, I haven't seen much to show me that you are any better. I had heard that the Black Rose was run by an intelligent and handsome, even sexy man. Like I said, you can't believe everything said about you. Shame really, it might almost be worth this meeting had the reports been true. How any one can get something so wrong is beyond me."
Alexa knows that if she wasn't already going to hell for the deaths she's committed over the years then she'd go for the lies that she just spouted about Trey's looks. Trey is perhaps the most handsome man she's ever seen. Under other circumstances she might have considered an alliance with him. But she doesn't hold with the flesh trade and Trey is not only a buyer, but a seller as well.
If things work out as she's hoping, not only will her brother dearest no longer be in the picture, but Trey will learn the reason why he shouldn't be a part of the flesh trade. Alexa can't help the smirk that comes on her face with that thought and that's all it takes to get the arrogant bastard to stand in front of her.
At the same time her brother finally figured out her insult and shoves her hard forward. Alexa just about does a happy dance when she lands hard onto Trey. Trey not expecting the hard hit of the girls body isn't braced and they both go down.
Alexa taking advantage of the situation quickly places the gold chain around Trey's neck. Once the latch on the chain closes she activates the chain. She allows a smug look to flit on her face before she composes her face back into a blank.
She's just glad that Trey is wearing a v neck t shirt today instead of his usual suit and tie. With the chain against his skin nothing will hinder the electric charge when he disobeys her commands.
"Get the fuck off me, bitch." Trey's angry voice breaks into her pleasant thoughts and reminds Alexa that she needs to stand back up.
She gets off Trey as fast as she can scramble off of him. She needs to work fast. She goes to her brother and makes as if to slap him and when he goes to grab her arm she uses her other to slide the chain over his head. James never wears his shirt done up. He considers himself a modern day gigolo and likes to show off his chest.
He doesn't have much to show off.
Alexa gives the command that activates the chains. She looks smugly at her brother and then at Trey. "Those chains you now wear are like the electric dog collars used to train attack dogs. They are gold and so you can wear them with anything which is good since you can't take them off.
"The shocks range from a mild warning shock to a heart attack inducing shock that will kill you. The more you touch the chain the higher the shock. If you try to take off the chain it will cause you to go into cardiac arrest. If anyone else tries to take off the chain without deactivating it first, it will send out a killer shock."
Alexa looks at the body guards that are now pointing their gun at her and smirks at Trey. "Tell your guard dogs to put down their gun or you will pay the price. I will not repeat my request."
Trey gives her a disbelieving look and refuses her command.
"Mid shock." Alexa calls out and suddenly Trey is back on the floor shaking as if he'd just been tazered.
Alexa smirks at the man that is now looking at her with extreme hatred. "Tell them to put their guns away or I'll up the voltage."
"Put your guns away, Jeremy, Jackson," Trey spits out.
Reluctantly the body guards put their guns away.
"I need your phone, brother dearest." Alexa says going over to her brother.
She looks back over her shoulder and says, "There are certain things preprogrammed in the chip that is embedded in the chain. If you ever move in anger against me you will be shocked. You don't want to know what will happen if you try to use a weapon against me. Besides I am the only one that knows the deactivation code for the chip."
Alexa takes James phone and makes a call. "Yeah, I'm fine, no need to worry. James needs his lessons now, is Sharon ready?" Alexa listens to the man on the phone. "Very good," She looks over to Trey, "You'll be permitted entry. I'll make sure of it. See you in ten."
"My men will be here in ten minutes to collect James. They will need to be permitted entry and your men will need to keep their weapons to themselves.
"My brother will be trained then sold. Where there is no loyalty there is no room for him in the mafia. But you, Trey, I haven't decided yet. I don't know if I'll let you earn your freedom, keep you as my slave or sell you."
Alexa gives him a cold eyed look in return to his heat filled one. "What I ultimately decide will be largely due to your decisions.
"I can stay here with you, giving you the appearance that you are still in control. I can run my mafia from here. You will make most of the decisions for Black Rose, but for important ones you will need my permission. You will hand me your weapons to me now." When Trey hesitates Alexa sighs. "You are going to be one of the slow ones I see. Mid shock, four point two."
As soon as Alexa says the words Trey is back down on the floor in convulsions. Alexa doesn't pay any attention to Trey as she keeps her eyes on the body guards. "You need to carefully give me your weapons, big guys."
The men smirk at her, they're not wearing a collar or chain. Alexa smirks right back at them. "Either give me the weapons or I'll up the amps on the shocks to your boss. Of course if you don't give a shit about him, then please ignore the order."
The men helplessly look to Trey for guidance. Trey is too weak to speak and merely moves his head in a slight nod to do as she orders.
"Carefully, big guys." The men slowly take out their guns and hand them to her. "The other one too as well as the knives you are carrying." The men give her an incredulous look but does as she orders. They don't know how she knew that they carried two guns.
"Very good. Now kneel before me." The men look at her in horror as she pulls out two more chains. Just how many does that bitch have?
As Alexa closes the chain she gives the command to activate it. "Name?"
"Jackson." The first man replies.
"Is that a first name or last name?" Alexa asks amused.
"I see. Very well Jackson, you should help your boss to sit up. I can't imagine that the floor feels very comfortable." Jackson slowly moves over to his boss and helps him stand up. He takes most of Trey's weight since Trey is still trying to get control of his muscles back after that last shock.
Alexa looks at the second man, "Name?"
"Very good Jeremy. You may return to your position." Jeremy looks to Trey and hesitantly returns to his previous spot. Shortly after that Jackson joins him.
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