Shhhh!" You laugh.
You and Trevor are in your family's living room "studying." Trevor comes over every Wednesday to help you study math. He is a year older than you and has always been good at math. Plus on Wednesday mom and dad work late and Ricky, my older brother, is at his friend Connor's apartment.
Trevor kisses you and his lips smack. You pull apart.
"Trevor shhh you're such a loud kisser." You giggle.
"I'm sorry okay!" He whines and kisses your lips again. "And why does it matter? No one is home!"
"True." You giggle and kiss him again.
He pulls apart and smiles at you.
"We should at least try to get some studying done." He smiles.
"Noooo." You wine but turn to the books anyway.
The two of you study for a bit but Trevor seems distracted.
"What's wrong?" You finally ask.
"Nothing." He says and looks away.
You put your hand in his and he looks are you.
"Trevor, come on. I know you better than that. Something is wrong. What is it? Please tell me?"
He takes in a deep breath and let's it out.
"When are we going to tell Ricky that were together?"
"What?" You asked surprised. You both agreed that it was or probably best to keep your relationship a secret so why is he wanting to tell people now?
"I mean I don't see why he would care."
"Maybe because you are one of his best friends and I'm his little sister?"
"So? Ugh Trevor, he would see it as me trying to fit in with his friends."
"No he wouldn't. Ricky is a nice guy. He would totally understand. And you're not trying to fit in. You for right here."
He pulled me too him and kissed my forehead.
"I want to tell him, Y/N. Pleeeeease?"
You shake your head and he pouts.
"Pleeease!?" He begs.
Again you shake your head and he leans on top of you pushing you to the floor and crawling on top of you.
"Trevor!" You laugh.
"Please. Please. Please. Please." He says between kissing you all over your face and neck.
You begging laughing uncontrollably. "Trevor... Trev... I. Can't. Breath!" You get out.
"Come on Y/N! Please!!!!"
"What the hell is going on here?!"
Trevor gets off you and you quickly sit up. Ricky and Connor are standing in the doorway. Connors mouth is wide open and Ricky looks angry. Just as I suspected.
"Hiya Ricky." Trevor says awkwardly.
"Don't start with me Trevor." He says flatly.
"Ricky, I-" you begin but he cuts you off.
"How could you go out with my sister dude? She is young and not someone you can just take advantage of!"
Wait what? He's made at Trevor? Not... Me?
"What?!! I'm not trying to take advantage of her, Ricky! That's ridiculous!" Trevor yells and stands to his feet.
"Please! I just saw you on top of her! You're lucky I don't beat you to a pulp right now!" Ricky said furiously.
"Do you guys have coffee?" Connor says.
"Not now Connor!" Ricky yells.
"I'll just go look myself." He sighs and walks into the kitchen.
"Ricky, he wasn't taking advantage of me." You say.
"Don't defend him Y/N!"
"I'm not defending him, Ricky! I'm defending us." You say and reach out for Trevor's hand.
You interlock your fingers between his. His hands are clammy and moist. They get this way when he's nervous. I squeeze his hand to try and calm him. He seems to relax a little until we look up and see that Ricky's eyes are fixed on out joined hands.
"Us?!" Ricky spits. "What do you mean us?"
"I mean that Trevor and I are together."
"Oh please Y/N. You're a child!" He yells.
"I'm a teenager, Ricky! Teenagers date other teenagers!" You yell back.
Trevor squeezes my hand and I take in a breath to try and calm down.
"I found the coffee!" Connor yells from the kitchen.
"Connor let's go! I can't be here with these two children!" Ricky yells.
"But I want coffee!" Connor wines.
"I'll buy you coffee from Starbucks. Let's go!"
"Ricky" you begin.
"Don't. We can talk later. I... I just need to think for a while."
"Okay," you whisper.
Ricky and Connor leave and you just stare at the doorway for a while.
"So maybe we shouldn't have told him." Trevor admits.
"No. We should have. It would have been better than him finding us."
Tears fall down your cheek and you wipe them away. Trevor pulls you into his arms and squeezes you tight.
"It will be okay Y/N, don't cry!"
"How do you know that? He could hate you forever."
"No. We're best friends. Look I'm not worried so you shouldn't be. Okay?"
You nod.
"Good." He says and kisses your lips. "Besides I have you and that's all that matters."
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