I walked into school with my book bag on my chest and my binder held tightly to my chest. As I got to my locker I slowed down. A bunch of people were crowded around it, taking up 4 lockers across. "Excuse me!" I called over the voices of girls and guys. "Excuse me! I need to get to my locker."
I began to push through the people trying to get people out of the way. When I got to the center of attention I was confused. It was a new kid. "Do you need something?" He asked, polite but it felt rude.
"You're leaning against my locker," I gestured to him. He looked behind him and nodded before waving his hands at the people behind me. When they obeyed my mouth hung open. "Who gave you the right?" I mumbled as I opened my locker.
"No one. Trevor Moran, you?" He held out his hand for a hand shake and I looked at it before taking it for a firm shake.
"Y/N, where did you come from?" I asked, taking the necessities for my first class. I closed my locker and looked at the brown haired boy with green eyes? I couldn't get a good look.
"Across town, came from the other high school," he replied and turned to me, closing his locker. His eyes were blue, I was wrong. "That's a pretty name... What's your first period?" He asked.
"History, and you?" I asked as I began to walk to my class he followed behind me and I figured we had the same class when he didn't respond. I opened the door for him. As soon as he stepped inside two girls connected to his arm.
He shoo'ed them away and took a seat next to me. "You seem nice, locker buddy. You should stop by my house later, yeah?" He questioned, getting a pencil out.
"Um, why? I barely know you and there seems to be other people who'd be more willing. Why not hang out with them, I'm boring," I said.
"I beg to differ. How about I walk you home and we can get to know each other. If you like me after that then we go on a date. If not, then we still go on a date so I can convince you again. Sounds like a deal?" He held out his hand.
I looked at his hand that I shook earlier and then up into his beautiful and bright eyes. Then back down at his hand. "You know... I don't like cocky boys but you're quite cute," I took her hand. "Deal."
He grinned and shortly after the bell rung. That was the only class we had together so he invited me to sit with him at lunch. The 'cool' people gave me weird looks when Trevor would joke with me but I shrugged them off. But finally it was the end of the school day and I waited by the gates for Trevor. When two hands covered mine a voice whispered in my ear. "Guess who?"
"Hm... Justin Bieber?" I joked and turned around, Trevor and I were centimeters apart. I backed away and blushed. "Are you ready to go?" I asked.
"Yeah. I would've been here sooner but my friends were holding me up," he pointed behind him to a group of kids watching us. The girls seemed jealous but I'd never know. "So let's go," he held out his hand and I took it without hesitation.
I had to walk a step ahead of Trevor due to the fact that he didn't know where my house was. We had been asking each other questions for the past 15 minutes- about 5 more minutes until we got to my house. "Are you in a relationship?" He asked after we got done laughing.
I began to laugh again. "You're really funny you know? Me, with a boyfriend that's such a joke. If you haven't noticed, I barely have 3 friends. So of course I don't have a boyfriend."
He looked at me like I was ridiculous. "I don't see why any guy wouldn't like you," I stopped in front of my house. "You're beautiful with such beautiful eyes. You have an amazing sense of humor, you're nice and caring even to people you just met. Guys just don't notice that those are good qualities in a girl. They just want whores and sluts. You understand that right?"
I looked away towards my house where I'd be alone for 2 hours. "I would never know because of that. How am I suppose to know when all guys want are sluts. I don't think I'm supposed to know that because its- I'm not meant for anybody."
He turned my head towards him. "Let me take you on a date. Let's hang out all the time. I want to show you what it feels like to be loved by someone because this," he pointed between us. "This was love at first sight. And I think hanging out will be quite easy, Neighbor," he winked.
"You're my neighbor?" I asked excitedly. I had noticed yesterday that the "For Sale/Sold" sign was gone. "That's so cool, but you're in love with me?" I asked getting back out of shock.
"Of course. So do you mind if I come over now? I'd like to convince starting ASAP. Please let me do this," his hands rested on my waist tenderly sending a shiver up my spine.
"Of course. Come in-" "Thank you!" Trevor cheered and kissed my cheek. this made me blush again as he hugged me. I hugged back and buried my face in his neck. "I promise you won't regret it."
"I didn't think I would. Prove your love to me Trevor Moran."
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