Watching Trevor sing is always a show. He's just so animated. He really puts his heart into his music, after all, it is his passion. I'm sitting inside the booth watching Trevor record his newest song "Echo." It's truly amazing watching him. He's always in his element when he performs a song. "So what are we gonna do?
Your mind is running on
I love it,
So what are we gonna do?
Your mind is running on" Trevor looks at my through the glass and gives me a little shimmy and I it takes everything in me not to laugh.
"Whoa! Wanna hear your echo,
Wanna hear your echo" Trevor finishes and looks straight to me and smiles, instantly butterflies appear in my stomach. God. How does he have this power over me. One look and I'm gone. No (y/n), no. We are just friends. I remind myself as he walks out of the studio and towards the booth. I stand up to greet him with my arms spread wide. He walks into the booth with the same smile still spread across his face. "So what'd you think?" He asks while accepting my hug. "I loved it." I say as we pull apart. His arms stay loosely around my waist. "Really?" He asks with a concerned look on his face. "You're not just lying to me to make me happy right? I want to hear the truth. I mean this is music." He let me go and started pacing the room. "Music is my everything-" "Trev," I start but he continues. "And if it's shit then I want to know. I mean, I can take it. Just tell me. Is it shit or is it-" "Trevor!" I say while grabbing his arm and pulling him towards me. He stops pacing the room and looks at me. "It was perfect. Honest." I smile. "Trust me, if it was shit I would be the first person to tell you and that's a fact." I joke. "Oh shut up (y/n)!" He pushes me lightly. "You love T-R-E-V and you know it." "True. You're my best friend. Of course I love you!" I say but all I can think is I want more. I want to love you as a girl friend would a boy friend and I want you to love me back. I want to hold hands and snuggle and I want to hold you when you have bad days where you think you're worthless. I want you to raise me up and make me feel special and write songs about me. But for now, I'll just settle for your lips on mine. "(Y/n)!" Trevor yells. "Is that a no?" I snap back into reality. "Woah, I'm sorry. What?" I say in embarrassment. He walks up to me and holds my hands. "I said, I love you as friends too, but I like you as more than a friend. If you understand... And what I asked you was if you feel that way too." He smiles. "And please don't shoot me down too hard if you don't because I just had to say that twice and I barely made it through the first time so I would appreciate it if you-" I lean in and kiss his lips. The kiss is soft and gentle and everything I could have asked for in the perfect first kiss. I pull back and look at him. His eyes are still shut and he has a slight smile on his face. His eyes flutter open and he stares into mine. "Wow." He lets out and we both laugh. "Sooo... is that a yes?" He laughs. "Oh God Trevor! Of course it's a yes!" I say and kiss him again. "Good because I was worried there for a second that I scared you." He laughs. "No, Trev, you couldn't scare me." I smile as he pulls me in for another kiss.
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