You laughed as you held Trevor's head on your lap, toying with his hair. He had his eyes closed, but his smile was wide. "Can you describe yourself again for me?" He asked you, causing you to blush, "Trevor, you know what I look like!" You protested. "I know what you look like from two years ago. Not now." Trevor said, giggling slightly. "Okay, well, I have (y/c) hair, I'm a lot shorter than you, my hands are probably half the size of yours, I have big-ish feet..." You trailed off. "Keep going," Trevor urged. You shook your head, then remembered he couldn't see you. "I don't think so," You sighed. he sat upright, facing you, opening his eyes. They looked about the same, except they were glazed over, kind of, and his pupils were somewhat distorted. "You only described your face, not the rest of you." He explained. His voice was completely innocent, but you still blushed, knowing where this was headed. He moved his hands to your face, running his thumbs over the ridges and bumps. You shivered at his touch, but his expression remained focused. He moved his hands down to your shoulders and then down your arms, stopping to press a kiss to each of your wrists. "Trevor..." You said in shock, drawing back your wrists. You and Trevor had been best friends for a little over two years, and even though he always gave you little kisses, this felt slightly more intimate. He blushed and turned away. "Sorry," He muttered. "It's okay," You reassured him, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Can we watch a movie?" Trevor asked. "Yeah, of course." You said. "What do you want to watch?" "Let's watch Mean Girls." Trevor giggled. "You always describe that one funny." You laughed, switching to the movie and sitting back down next to Trevor. About halfway through the movie, you grew a little tired of explaining the movie to him. "Why did you stop?" Trevor asked. "Keep going," he urged. "Trevor, I'm a little tired of explaining." You told him. "It would be so much easier if you could see," You grumbled. You slapped your hand over your mouth, immediately regretting what you just said. Trevor didn't really look bothered by it, so you thought maybe he didn't hear. "Be right back, I have to go to the bathroom." He said. "Okay," You said quietly. The movie came to an end, and Trevor still wasn't back. You got up and went to the upstairs bathroom. The door was cracked slightly, so you opened it a little more. Your heart shattered when you saw Trevor sitting on the bathroom floor, head in his hands, sobbing. You gasped a little, causing him to look up at you. "Please don't look at me, (y/n)." Trevor sniffed, averting his eyes. You knelt down in front of him, taking his head in your hands. "Trevor, Trev look at me. I'm so, so sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, that was so, so stupid of me and-" "(Y/n), I need to cut you off and say this right now, okay?" Trevor interrupted. "I love you. I'm in love with you." You sat in a stunned silence for a little while, your hands slowly dropping from Trevor's face. He looked down at his lap. "I should have known she couldn't love a blind man," he grumbled, a tear falling to the floor. "Trevor..." You started. "It's not because you're blind. It's because I love you, too. I have for two years, I guess." You admitted, a little embarassed. He looked up at your quickly. "Y-you love me?" He asked, grinning a little. "I do," You confirmed, moving to sit on his lap. His face filled with affection as he wrapped his arms around you. "I love you," He said breathlessly. "I love you, I love you..." His voice was filled with more wonder each time, as he could finally admit the words he'd been dying to say. You looked up to face him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He looked genuinely surprised as he blushed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, causing him to smile. He cautiously ran his fingers over your lips. "I always wondered how they tasted..." he murmured, pressing his lips tentatively to yours. It was cliche to say, but the kiss literally took your breath away. You closed your eyes and breathed in short, ragged breaths. "I love you, too." You said as he pressed kisses in your hair. "I really do."
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