You had always gotten along with the Trevor fandom, being a member of it yourself. Of course, there were a few people you disagreed with, but every family has its fights. Most of the family was nothing but happy for you and Trevor. You loved meeting them in person, as well, and it made Trevir so happy. He could bring you everywhere with him, and you could chat with fans while he did. He trusted the fans almost as much as he trusted you, so never once did it cross his mind that something bad might happen to you if you were left alone with them, and he never felt overprotective of you around them. You were chatting with a few fans, telling them about
Trevor's legs, when a few fans, older than you, came up. You were a few years younger than Trevor, and some of the older fans didn't really like that, so sometimes they decided to give you a hard time. You braced yourself as they walked over, smirks on their faces. They were intimidating, with perfect hair and perfect makeup, and you were sure there was worry written all over your face. "You're (y/n), right?" The tallest one with black hair asked you. You nodded slowly and forced a smile at them. "Yeah, that's me. Can I help you?" You asked politely, trying not to let them know how worried you were. "Yeah, we want to make you a proposition." A shorter one piped up. "We want you to stop dating Trevor, and to get us tickets for the next show." The black-haired one said. "What do I get?" You asked, not that you were even considering the deal. "We won't hurt you." She said, crossing her arms. Okay, so you were a little scared now. "N-no." You stuttered, puttting your hands on your hips. "Excuse me?" "No, I'm not breaking up with Trevor, or giving you tickets to the show." You said, standing up a little taller. Your confidence was short lived, because you were immediately slapped in the face. You weren't sure who your attacker was, because they were all smirking. You were basically surrounded, and you knew you probably wouldn't last long in a sight against them. It was four to one. You were more surprised than anything. Never once had a member of the family even threatened you. Sure, there were a couple that told you that they didn't like you and Trevor together, but no one ever threatened to hurt you before, let alone actually follow through with it. You weren't exactly sure how it happened, but you were in the ground in a matter of seconds, getting a few sharp kicks to the side. You clenched your fists and tried to get up, but a foot met your stomach as you did so. That move was actually an accident, not that it mattered at all. You tried getting up again, but you grew dizzy as soon as you sat upright, and so you slumped back against the barrier that kept the fans back. Just as you were about to try standing up again, you heard a voice that made your heard flutter. "What the hell?" Trevor screamed, shoving his way through the girls to get to you. His face was red with anger as he whipped around to face them. "You're absolutely disgusting." He shouted at them. "What the hell makes you think this is actually okay?" He fumed, pointing down at your tired body. You could see the girls' terrified faces as Trevor grew angrier. "I've never, ever heard of someone from our family doing something this horrible. This is absolutely ridiculous! I'm ashamed to even look at you! You can mess with me, but you absolutely do not mess with my fans, especially my girlfriend, do you understand?" He growled. No answer. "I asked if you understood!" He yelled, causing them to all nod rapidly. He gestured for the security guards to come over. "These four girls were just beating up my girlfriend." He explained, crouching down next to you. They nodded and grabbed the girls by their arms, leading them inside the building. "(Y/n)?" Trevor whispered, brushing your hair behind your ear. "Yeah?" You replied in a tired voice. You could feel your body being lifted off the ground as Trevor helped you to your feet. You had to lean on him for support, more emotionally drained than anything. "We're going to take you home and get you all checked out, okay? Does anything hurt really bad? Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked you, leading you to the car. You shook your head no, and he pulled you even closer to him. "(Y/n), it... it hurt me, seeing you hurt like that." He said, and you could hear him start to choke up. "If one of the fans hadn't gotten to me in time, I don't know... you could have been so much worse." He said quietly. "It would have been all my fault, and..." "Trevor, I'm okay. Really. I'm just a little shocked more than anything." You said, stopping to look up at him. "I never ever ever want to see you in pain like that, (y/n). I don't think you understand how awful that was to even see for a second." He said, stepping closer to you. You looked down at your feet. "Actually, I kind of do." You said, causing him to back up. "O-oh, s-sorry." He laughed nervously. He took your hand and kissed the top of it. "I love you, (y/n). I never want to see you hurting ever again."
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