Bad Boy
"Y/N wake up" a voice said softly into my ear
"one more minute mum" i replied
"Y/N GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP NOW!" y/b/f/n screamed into my ear
"what was that for?!" i asked annoyed
"were going to be late for school dumb-ass" she replied
i sighed and walked towards my dresser, before taking out my uniform. i put my hair into loose curls and put a small amount of make up on.
"done lets go" i said
"finally" she replied obviously annoyed at me
as we walked into the front gates of school, i could feel someones eyes burning into me, this someone is the one and only Trevor Moran the schools player
"hey Y/N, you look good today" he said
"its school uniform Trevor I'm wearing the same thing as every other girl here" i replied
"but they don't look as good as you do in it" he said with a smirk
"your so full of it" i said turning my heel but he was quick enough to pull me back
"don't be like that Y/N" he whined
"be like what Trevor?!" i asked getting angry
"why don't you like me?" he asked
"cause your a jerk who breaks girls hearts" i stated and i saw his eyes soften
"but your different" he said
"how?" i asked
"you don't throw yourself at anything that has a dick" he stated which was true most of the girls at my school go for any guy
"what do you want Moran?" i asked
"one date if you still don't like me ill leave you alone" he said
"fine" i replied before walking away
d a t e n i g h t
i had a quick shower and lightly curled my hair before opening my wardrobe, i don't know whether it was dressy or casual so i wore a pair of black jeans, a nice button up and a pair of heel booties
as i was just about to finish applying my make up, i heard a honk from outside, meaning Trevor was here. i quickly finished then walked outside
"hey" i said
"hey, you look nice" he replied
"not to bad yourself Moran" i said
he was wearing a red flannel with light brown chinos and a pair of timberlands. he looked good.
"where are we going?" i asked
"you'll see" he said
we arrived at a lake where Trevor had set a picnic for our date
"aww Trevor this is cute" i said and he blushed
we sat down and started talking which felt like hours, it turns out we have a lot in common
"I've really enjoyed tonight Moran" i said
"really?!" he seemed shocked
"really" i replied
"well I'm glad you did because i was starting to get ner-" i cut him off by placing my lips on his soft ones, it felt so good
"wow!" he said as we pulled away
i just giggled
"Y/N i know we've only been on one date, but i really like you, and i promise to never hurt you, so will you be my girlfriend?" he asked
my stomach was doing flips, my heart was beating fast and i had sweaty palms
"yes" i said
"what?!" he stuttered
"i said yes, yes i will be your girlfriend" i replied
and from that day forward Trevor never dared to do anything to hurt me.
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