Babysitting Together
(How You First Meet)
"So he needs to be fed in about 30 minutes, then burped, then a nap and you can watch TV but keep it low incase she wakes up. Also my nephew is upstairs but he is sleeping so he won't come down," "how old is he?" "Your age, 16, but he's very tired, he's on the youtube or whatever it's called" "oh,"
She walked to her baby Abby, kissed her and then walked outside. I did as she asked and fed her, burped her, then put her down in her room. "Who are you" a sleepy boy asked while rubbing his face and walking down the stairs. "I'm babysitting Abby" "oh sorry, did you eat already, we can order something" "no, but I didn't bring any money, sorry" "I'll pay, I didn't catch your name, I'm Trevor" "oh sorry I'm Y/N"
"Well a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" right then I started blushing, "thank you" he picked up my hand and led me to the kitchen, "Chinese, pizza, what should we order?"
"Chinese" I said, "I was thinking that to" he said. We walked into the living room and sat down. "So we have some time to kill, let's just talk"
"Well your aunt told me you has a YouTube channel, is that true I've never heard of you before" "yeah I'm in a group that we call o2l and it's quite popular, over 3million subscribers, and I have my own channel with 900k" "impressive" I said.
"Yeah it helps me get with the ladies, so, are you, um, involved with anyone" "no" I said, "are you" I asked, "no, but, maybe we could, have a date sometime" I started blushing. He leaned in and so did I we were about to kiss when he baby started crying. "Wanna come help me" I asked, he came upstairs with me and I picked up the baby. I rocked her back and forth until she stopped crying.
There was a knock on the door signaling the food. "I'll get it," I said and Trevor handed me a 20$ and a 10$ for a tip. I got the Chinese and set it up in the living room and came back upstairs and Trevor was taking a selfie with the baby on my phone, "I hope you don't mind but I put my number in your phone, can you put yours in mine" I smiled and took his phone. We put the baby down and then we went to eat.
"This is probably the most fun I've ever had with anyone, even though we're just eating, and talking." "I've had fun to, but I think we were interrupted earlier," he smiled and started to lean in but we were stopped when the front door opened.
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