Chapter 6~
Hope you like the cliffhanger!
Fun Fact
I like leaving my readers on there feets when it comes a cliffhanger 😉
Evan's P.O.V
"Evan? Are you okay? Who's on the phone?" Connor ask, I put the phone on speaker so he can hear HIM.
"Hello Evan~"
"H-Hello..." I squeaked out
"Hope you miss me, because I'm coming home"
"B-But, I-I T-thought Y-you...w-were t-there f-for t-three d-days.."
"Awww, I can't stay away from my little slut, now can I? No I can't do that, the hospital is going to let me go today but I will be home so you better be ready"
I look at Connor and he looks piss off, he growled and snatch the phone away from me
"Listen here bud! You lay one finger on Evan and I won't hesitate to kick your ass again" Connor growled
"You! You're the one cheating with my slut!"
"Don't. Call. Him. That. Evan deserves better than you piece shit"
"Oh...does he now? Have he told you about his stupid obsession with trees? Or how he has Anxiety just for attention? He's not yours so beat it and let me talk to my slut"
Connor ball his hands into a fist and he's red with anger. I try to get the phone away from him but he held onto it tight
I step back blushing, that Connor was standing up for me...
"Evan, I'm coming home this noon"
Then he hunged up.
Conner, put my phone down on the counter and let out a sigh
"I'm not letting him touch you" Connor growled again
"B-But-" I was cut off my the noise of the dryer "Y-Your, C-Clothes a-are d-done..."
Connor sighed and went downstairs to the basement.
I heard my phone 'Bing' and I check my phone, it was a text message from, Allan...
"Your so fuckin' dead, when I come home."
I started shaking then my phone went off again with another message
"Be ready when I fuck the living death out of you slut"
I turn off my phone and slouch down on the side of the counter, I cried for what seems like forever until I felt arms around me. I instantly hug them tight, not letting go.
"Shhh, Shhh, Everything will be okay...Calm down" I open my eyes slightly and see a concern, worry Connor...I nodded and sobbed till I ran out of tears
"Do you wanna, skip school today? There's somewhere, that might calm you down" I look at Connor and wipe my tears away "T-That...W-would...b-be...n-nice.."
Connor smiled and picked me up bridal style.
I blush, and try to get out of his arms but he held on tight
"I can walk on my own...." I say quietly, "Evan Hansen, you literally just had that was about a panic attack...And I'll be damn if I'm letting you go. So shut up and let me carry you to the place"
I shut up and let Connor carry me
Connor's P.O.V (Finally!))
I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him! First, He does everything that's horrible to Evan second, He punch Evan knocking him out . Third, He called Evan a slut!.
Fourth, I hate the guy!
He made Evan has a almost Panic Attack! Now I'm carrying a scared Evan to the only place I know that he'll love...
45 minutes later~
"Connor where we going?" Evan ask looking at me
"We're going to a abandoned orchard, that I use to go to" I say simply..
I look down at Evan and see stars in his eyes, "R-Really!? W-we're g-going to s-see t-trees!?" I nodded and he hugged me...
I chuckled and walk on the gravel to the gates. I walk up to the gates and set Evan on his feets
I started climbing up the Gate,
"I-isn't t-that..d-dangerous?" I look up then back at him "Of course it is, why you think I'm climbing it?" I climb up and jump dwon on the other side.
"Come on, if you fall I'll catch you" Evan nervously nodded and climb up the gate "Okay, now jump down" Evan carefully jumped down "See you survived"
"Y-yeah" I saw a light pink time to his cheecks, I smiled.
"Come ok follow me, I'm gonna take you to the best tree here!" Evan jumped up and down smiling like he just won a lottery.
I lead him around the orchard until we hit a beautiful big, Cherry Tree
"I-I T-thought t-this t-tree, o-only g-grew i-in d-different s-states?" I look at the tree and touch the bark
"This tree was planted by my family when we came here a couple of years ago, when we was a happy family" I look at the tree smiling sadly
"W-what...H-Happened?" I look at Evan and started climbing the tree "My parents got into more fights, Zoe and I stop talking to each other like we use to, and I gone to being a happy kid to a addicted, depress freak" I continued to climb the tree
I see Evan climbing with me"S-Sorry..." I climb up higher "It's okay, but how can you climb with a broken arm?" I question
"Oh! Uhm...I-I c-can..j-just climb g-good" I look up at the tree and stop when I it, a high branch. But Evan kept on going higher and higher "Evan! I don't think that's a good idea!" Evan climb higher ignoring me, I was starting to get worried and concern "Evan please climb back down! It's not safe with a broken arm!" Evan stop at the highest branch
"I-I'm F-Fine!" I heard Evan yell then a crack...
I see Evan falling fast
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