Chapter 2~
Sorry short chapter
Fun fact:
I wanted to make Jared not a total dickhead and actually Evan's friend He needs love.
Evan's P.O.V
Black. That's all I saw, I heard Voices but I can't make out what there saying. Am I dead? Did I leave the earth already? Can I finall- "-van" someone tried to call my name but I didn't listen "Evan!" The Voice shouted at me this time. Again I didn't listen "Evan Hansen wake the fuck up!" The Voice shouted again, this time I obey and open my eyes to see black long hair,Blue beautiful eyes,a black hoodie, and a beautiful jaw line. "Hey.. you're finally awake" I sat up and looked around where I am, I was in the nurses office, I look to my left and see Connor Murphy sitting next to me "W-What h-happened" I can't remember anything besides my "Boyfriend" giving me a punch to knock me out "I saw you and this kid talking then he punched you, and I might have punched him back... He's in the hospital for the next three was a dick move to punch a cute guys face" I blushed of the thought that Connor Murphy protected me and called me cute "Wait- I heard you say Hansen how in the tree sapling do you know my last name" He smiled. Woah. Connor Murphy smiled and I got to see him smile "I may have looked for your files in the nurses computer while you were unconscious and the nurse was somewhere else"
"S-So A-Allan i-is i-in t-the h-hospital" I start to shake and breathe heavily "Hey calm down if you're talking about that jackass who punched you then yes, but I'll be hell if he hurts you again" I stare at him with disbelief. He's just piting me he doesn't really care "W-Why d-do you c-care" I want to believe him I think he would actually care for me "I maybe a ass to people but I feel like I need to protect you..I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, One minute I want to kill myself then the next minute I want to protect you" he groan in frustration, I giggle at his outrage but stop "I-if y-you don't m-mind me a-ask...W-Why exactly d-do y-you want t-to k-kill y-yourself?" Connor sighed and slouch in his chair "Some people just need to die...and I don't think we're at that kind of level to go into my life, it's shit"
"Hey...I saw your cast earlier, how you brake your arm?" Connor pointed at my cast, I sweat nervously "I-I f-fell out of a t-tree" I felt Connor verting his eyes to my cast then into my eyes " That's like the saddest fucking thing I heard all day, Got a sharpie?" I nodded and reach into my backpack and handed it to him. He grabbed my cast and wrote 'CONNOR' "W-why d-did y-you write S-So b-big?"
Connor gave me back my sharpie "So everyone will know that I was here and if you mess with Evan you mess with Connor, seriously though who was that guy in the hallway?" I started shake again and fidgeting with my shirt "H-He's...m-my..."Boyfriend"" I did air quotes over the word Boyfriend. Connor looked Piss and ready to kill someone "That bastard is your boyfriend!?" I nodded and fidget with my fingers " right now we're complete stranger so I'm not expecting you to open up easily, but if it helps I want to know you"
The Connor Murphy want to Protect me, and actually want to know me. Allan never cared for me or my well being, but with Connor I feel safe it's weird to say that but it's true.
"Well when we get to that level of friends I'll tell you about my problem but you have to tell me yours" I thought I never would have confidence like that.
"I can live with that"
Shitty chapter 2 YAY...
I made Connor so not angsty because that's in later on in the story..
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