Warning: Death, also it's kinda boring
Also: Find the references! They're not all from DEH, so if you find one, good for you!
February 4th, 3:38 pm:
You have: 5 Unread Messages from 'Unknown Number— (420) 867-5309'
Unknown: Hey, this is Evan
in case you didn't know.
Unknown: I'm not a stalker,
Jared gave me your number.
Unknown: But I don't know how
he got it he's probably a stalker.
Unknown: Jared, I mean.
Jared's probably a stalker.
Unknown: Is this Connor?
Connor: Yeah this is Connor, why did Jared give you my number?
*You added a new contact: Evan*
Evan: Uh I'm not entirely
sure, something about a
boat? But I don't know what
he's talking about.
Connor: Ok
Evan: Ok so
Connor: Um I gtg. Stuff.
Evan: Ok. That's very
specific ;)
Connor: Shut up ;)
September 1st, 3.46 pm:
You have 2 unread messages from: 'Evan'
Evan: Hey, sorry about Jared
Evan: He can be... you know
Connor: No it's okay, he's
definitely a dick. Why do you
even hang out with him?
Evan: Well, actually...
Evan: I'm not sure. Our
parents are friends so I guess
Evan: idk
Connor: Well, if he ever gets
on your nerves again, swing
by my house we can chill.
Evan: Cool, thanks.
Connor: So.
Evan: I can't believe I still
have your number. From the
the beginning of the year
I mean, since I've never used it.
And you didn't delete my number
Connor: Yeah well I don't
know a lot of people
Evan: Well thanks. For
caring enough to keep
my number.
Connor: No problem.
Evan: :)
October 27, 4:36 pm:
You have 5 unread messages from: 'Evan'
Evan: Um hi I'm taking
your offer and coming to
your house. Jared's too
annoying for me.
Connor: Ok
October 30th, 9:45 pm:
You have 9 unread messages from: 'Evan'
Evan: Hey, I don't wanna
be invasive or
Evan: Clingy? Needy?
Idk I can't think rn
Evan: But can we talk about...
Evan: Three days ago?
Evan: Remember? When
I came over to your house?
Evan: And I know after...
what we did...it got awkward
but that's probably my fault
because I've never actually
done that before
Evan: Please answer.
Evan: And don't hate me.
Evan: Because let me tell
you first that I didn't hate it...?
Connor: Evan stop. It
wasn't your fault. I didn't
hate it either.
Connor: And also stop acting
like we had sex, I literally
kissed you once.
Evan: Oh ok.
Evan: So now what, are we
like...a thing?
Connor: Only if you want to.
Connor. It feels weird talking
over text we'll talk tomorrow,
Evan: Ok
November 6th, 1:30 am:
You have 2 unread massages from:
Evan: Hey, just wanted to tell
you I had a good time today
Evan: Or yesterday, rather
Connor: Yeah same
maybe we can do it
again sometime
Evan: Do you wanna come
over after school today?
Connor: Sure
January 17th, 8:37 pm:
You have 1 unread message from:
Evan: Do you wanna hang?
Connor: Can't I'm busy.
Maybe tomorrow
Evan: Ok, just text me
when you're free.
Evan: I love you
Connor: Love you too
February 14th, 8:46 am:
Connor: Happy Valentine's
Evan: Happy Valentines
Connor: I got you something...
show you at school ;)
Evan: Aw, thanks. Do you
wanna go out later?
Connor: Sure.
May 27th, 7:46 pm:
You have 7 new messages from:
Evan: I have your sweatshirt.
You left it a few days ago, but
then you haven't been at school
Evan: I'm coming over
Evan: Wow, I can't believe
we haven't texted in like
forever. We spend way too
much time together lol
Evan: Are you home?
Evan: Your mom says you're not.
Evan: Zoe says the pill cabinet
is empty???? Connor where
are you?
Evan: Connor answer me please.
December 24, 9:00 pm:
You have 1 unread message from:
Evan: Hey, I'm sorry about
what happened. I can't
believe it's been over 6 months
now, I just wanted to wish
you a merry Christmas and
tell you I've been doing ok. I
didn't go to the funeral, sorry
but it was too much for me.
I ended up staying home
and listening to Pink Floyd
and thinking of you. I miss you,
more than I can really say. I
miss your laugh, although in
that last month I rarely heard it.
I still have your sweatshirt. It
still smells like you, with a hint of dandruff shampoo. Was it me,
or something I did? Was I the
reason that you grew distant?
I know you don't have a phone
where you are, but I wanted
to send this to you as a last
goodbye. I'm going to try to
move on. I'll try, but I'll never
forget you. I don't think I'll ever
be able to fully get over you.
Just remember, I still love you,
no matter what happened.
Welp, I guess that's what happens when I try to write angst.
GUYS!!! I finally saw Dear Evan Hansen, after a year of waiting!!! Oh my Faist it was so good, I didn't see Taylor, Micheal Lee Brown was Evan and HE CRUSHED IT. Everyone was so good I was sobbing as soon as it started. Mike and Will and Laura and just...I loved it.
Also, I stagedoored and I MET MICHEAL LEE BROWN.
Oh my Faist, he was so nice and sweet and I was gonna die. I still can't get over it.
So, do you people have any prompts, requests, anything? I'm running out of ideas here, so comment or dm me or something.
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