Swap AU
Requested by art_me_this
Evan pulled on his black sweatshirt over his shoulders, making sure to pull the hood over his head as well before going down the stairs. He wanted to sneak out as quietly as he could before his mother heard him.
But he wasn't quiet enough that day.
"Evan, honey," Heidi ran out of the kitchen just as he was about to shut the front door. "Don't pull your hood up over your head like that, I want to see your handsome face." She reached out and tried to pull his hood down but he shoved her away.
"Stop," he grunted, pulling his hood up again.
"Oh God, we're you smoking again?" Heidi scrunched her nose up at the strong smell of drugs that wafted from him. "Honey, how many times do I have to say..."
"And how many time do I have to tell you to shut the fuck up?" He retorted with an attitude before slamming the door in her face.
Over on the other side of the neighborhood, Connor opened the door to his closet and started to go through his shirts. Green polo, red polo, he never knew which to choose. He wanted people to notice him, but he didn't want to seem too needy.
Finally, he found a blue and white striped polo towards the end of the rack that he hadn't worn in a while. He buttoned it on just as Zoe yelled up the stairs, scaring him half-to-death.
"Come on Connor, it's breakfast!"
He grabbed his messenger bag from his desk chair and spontaneously decided to just leave his hair as it was before running down the stairs to sit at the kitchen table.
His mother poured him milk for his cereal. "Alright Con, it's your first day of senior year!" She tried her best to excite him, but he didn't seem that into it. Cynthia sighed. "You have to make at least one friend this year."
"I know," he nodded, grabbing a spoon.
"And don't forget that you have a session with your therapist tomorrow," Cynthia reminded him. "And he wants you to join an extracurricular, to help you make a friend."
Connor nodded again. "I know. And I will. Promise." He got up and grabbed his messenger bag, heading for the door.
"How's your anxiety been? Did you take your medication? Don't forget to call me when you get home today!" She called after him, but he had already shut the front door.
Evan walked down the hallway, making sure to give as many people a dirty look as possible. He pulled up his hood more over his face and readjusted his backpack on his shoulder. He should have just skipped today. He should just skip every day.
He finally made it to his locker, and began to spin the lock when another boy went to stand next to him.
"What are you doing?" Evan grunted, not bothering to look over to see who the kid was.
"Um...it's my locker. Next to yours," Connor sighed. "My locker is...next you yours."
"Oh," Evan shrugged, and opened his locker a little too aggressively and it hit Connor.
"Hey!" Connor rubbed the spot on his arm where the locker door hit him.
"Personal space," the blonde boy grumbled, stuffing his books in before slamming the locker shut.
Connor rolled his eyes, slamming his locker with the same force. "I can be mean too, you know."
"Oh yeah?" Evan gave the boy a good look. He was wearing a bright blue polo and khakis, but had a determined look in his eye. "I'd like to see you try."
"I...um I..." the taller boy stuttered, trying to think of a comeback. "I'm surprised you actually came into school today, considering how high you probably are right now."
Evan frowned, but it turns into a smirk a second later. "You know what kid? At least you got one thing right: I'm surprised I came into school too." And with that he left Connor with his mouth half open in admiration.
"Crush!" Alana screamed as soon as Evan left and made Connor jump in surprise. "What? It's true right?"
Connor stood there a moment before shaking his head vigorously. "I uh I mean that um..." he finally gave up trying to form a sentence and just sighed in the direction Evan had just left in.
"Liar!" Alana laughed loudly, and pushed up her glasses for the effect. "You're so lying, and you know it."
"I have to admit, she's right," Jared slipped into the conversation, and fixed his sweatervest before adding, "You're a terrible liar, Connor."
"Dude, why don't you just ask him out?" Alana slapped the taller boy's back encouragingly. "I mean, come on, everyone knows you two are totally gay for each other."
This made Connor blush profusely and he stuttered a bit of nonsense before giving up and walking away.
Jared watched him leave and said to Alana, "You know, I think you might have scared him a little."
"Nah, he's fine," Alana shrugged and her and Jared walked in the other direction.
As Connor walked down the hallway, he thought about what the two had said. Did he really have a crush on Evan? Every time he even thought about the blonde boy in his black hoodie made his heart flutter just a little, was that what having a crush meant? He'd never had a crush before, so he didn't know what to compare it to.
His thoughts were interrupted when he walked in the bathroom and saw a boy leaning against the wall, playing with the strings on his jet black sweatshirt. Once he smelled the strong weed smell wafting from the boy, Connor knew exactly who it was.
"Are you back for a round two then?" Evan laughed to himself, and stood up straight, cracking his knuckles. "I think we should just settle this now."
Connor backed up a step, tucking a piece of his long dark hair behind his ear . "No um...please don't. I promise I w-won't talk to you, or...look at you or..."
His sentence was interrupted when Evan walked up to him and, instead of beating him up, pressed his lips against the taller boy's. Connor instinctively kissed back, and subconsciously wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, not wanting the kiss to end.
They break apart, both breathless, and Evan blurted out, "Me, you, my house, after school," before grabbing his backpack and running out of the bathroom, leaving Connor with his mouth half open in awe.
I'm not gonna ask for requests [woah, surprising right?] because I literally have way too many, but if you wanna leave a prompt here, you'll just have to wait about a month in order for me to get it done.
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