A/N Since it's Mike Faist's birthday, I thought I'd post something for the occasion.
Connor slumped on the couch, eyes fixed on the cube in his hands. The colors were all jumbled up, much to his dismay. All he had to do was rearrange them back in order.
Easier said then done.
Connor turned the Rubix cube up and to the right, placing 6 of the 9 blue squares on one side. He rotated the bottom third around, adding another blue square, which also messed up the yellow side he had been working on. He quickly changed it back, grunting in defeat. He would never be able to solve it.
Why has he even decided to buy it in the first place? His mind went back to his trip to the thrift store half an hour ago. Whenever Evan was busy and he got bored, Connor would always make a trip to the thrift store. He was walking through the linoleum isles thoughtlessly, getting lost in the vintage clothes and cheap clearance. His eyes shifted to something hidden under a lump of flannel. The Rubix cube.He grabbed it, only to find it unsolved, none of the right colors were even close to each other. He brought it to the guy at the cash register, giving him a five dollar bill before pushing open the door and heading to his pickup truck.
So now here he was, on his couch, working vigorously to solve the cube before his boyfriend came home from the state park. He wanted, just this one time, for Evan to acknowledge that Connor actually did something cool.
He had already searched the endless YouTube videos, but none of them helped. He threw the cube to the side and placed his head in his hands.
"I'm too stupid to even solve one side of a fucking Rubix cube," he shook his head, wiping some sweat from his forehead.
Just then, a key turned the apartment lock, and Connor heard the squeak of the door open and Evan step in. He smiled at his boyfriend, and got up to give him a quick kiss.
"Hey, sorry I'm a little late, a kid started throwing up and I had to help him," Evan threw his bag next to the door, sitting next to Connor. "What are you doing?"
The taller boy showed him the Rubix cube. "Do you know how hard it is to solve these? It's completely impossible." Evan took it from his hands, examining the sides.
"Well if it's impossible, how come people have done it before?" Evan turned a few rows, trying to get the last blue, but he messed it up. Connor grabbed it back, undoing all of Evan's moves. "Maybe turn that one?" Evan pointed to a row, and Connor twisted it up, then to the right. "Look, you have 3 of the greens together!" Evan tried to be optimistic, but Connor sighed loudly, giving the cube a death glare. "Fuck this, it's impossible," he threw it across the room roughly and it hit the wall, falling to the ground and crashing into pieces.
"Connor! You dented the wall, do you know how much we'll have to pay to fix that, and you know we don't know how to fix a wall..." but Connor wasn't listening. He inched over to the broken pieces of the Rubix cube, picking some up in his hands. He stuck them back onto the main part, realizing something. "I have an idea." Evan looked at him confusingly, but Connor set to work.
Ten minutes later, the Rubix cube was both fixed and solved. Connor handed it back to Evan, beaming.
"So you decided to dent a wall to solve a Rubix cube? What did I ever do to deserve you?" Evan chuckled, taking the toy from Connor and examined it. "Good job, babe. You can solve a Rubix cube." The smaller boy pecked his lips, and twisted the cube, undoing the colors. He handed it back to Connor, completely unsolved.
"Now, solve it for real and maybe I'll buy pizza for the occasion."
A/N Sorry if that was really shitty, I have no other ideas, just request anything now.
If I ever post the same picture twice, can you tell me? That'd be nice.
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